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What works? What doesnt!

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I have been in the internet business for more than two years. My investment in cash and time is substantial. I offer my approach as a benefit to people who may be thinking as I do.

My goal is to achieve a large profit in the long run. This involves research, development, constant analysis, modification, persistence, and expense.

Initially, I rushed to register names that I thought might be the basis of a good concept, for developing later. Like many people, I wasted money by buying more names than I could possibly use. I have always regarded name selling as too improbably to be worth my time. On afternic, I dabbled with the idea of selling my excess names, but I gave up.

However, in the process I developed a set of dos and donts for registering names, having to do with the parameters of the concept. I eventually developed parameters for evaluating concepts in many terms, with one of the most important being the financial practicability of implementing the venture.

I determined that the practical key is the manner by which a domain name can be injected into public awareness. I made a choice of destiny= that advertising is the best means to promote a domain for ME. I discounted the notion of electronic promotion, because I considered it to be a variable beyond my own scope.

For me, I later determined that print advertising was the only practical means for me to promote my domains. This is because print is modular, scaleable, etc., better suited for small budgets than television. Television is in some ways more effective if one is seeking to create a large corporate enterprise, but in the current investment environment, funding large venture looms improbable. Therefore, I made an investment in a computer and color printer, so that I could at least distribute flyers, posters, cards, etc. Moreover, printing was integrated into my products, which include comics, games, toys, models. Within my inventory, I have domain names well-suited to at least argueably have some marketing pizazz, like ComComics.com, PLAYM.com.

I posted today as some of my old friends from Afternic encouraged me to join the forum. I learned a lot at Afternic, and could not have progressed this far without it.

To conclude this post, I maintain that in order to make a highly profitable internet business, to beat the ODDDS.com, one has to be willing to bear the pain of making mistakes. I hope this forum will enable people to avoid reinventing the wheel, as its better to learn from the group than to flounder about alone.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
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radios, welcome :)


Originally posted by SunnyGlasses
I hope this forum will enable people to avoid reinventing the wheel

Making the wheel go further, faster and and with better traction - that's the game for new namespace :cool:

Hello all. Namespace makes the point of adding traction to the wheel. Its a stimulating point, an entre to discourse on technologies.

It made me think, I should revise and extend my remarks a minute. In fact, I have not invented any wheels. My process has been more of subtraction than addition. I am probably more of the "Ive discovered what I wish I had not done" more than any solid inventions upon which to build. So even at this point, Im a mere theoretician with many abandoned theories.

To update you all should you be curious, without bragging, only to allow your computations, I was lucky and fell into some money. At the same time and in that connection, I had to go active in lawyering.
By no means am I wealthy, but I am in a much better position than I was on Afternic. One thing I have learned, is to be tighter with cash, I can tell you that.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
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As part of the reinvention, I'm glad to see you using capital letters and paragraphs, lol

I would still, in humble manner, wish to promote myself and my ideas here. I can do so from a better position, with more resources at hand and more investment made, with less risk than on Afternic.

To give you the flavor, I became impressed with the Harry Potter mode of advertising, which was word-of-mouth on the school playground. As you prob know, the Potter series sold huge amounts of books, film rights, etc., with "no" advertising.

MattyP did eloquently bring to my attention about a year back the power of the youth market. This coupled with several news articles focused me even more on the youth market, although I had selected games, cartoons, comics, quite some time ago.

In my present mode, the idea is to create a marketing juggernaut at the grass-roots level, by disemminating children and youth products to the playground. This is done by taking the printed piece, putting it in the hands of select promoters, and let peer-to-peer work.

With comics, games, toys, models, the product is both paper and electronic. They can interact. However, the product is not per se bound to the internet. Thus, ComComics.com is a legitimate venture for sale of product through brick and mortar stores, thereby bypassing the pitfall of total failure by speculating entirely on the net aspect.

Comcomics.com, and other brands, like PicStrip.com , ARTitti.com, are marques like Marvel, within which various characters and intellectual property reside. For example, ICREATED GladiatorRobots.com, or GladBots.com for short, because I saw that Robotica, Robot Wars, and Battlebots were doing big biz on cable television and in toy stores. U get the idea.

Now I notice that Fox is promoting horseracing in a .com advertised on their network. I was once interested in adult gaming, or gambling, to the extent that I did get ODDDs.com, pari-mutuel-bets.com, etc. This is an example of how I work, becase on reflection, you can see, as OOhdale told me on the phone yesterday, FOX has a lot of money.You can see yes, horseracing is coming to the net, but little old SunnyGlasses doesnt have fox money to promote it. On the other hand, Sunny has got a 4000 printing system to get comics on the playground, one grubby fist at a time. So ranking things on practicality, horseracing is not something I can do by myself, whereas the comics I can.

This friends, is how I sort out the mess.

Regarding my newfound mechanics of style, its somewhat of an illusion. afternic for some reasons scrambled my text. The controvery arose by accident.

