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Why are some sellers deleting the dot and/or ext from sale lists?

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David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Ever since all the publicity regarding search engine indexing of posts and negativity by some sellers, partly due to a wish to privatize past sale data by some sellers, there has been a disturbing new trend here.

That trend is for sellers to remove the dot bewteen the name & extension i.e. domainname com or worse yet no ext at all, except at the top of the list and a statement saying all the names below are all coms orgs or whatever. By doing this a search for the domain using quote marks, i.e. "domainname com" will not bring up old sales threads or any other data or information, as a search for "domainname.com" would, thus hiding the info.

It's seems to be working against sellers who do this. Very oddly it is done often on low value names, such as many $5 and $10 or other lower priced names posted here for sale today and recently. By doing so it makes for tedious extra work for someone like me and others whom use domain research scripts similar to the one I use. It blocks usage of the name-info script unless the long list of names is edited first by inserting the dot and extension before running the script.

At first I went the extra mile editing the lists after copy & paste was done, but stopped doing so as it became time consuming and a weary job. Now when I see the names without the dot or ext I simply pass on analyzing the name (and any likelihood of buying it too), and instead analyze other lists from sellers who do not do so.

I have to wonder why so many sellers oddly do this on very low priced names in particular, i.e. 5 10 15 $20 etc as who really cares if the names get indexed in the SE, especially since most sellers assume you paid $10 anyway, why does it matter if they later found it it is true that the name did indeed sell for $10 or so.

Plus of course they lose the opportunity that SE indexing may help find buyers who will never find the name with the dot and ext not there. At a complete loss why some sellers insist on doing that, it really makes no sense, IMO. Anyone else have feedback on this subject?


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2002
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RealNames said:
Ever since all the publicity regarding search engine indexing of posts and negativity by some sellers, partly due to a wish to privatize past sale data by some sellers, there has been a disturbing new trend here....

Disturbing new trend? Huh? Seems obvious to me. Those who dont' want their names indexed are altering the way they list their names. That's their prerogative.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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GiantDomains said:
Disturbing new trend? Huh? Seems obvious to me. Those who dont' want their names indexed are altering the way they list their names. That's their prerogative.

Yes, it is of course their prerogative. I meant disturbing to me as far as my possibly buying names from some lists, which I would not normally consider buying unless I can analyze them with my name info tool (which uses 13 different tests of traffic potential).

Also meant 'disturbing' (negative is a better word) to some sellers due to slower sales, in the sense I feel it will in the long run cost sellers sales by web-surfers not stumbling across their names for sale in the SE's. I remain puzzled why so many have this great need for secrecy.

As I said, what is the big deal if a buyer finds out the name was sold at dnf for $10 or $50 or whatever, since most buyers I have dealt with, including big corporations, normally assume I got the name for $10 anyway?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2002
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The only time that people "stumble across peoples domains in search engines that are indexed from posts" is when they search for links on the domain, so in otherwords, they're already interested in the domain.

If you don't like the fact that people are no longer posting domains in the old fashion way, then you should support the blocking of search engines, or shutup. I don't want to be rude, but you can't have it both ways.

I for one will rarely post domains now. Or until admin wakes up and realizes that members opinions are more valuable then a bit of traffic they might receive from indexed posts.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2003
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My new site will be featuring a special tool that will make it very easy to break down and manipulate lists.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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RMF said:
The only time that people "stumble across peoples domains in search engines that are indexed from posts" is when they search for links on the domain, so in otherwords, they're already interested in the domain.

Not really so, many exceptions are possible. I have stumbled across alternative domains listed in the SE's when looking for a particular name.

I have already cast my vote that I see more overall benefits than negatives to SE indexing of posts. I think mostly only volume sellers who do lots of quick flips are against it. It seems odd they try to hide the name from the SE's espcially on very low price domains like the $5 and $10 ones listed for sale yesterday for example. What is the big deal anyway?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 19, 2003
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If they don't want the domain to be index'd.

Why not list it as

Disturbing net

(without the period.)

Wouldn't it elliminate the direct indexing to the domain. But, still make it
easy enough to list on the for sale site?

