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Will dot US become a US dot ORG in time??

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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US Citizens and Organizations: Show your pride!! Register your .US now and save.

It's hot, it's new, and it's all-American: It's the .US tld (top level domain)!

If you're looking for the perfect addition to your current registered domains, or looking for something fresh, new and easy-to-remember, .US is it – and Go Daddy's got it!

With the new .US tld, you can:
Create a uniquely American identity on the Internet
Associate your site with American values
Instill pride in your workplace or home
Promote your cause
And much, much more. The possibilities are as endless as the opportunities this great land offers!


I'm not sure if Dot US will become a haven for US based org's, but it does seem like a perfect fit.

Contrast that with Dot Biz Marketing, which appears to be geared towards small businesses:


Give your customers a can't-miss way to find you fast. Attract more prospects more easily. Raise your visibility with the media and investors. A .BIZ domain name means you're all business!

A .BIZ domain name offers:

Security. .BIZ ensures that your domain name won't be "hijacked" – and doesn't make changes to your site until you say so.

Technology. Why wait up to 72 hours for your Web address to activate? .BIZ offers real-time registration, so you can open for business immediately.

Location. Now you put your name front and center in the business community, right where it belongs. That's what makes .BIZ so valuable!

Keep in mind. Godaddy is the registrar with the most registrations in 2002.

I think as we have these US vs Biz discussions one must begin to look at how they are being marketed.

As I said before, .biz makes sense for business.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Do these websites look like .org ? :laugh:

Fact of the matter..US is a natural for US based business...


Listen Izopod, if you want to talk up .Biz..fine..to try and slam .US in the process isnt helping your cause.

Biz works for certain sites .. ..by the same token , if you are a US based business then you are probably better off using the DOT US "identifier" .US

The logic is pure as can be seen by the early adaptors of .US

Listen, I am also a fan of .Biz , but to this date I see the larger corps using .biz as nothing more than defensive registrations.

Show me 10 large US based companies using .Biz ?

Convince me by who is using..not by marketing schemes


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod
I think as we have these US vs Biz discussions one must begin to look at how they are being marketed.

Do I really need to go through the incredibly long list of failed marketing plans? Buyers are very savvy. They will buy based on what they think is best for them, not on what some copy writer at GoDaddy types up.

With all their marketing money, Coca-Cola couldn't convince people to like New Coke. If someone doesn't like the way .biz looks and sounds, no amount of marketing is going to sway them. Same thing if they don't like .US at the end of their domain name.

The market will decide, not the marketing hype. .US was an easy and obvious decision for me. I'm not above hedging my bets though, so I have some .biz too. :)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by bidawinner
Do these websites look like .org ? :laugh:

Fact of the matter..US is a natural for US based business...


Again, as in the USOC.org case, these companies are using dot US to market their US "brands". It doesn't hurt to have your own US name, up and running so that shouldn't come as a surprise. They still consider their dot com URL the main one. That's an important distinction, between using a dot US soley, or it being a "US" page.

I will say this, I am not against Dot US, I just think we need to keep things in check. The constant reference to "Dot Kid.us" making Dot US "well-known, and valuable" is an example of creating at atomosphere about Dot US that clearly won't come to fruition. My "k12.sd.us" example should have "Schwartkoff'd" any such notions.

As far as my comments about.biz. I've heard comments that Dot US is the best "alternative" to dot com. Since some of our viewers may take that advice to heart, I thought I would chime in with my reasons as to why that's factually incorrect. Dot biz being a gTLD marketed to small businesses is the natural alternative to the gTLD dot com (in my opinion), with ONE big exception when the name (prefix) and/or website has nothing to do with business.

Also I think dot biz names make better email addresses. Today, I realized how longer dot US names look like the state government email addresses. Maybe it's me because I worked for the "gubmint" for a long time, but they do... That's why I recommend you "cease and desist" on the "Kids.us" analogy.

P.S You wouldn't expect many big corporations to drop their dot com names for .biz, since .com is the most recognized. I do see however a lot of "new" small businesses using shortend dot biz names instead of longer dot com names.

P.S.S I am not a "domainer". I consider myself a developer.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by Duke

The market will decide, not the marketing hype.


Since small business owners are the single largest marketing group this should bode well for dot biz.