I still use webtv for net surfing, I wouldnt want to download to my laptop, viruses and such. I prefer to be limited in my capacity. It keeps me safe. If I would have had more money last year, I would probably have lost it. At this point, I prefer slow moves. Haste makes waste. Im guilty and confess.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Namethink
Prediction: one month. Tops

Nah, I reckon SunnyGlasses will have enough points for an avatar before then.

plus, the cryptic handwriting on the wall, whatever it means, may be right. Alls I know, is that the damned if do damned if don't conundrum 'tweeb Scylla and Charybdois, is that you can't succeed unless you try and try again, yet man's reach exceeds his grasp, and so on, deludes us in the age of consumer Nike culture, to JUST DO IT, and so here we are JUST DOING IT, perhaps with a month tops. I make predictions too, after all I have PSYKIK.COM and PSYQIQ.COM, and Thanks to Miles Namespace for reminding me.

Here is my prediction:

Same old tale of woe,
Predicting if its win, place, or show.
Same old poison pen,
Wont put Humpty Dumpty together again.
My demise has been hurriedly guessed,
For surely something has me blessed.
I coulda been killed, hit by a truck,
But here I am just for luck.
A new bulletin board,
Cant rhyme with an F,
Just as well,
Been rhymed to death.
Some luck sot won the poetry,
I didnt enter so it aint me.
An old dog dont learn new tricks,
And I aint a pup.
Im just hanging on,
Without giving up.
You know the Lord gives you,
So many days,
And tests your will,
In so many ways.
It may well be when the dirt,
Is shovelled and spade,
On my grave, at last Ill be paid.

Sunny are you okay?

Your posts seem to be dipping their toe in the pool of insanity.

Originally posted by safesys
Sunny are you okay?

Your posts seem to be dipping their toe in the pool of insanity.

You ain't seen nothin' yet.


Note to mods: Joe...QQ...those were just appetizers. Enjoy the main course.

Ive swum the English channel of insanity. Far be it from me to argue with a bona fide MODERATOR.

i DID confuse namespace with namethinker earlier. sorry. Perhaps dipping the toe into the pool of insanity is a symptom. But ridicule is contraindicated. I understand this place at least affords the option for a kamikaze suicide. A string of profanity lets a guy out of here, am I right? Hello Joe, we gotta go, O Mio Maiyu, We gona have big fun on the bayou. I see this is a place to jack around, might as well have some music. Sorry I attempted to be serious there for a minute.

So is there any business around here, or is it a moderator convention? Thatd be fine, no criticism intended, /cept Im not zactly moderate.

So Im thinkn, sunglasses, tharz a biz. Everybody gotm. Lotsa people moren a few pair.

So Im thinkn, whaz the best brand 4 it? Yep, you guessed, the secret algorithm spit out sunnyglasses.

So Im thinkn, Cartier is marketing shades for near 2 grand a pop. Sez I, thats too cheap. I wouldnt want to be caught dead in Monaco wearing cheapsunglasses ala Cartier, n'est pas? Not with people paying ninety gs to watch the gran prix.

Im thinkn, what the world needs now is not another mountain, but a better pair of sunglasses. More like suitable for the Prince of Australia, Or Elton John for the masses. Diamonds in the frames, none of that cheap rhinestone stuff. Real gems. Hand-made in gold and platinum, by sunnyglasses. Thats me.

I thought about becoming Sonny Glasses, more like Sonny,may he rest in peace, and Cher. But then you wouldnt get the gist. Too abstract.

So I went and got me a $500 pair of Cazals and put some pawn shop diamonds in em, customized cazals you might say, and thats my own personal pair of sunnyglasses.

Unless your eyeglasses cost more than 3 grand, you lack the ultimate in conspicous consumption or gangster status. Discounts for sexy rappers at SunnyGlasses.com

The insanity is so bright man, I have to wear shades. But I gotta tell you man, what really knocks me out about the girl are her expensive sunnyglasses.com....any similiarity to zztop is purely coincidental.

Now in discussing what works and what doesnt work, before we degenerated into insanity, I was drawing some comparisons for anyone who might be interested.

Lets compare comcomics.com with sunnyglasses.com..... Ive drawn some pictures here of both.

comcomics.com is a soft product, an intellectual property product. Lets say for example, a character licensing deal in gladiatorrobots.com, gladbot.com for short.

Now to make that happen, you must have a critical mass of following. You cant just have one kid that sez gladbots are cool. You gotta have a heckuva a lot of em. Is it ok to say heckuva? I may be gone sooner than i plan. Hope not.

But with diamond encrusted sunglasses, I just need to sell them one pair at a time. Plus I dont have to tip my toe in insanity to think too hard, cause comedy is a strain. Most pro comedians have some sort of nervous breakdown in their career. I already got those out o the way at afternic. And all because some people just cant take a joke. Anybody here take a joke?

So. Could be all that money in computer printing is more money flushed down the drain, cause mebbe itll turn out that I craft a few pair of sunnyglasses and hang at the riviera. Mebbe Ill trade the new digital gear for an old accordion. Id like to. Smatter o fact, I gotta get back to playn music, so unless youall wanna rap, Ill check you later.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by fizz Nah, I reckon SunnyGlasses will have enough points for an avatar before then.

If SunnyGlasses posts half as much as he did at Afternic he will have an Avatar in no time at all, even quicker than the banned WandaMay got one. Perhaps by next week :D
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