If you are passionate about spending your life developing a site about this topic then this name makes sense. However, as a stand alone name it is worth close to zero. Sure, some conspiracy theorist or doomsdayer who is looking to start a site wouldn't mind having it, but the name isn't the type of name that anyone is going to pay you a lot of money for, and you still have to find the buyer.
It is serviceable for a passion project but you would get close to zero if you put it up for sale here, and that means it is worth zero. It is kind of like a stamp. Say you have a stamp. It is good for mailing a letter, but the moment you spend a few minutes thinking about the stamp is the moment you lose, as time is money. If you put the stamp up for sale in a thread you could say that with this stamp you can send a letter to anyone in the United States. That would be true. The problem is that there are other stamps that people can buy for the same price, so even if you argue that the stamp is worth 46 cents (or whatever it is), it really isn't even worth that the moment you put an ounce of brainpower or effort into trying to sell it. And for the person buying a single stamp, they are losers, too, since that transaction takes time and effort on their end.
Some things just aren't worth anything. People here have started to figure that out after I told them for years that they were going bankrupt (or worse). They could only scam people for so long, then the party had to end. And it did.