Nice website: "Hello This is my personal site dedicated to Mega Trucks and Vans. My Name is Josh and this is my personal website. My Nickname is Desi"
My guess is that you did not put that particular webpage up until after you received notice from Viacom of the pending wipo action. I think you are reaching here, reaching farrrr my friend. I think the wipo panel serving on this case would have to be suffering from a bad case of bird flu, to not see past the smoke and mirrors present here, and realize the true intent behind your registration of this domain name.
As the public record (pointed out by Berryhill) reflects a registration date for this domain to be the same as the date MTV announced its plans to go forward with a MTV DESI project, I think you're basically a, "fish out of water". Also, your makeshift "monster trucks and vans" website combined with the fact that your original webpage indicated the domain was for sale, along with your public posting here at dnforum, probably puts your chances of success in a wipo action at a quarter past ZERO.
Your first mistake was thinking that you would somehow be able to profit off the registration of someone elses mark.
Your second mistake was actually registering this domain.
Don't make the final mistake of throwing more money out, by hiring a lawyer to assist you in your futile effort to defend your (lack of rights) to this domain.
I tell you, it never ceases to amaze me that even in 2005, some domainers seem stuck in 1999, exercising such poor judgement by choosing to register these ticking timebomb domains, and then only after receiving the inevitable UDRP "notification", does reality begin to bite. Perhaps some just have a need to live dangerously, and it's the "high" of struggling with the fight or flight endocrines that push these particular domainers to the limits of what Joe's like me consider to be extreme stupidity. Who knows?
Good luck.