The Godaddy "marketing" is important only to the degree someone buys it. Since the average person doesn't follow "domainer" likes/dislikes, they may go for the marketing aspect as to why they should buy a dot biz name vs a dot US one.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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It will be interesting to watch things develop. I think we will see both in use as different people are clearly going to have different preferences. Though it would be nice if people always used domain names in the most appropriate way with the various extensions, history has already shown us that won't happen. Com Net & Org are all used by a variety of "for profit" businesses though only .com was originally intended for them (with .net meant for ISP's). I'm sure some charity will wind up on a .biz :)

One may emerge clearly ahead of the other, or they could wind up splitting the market 50/50. Whatever the percentages turn out to be, the number of registrations shows that both will be seen in quantity on the net.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod

Again, as in the USOC.org case, these companies are using dot US to market their US "brands". It doesn't hurt to have your own US name, up and running so that shouldn't come as a surprise. They still consider their dot com URL the main one. That's an important distinction, between using a dot US soley, or it being a "Support" page.

I will say this, I am not against Dot US, I just think we need to keep things in check. The constant reference to "Dot Kid.us" making Dot US "well-known, and valuable" is an example of creating at atomosphere about Dot US that clearly won't come to fruition. My "k12.sd.us" example should have brought "Schwartkoff'd" any other notions to the contrary.

As far as my comments about.biz. I've heard comments that Dot US is the best "alternative" to dot com. Since some of our viewers may take that advice to heart, I thought I would chime in with my reasons as to why that's factually incorrect. Dot biz being a name gTLD marketed to small businesses is the natural alternative to the gTLD dot com name (in my opinion), with ONE big exception when the name (prefix) and/or website has nothing to do with business.

Also I think dot biz names make better email addresses. Today, I realized how longer dot US names look like the state government email addresses. Maybe it's me because I worked for the "gubmint" for a long time, but they do... That's why I recommend you "cease and desist" on the "Kids.us" analogy.

P.S You wouldn't expect many big corporations to drop their dot com names for .biz, since .com is the most recognized. I do see however a lot of "new" small businesses using shortend dot biz names instead of longer dot com names.

P.S.S I am not a "domainer". I consider myself a developer.

Izopod, only 3 of those sites redirect to .com ! ..they ARE using .US


Proof is in the pudding as they say.. show us at least 10 LARGE companies like these that are using .Biz

You dont understand the importance of Kids.US so you go right ahead and twist it any way you want..
How on Earth can you have 70 million people within 30 days be "educated" on Kids.US and it NOT makle an impact ?

Directly from the Bill..

``(f) Education.--The NTIA shall carry out a program to publicize
the availability of the new domain and to educate the parents of minors
regarding the process for utilizing the new domain in combination and
coordination with hardware and software technologies that provide for
filtering or blocking. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The program under this
subsection shall be commenced not later than 30 days after the date that
the new domain first becomes operational and accessible by the public

Now if .Biz had the same legislation you'd be making special note of that also..now wouldnt you..

The bottom line is this legislated "education" WILL make an impact.. it's already making an impact on this board .biz and .info are blushing with jealousy :D


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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One last thing on the dot biz gTLD.

I think as time wears on your dot Dot biz name will not necessarily mean that you are in the "Generic Name Here" biz.

This happened with Dot Com in the early days. Remember when we used to say "Amazon Dot Com", and "Yahoo Dot Com". After the com name became familiar we just dispensed with the connotations that "com" brought with the name. That's when you really started to see the "Dot Com" name diversify. It was no longer a "commericial" only domain.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by bidawinner

Izopod, only 3 of those sites redirect to .com ! ..they ARE using .US

Here is what I said:

>>>>Again, as in the USOC.org case, these companies are using dot US to market their US "brands". It doesn't hurt to have your own US name, up and running so that shouldn't come as a surprise. They still consider their dot com URL the main one. That's an important distinction, between using a dot US soley, or it being a "US" page.<<<<<<

I didn't say anything about "redirection"...

Originally posted by bidawinner

Proof is in the pudding as they say.. show us at least 10 LARGE companies like these that are using .Biz

Again, here is how I answered that (read my post)

>>>>>P.S You wouldn't expect many big corporations to drop their dot com names for .biz, since .com is the most recognized. I do see however a lot of "new" small businesses using shortend dot biz names instead of longer dot com names.<<<

Originally posted by bidawinner

You dont understand the importance of Kids.US so you go right ahead and twist it any way you want..
How on Earth can you have 70 million people within 30 days be "educated" on Kids.US and it NOT makle an impact ?

I do understand, and hopefully I clearly pointed out to you how Dot Kid.US Does not equal Dot US, AND shouldn't---See my comments below--Take them at face value.

