Sadly, I'm sure that is happening but my friends would be devastated if they found out any of their buddies (war buddies, army buddies etc..) were even thinking of that. I hope it is a very small percentage doing these things (remember the prison scandal in Iraq?).
Also, over there they have a lot of people who are there just to kill US troops, it is a badge of honor to them. They use any tactic to kill US troops - remember Iraqi solders getting in with a group of civilians and then shooting at the troops, but then they complain that the troops shot at civilians?
How about that orphanage in Afghanistan? There was a huge global outcry because the US blew up a building that was an orphanage. Very few acknowledged that it was also an Al-Qaida training facility.
They complain that the US raided a mosque which terrorists were hiding out in yet almost no one complained when the Taliban destroyed the cliff-side statues (was that Petra?).
The world media wants to show their views and propaganda. We'll see 10,000 starving children before they even want to show one child saved by a US trooper, or a new school built, or the people who aren't oppressed anymore. The only "good" news from the war I've heard of are straight from solders. I rarely see it on the nightly news.
The losses of wars are sad, on both ends. Its also sad that our governments can't put their differences aside to help those who are really in need. One side wants to give but with a lot of limitations, the side will take but will only use a very small part to help people in need, if they do at all.
Also, right now the focus is on the US military, but almost every country's military has their black marks in their history.