I never paid a premium for any of my names I own. In 2007, I made $80k in sales. 2008 is going even stronger. Most of names I own will not sell for $50 at the forum. This because of the unrealistic metrics that is being accepted by the majority. I don't want to go in depth here, but I realized this sooner than later.
The industry is very broad. Find your niche. Be your own expert. Once you become an expert (a big " if "), you don't have to listen to anyone. The market will come to you.
When the market comes to you, you know you are doing things right.
very good points
especially the part about the "unrealistic metrics" that are being accepted by the majority, when offering names on the forums.
some also will "hate" on you, when you become your "own expert".
as it can be seen as arrogance, when you set and stick to your own pricing methods.
as you state, "when the market comes to you, you don't have to listen to anyone".
the majority of names I choose are done on "gut" feeling.
there may be other reasons for acquiring them, but it's basically an emotional decision as I don't use any scripts or software to check domain lists.
everything is done visually,on a name by name basis.
I consider who would want this name and why.
whether it could have type-in traffic and it's potential for development.