Originally posted by bidawinner

Directly from the Bill..

``(f) Education.--The NTIA shall carry out a program to publicize
the availability of the new domain and to educate the parents of minors
regarding the process for utilizing the new domain in combination and
coordination with hardware and software technologies that provide for
filtering or blocking. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The program under this
subsection shall be commenced not later than 30 days after the date that
the new domain first becomes operational and accessible by the public

Gobleygook!!! Please don't tell me your resting your Dot US buying decisions based on this piece of shit legislation. Also please make the distinction between "Kids.US" and ".US". One is regulated the other isn't (or is it??--see below). I personally think that if the two are somehow linked businesses will avoid dot US like the plague.

Businesses in general don't want to be tied to the "gubmint"... Anything government sounding is usually avoided like the plague. Also this connection could make business owners think that the government could somehow "regulate" their Dot US names, just like the "kids.us" name. Oh, wait a minute, they CAN...The US congress has jurisdictional control over the Dot US name, along with the Dept of Commerce/NTIA.

Originally posted by bidawinner
Now if .Biz had the same legislation you'd be making special note of that also..now wouldnt you..

The bottom line is this legislated "education" WILL make an impact.. it's already making an impact on this board .biz and .info are blushing with jealousy

Yeah, right! :laugh:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Put http://www.archiver.us back up. I want to look up different US sites. I'd use Google, but you have to weed through the "K12.state.US" names when searching for US site names.

I also did a look on Zouzas' http://www.zoned.us site but did not find what I was looking for.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod

Here is what I said:

>>>>Again, as in the USOC.org case, these companies are using dot US to market their US "brands". It doesn't hurt to have your own US name, up and running so that shouldn't come as a surprise. They still consider their dot com URL the main one. That's an important distinction, between using a dot US soley, or it being a "US" page.<<<<<<

I didn't say anything about "redirection"...

Again, here is how I answered that (read my post)

>>>>>P.S You wouldn't expect many big corporations to drop their dot com names for .biz, since .com is the most recognized. I do see however a lot of "new" small businesses using shortend dot biz names instead of longer dot com names.<<<

I do understand, and hopefully I clearly pointed out to you how Dot Kid.US Does not equal Dot US, AND shouldn't---See my comments below--Take them at face value.

Gobleygook!!! Please don't tell me your resting your Dot US buying decisions based on this piece of shit legislation. Also please make the distinction between "Kids.US" and ".US". One is regulated the other isn't (or is it??--see below). I personally think that if the two are somehow linked businesses will avoid dot US like the plague.

Businesses in general don't want to be tied to the "gubmint"... Anything government sounding is usually avoided like the plague. Also this connection could make business owners think that the government could somehow "regulate" their Dot US names, just like the "kids.us" name. Oh, wait a minute, they CAN...The US congress has jurisdictional control over the Dot US name, along with the Dept of Commerce/NTIA.

Yeah, right! :laugh:

simmmer down,

I didnt tell you load up on.Biz :laugh:

Listen , you are REACHING for arguements .. you said ...

"Businesses in general don't want to be tied to the "gubmint"... Anything government sounding is usually avoided like the plague. "

Thats easily proven to be BS.. considering .DE is closing in on 7 Million registrations !

Come on Pod.. your arguemnts are not backed up with anything..you just keep yelling..

This debate is lame...you are like the politician that wants to get elected by slamming your competition.. insteading of standing on your(.Biz) merits,

We will see the impact of KIds.Us in a few months.. thats the bottom line...


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod

Put http://www.archiver.us back up. I want to look up different US sites. I'd use Google, but you have to weed through the "K12.state.US" names when searching for US site names.

I also did a look on Zouzas' http://www.zoned.us site but did not find what I was looking for.

I SOLD Archiver.US :)

besides ..dont you have a good .Biz that can do that ? :razz: :laugh:

I have to call it a night soon pod.. we will see the impact of Kids.US ina few months..


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by bidawinner

simmmer down...

Lol.... I'm just getting started!! Moohahahah!

Keep in mind, I'm not the one reaching... Remember: Dot Kid.us will put Dot US on the map?

I on the otherhand, gave reasons why this may not be a good thing. Legitimate ones.

As far as .biz, you either like it or you don't. I do for the reasons stated.



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by bidawinner

I SOLD Archiver.US :)

Must've just sold it, eh. WHOIS still shows you as the owner.

I myself am waiting for the WHOIS to update on a Info name I sold a few weeks ago.
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