Let me guess. Their focus is on the average John Doe, domainers only make up a tiny fraction of their customer base.
Not sure if it is that easy. Even Netsol, the most seasoned registrar has not been able to develop a backorder service without the partnering with an existing backorder company (Clubdrop). I don't think discount registrars are interested in taking on this type of project, probbaly not enough profits to be made.
and yet they have a huge banner on the biggest domainers forum?
possesion is the largest domain registrar and has best resources for backorder. But it seems that they have no interests in furthering backorder services.
$18.99 backorder is really weak compared to others.[/Q
i agree i just lost a backorder to a company out of the uk.
day before i was notified that they had the domain and offered me
a service ... while godaddy was the main registar on the domain
godaddy sent me emails saying that the domain is in pending delete
and the godaddy rep said i was the one in line, but the uk company grab it and sold to me for 250.00 because i had the net i went ahead and i and bought it .... what a waste of 18.99 for backorders..:yes: