DIsclaimer: Do not take the following with a grain of salt.
Sometimes an .org is more appropriate than a .com or .net. With an .org one basically positions themself(ves) out of the commercial lool but your .org site or group can be equally important if you have something important to say. if you are in it for the money, the best approach would be to eventually move operations to a .com when the .org comes into fruition. In other words utilize the "status" of an .org to your benefit (an .org may be less intimidating or less suspicious of economic incentives to prospects). I think enough said here.
AS far as value for .org's, considering what I wrote above, they have very little immediate, resale value. One way to look at them is as temporary office space in your local public library meeting room corridor. Of course if your business doesn't flourish you can always get a job at the liibrary (and stick to the "public service" .org)
I know I did not touch on the subject tof .org;s with existing high traffic ie adult .org sites of high visibility names. Well I do have a thought about these. with the yielding of .org management to an "independent" group, the day when an .org's mission would be scrutinized and regulated may not be too far away. Thus, only high flying .orgs with heavy traffic & recognition (I suspect not too many) may have current value dep. on ecommerce stats. But consider they may be asked to shut down in the future if they are carrying pure .com content such as porn.