I have a domain which is getting around 500 hits per day - 98% of which is from China. Parked at Sedo it is only showing about 15 views and no clicks per day. What can I do to better monetize this traffic?
768768 said:I have a domain which is getting around 500 hits per day - 98% of which is from China. Parked at Sedo it is only showing about 15 views and no clicks per day. What can I do to better monetize this traffic?
hiOsilver said:Everyone has their rules for eliminating spurious traffic. You can try it on another PPC service, but Sedo is the only one that I know of who is really doing something for Chinese traffic at this time. In general, Asian traffic converts terribly because they do not even read our character set. What is really needed is for someone like Sedo to team with the Chinese equivalent of Google.
768768 said:I have a domain which is getting around 500 hits per day - 98% of which is from China. Parked at Sedo it is only showing about 15 views and no clicks per day. What can I do to better monetize this traffic?
romow said:how do you know your domain has much filtered traffic
when it is parked at sedo?
they don't offer any filtered stat. do they?
mole said:China has so much megawatts of hardworking 24/7 human click manpower that if you were to draw one sq cm on a map of China one sq meter in size as an area that generates human click potential, Yun Yee's $164m network value to Marchex would have made double that amount in PPC revenue in just one day.