calandrajl said:
I'm a wildwest reseller, who we know is the brother to godaddy. It could just be me, but........ Considering their are over 10,000 wwd resellers.....Where are we as resellers going? When you do a search engine search for "domain" whose sites are the first you see? Anyone here have the dollars to pay for top search engine billing?
Anyone care to share their success stories and how they got there?
Hi JC, I have been with WWD for just over a year now and things are going very well.
I do a little bit of the PPC stuff but keep it very low key and low price. Bidding on the term 'domain name' is unreal unless you have an advertising budget similar in size to your home. I search out three and four term phrases that get low traffic but are cheap. My bit of advice here is to go slow, study heavily, and be ready to spend some cash learning. There is a book you can get from the RCC on how to run a successful AdWords campaign by Page Zero. I recommend getting that, it helped me out a lot not just with this but with other businesses that I run online too.
My successful angle has been to advertise my WWD site on all of the other sites that i have created. I have about 20 weblogs all on various topics and all with various amounts of energy placed into them by myself. They produce a descent amount of traffic of which some goes on to purchase domains and email and everything else I am offering. All of these blogs are on so that costs me nothing, plus with Adsense I am making extra coin.
I get people to link to me by offering them a wholesale account so that they can get discounts. I dont get any commissions from them, but the traffic they send me makes up for it nicely.
I also build websites for people and have them register their domains at my site and host them there as well. I take the time and show them how to use the Management tool, email, and all that (all for a low hourly fee of course =). The nice thing is that I also train them to call the 24/7 support line and let WWD deal with the forgotten password stuff.
Dont let me make it sound all rosy though. Things took a few months to get going. The key is that if you dont have a strong advertising budget to buy ads with then you need to create your own content.
Here are some things to throw around in your head:
-292 million Internet users in the world
-35 to 40 million registered domains
-Most domain owners have more than one domain
-how many people do you know (outside of DNForum and San Francisco) who even know what a domain is? Let alone where to get one, how to set it up, and what to do with it
-There is a lot of growth potential in this industry.
-Competition is healthy.
-Yahoo is a reseller for a registrar
-NetSol still sells domains for $35, that means people are still buying em for $35! This is mearly because they dont know any better.
-If you dont sign them up, I will. :cheeky:
All in all I am making over $800 a month from a business that I put a lot of time into on the front end, and now I spend about three hours a week promoting it.