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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actnow said:
If they don't want the domain to be index'd. Why not list it as Disturbing net (without the period.) Wouldn't it elliminate the direct indexing to the domain. But, still make it easy enough to list on the for sale site?

You must not have read the first post? That was the main reason for the thread, and the fact sellers lose some possible buyers (myself included) as by doing so it makes it impossible to research the name using the domain name info scripts some of us use, without requiring potential buyers spending extra time to edit the lists. These traffic potential scripts (including my own) need the dot and ext to run, without that requirement they are worthless.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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actnow said:
If they don't want the domain to be index'd.
Why not list it as
Disturbing net
(without the period.)
Wouldn't it elliminate the direct indexing to the domain
Not on Google:
"google.com" ( http://google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q="google.com" )
"google com" ( http://google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q="google+com" )
{and, for that matter, "google=com", ""google,com", "google•com" (etc. etc.)} ... all give the same indexed/search results.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 20, 2002
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Either way..why would someone not be interested in buy a name without the dot there?
As long as its noted in the ad what extention it is what difference does it make? The name is
either good or bad with or without the dot.

If its not a long list whats the effort to type in a period? If its a long list and you have MS word or
any other similar app...find and replace works just dandy replacing the space with a period.

Easiest way to resolve this is if the site stopped letting itself be indexed...

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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RMF said:
If you don't like the fact that people are no longer posting domains in the old fashion way, then you should support the blocking of search engines, or shutup. I don't want to be rude, but you can't have it both ways.

I for one will rarely post domains now. Or until admin wakes up and realizes that members opinions are more valuable then a bit of traffic they might receive from indexed posts.
It's not nice to ask others to shut up in a forum where exchange of ideas are supposed to be ... rightful. And it's obviouos that only some and not all (nor even the majority of) members are voicing their opposition. RealNames' opinion is a very good example.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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I usually agree with realnames and you nameslave.
Unless I am missing something, who told who to shut up???

The fact is that the vast majority of this forum have already agreed that the indexing of some parts of this forum, is, well, to say it nicely 'counter productive'.

Let it be at that.
Anything more is asking for 'trouble' in this forum, which I so much like.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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re reading the thread I see that a friend of ours did use the 'shut up' words.
That is unfortunate.
Yet, I completey undertstand his frustrartion, but I do not agree with the wording.
The result will be seen in time...
For every action there is a reaction, and the decision made by the owner of this forum could well be a good one. I doubt it is.

So tet us all get back to our friendly chat in the mean time.
Come on people, life is too short for this...

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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With all due respect, seeker. I always have some problem with a vocal minority posing as the majority. Don't take it personal here, but we had more than 700 Platinum members when last counted. And don't forget that it's always up to the owner (a.k.a. Adam/DotComGod) to make his decision and bear all consequences. But even if he goes by the "people's choice", there are CLEARLY different interest groups among our membership.

And I agree that we should keep our discussion here friendly, or at least professional. :)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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when a voice is loud, it is usually called a majority. Especially when it is simplly expressed, by, well, the majority.
We can dig into statistical analysis forever, and still argue.
Now, you may have the numbers better than I do, but as far as I am concerned, the vast majority agrees that the indexing is NOT to their interest.

You may speak of a silent majority, Saddam may say he has a large 'silent' majority that supports him, and a large 'silent' majority might believe that aliens are all over the place.
But the voice of the many says otherwise...

I agree that this forum is too good of a place for us to argue (and potentially destroy, yes, nothing lasts forever, no matter how strong it may seem).
That is why I am not making as much of a big deal as I think that this issue deserves to be.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2002
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I apologize if I offended anyone by telling realnames to shutup. Maybe I should've told him to be quiet instead.

The fact is, most active posters on the forum are against the indexing of posts. Just look in the previous posts. That is proven. Another fact is this forum is advertised as a PRIVATE forum. Its not private because anyone (even unregistered people) can view our posts on the forum at http://www.dnforum.com/archive/index.php/

If the forum was private, and the posts were not indexed by search engines, then more people would post domains with the extensions. But as it is now, most won't. And most that do probably are unaware that the domains could be indexed because they believe the forum is private.
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