I invite you to checkout the backorder system at windycitynames - here you can view the daily drop list sorted by the best stats & the low backorder fee of only $14.99 per domain.
If a domain is captured, you only pay $14.99 for the catch. If there are multiple backorders, and the domain is won - then it will enter an auction cycle of $5 increments until a winner beats the 72 hour clock.
So far, the service has been successful at capturing names & we are looking to add additional registrar connections to secure more domain names.
if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message & I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
I invite you to checkout the backorder system at windycitynames - here you can view the daily drop list sorted by the best stats & the low backorder fee of only $14.99 per domain.
If a domain is captured, you only pay $14.99 for the catch. If there are multiple backorders, and the domain is won - then it will enter an auction cycle of $5 increments until a winner beats the 72 hour clock.
So far, the service has been successful at capturing names & we are looking to add additional registrar connections to secure more domain names.
if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message & I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.