WHOIS keywords fall into categories: those that specify the TYPE of
records to search, those that modify the interpretation of the input or
tell the type of output to produce, and those that are commands such as
The following keywords restrict a search to a certain TYPE of field in the
Finds a domain record. Find out domain name, registrar name, whois server and URL, Nameserver name and IP Addresses, and updated date. For example, "domain netsol.com".
Finds nameserver records. Find out nameserver name, registrar name, IP addresses, Whois Server name and URL. For example, 'nameserver DNS.SPRINTLINK.COM' or 'nameserver'.
Finds records for "registrar". Find out Registrar name, mail address, phone number and contact information. For example, 'registrar Network Solutions, Inc.'
<Output keywords>
These keywords control the display of search results:
EXPand or '='
Always expand the long display for a single match to include all the subdisplays.
'~' Never show subdisplays. This is the opposite of '=' or EXPand.
Full or '='
Gives long display for every matching record.
SUMmary Always show a summary line for each match, even if there is only one.