As you can see from the Stats below the traffic is steadily increasing. Any thoughts as to value?
Partial October Stats
Total hits: 96975
Total page views: 12185
Total visitors: 3423
Starting day: 01/Oct/2002
Ending day: 23/Oct/2002
Total days covered: 23
Average hits per day: 4216
Average page views per day: 529
Average visitors per day: 230
September Stats
Total page views: 5536
Total visitors: 1072
Starting day: 10/Sep/2002
Ending day: 30/Sep/2002
Total days covered: 21
Average hits per day: 1869
Average page views per day: 263
Average visitors per day: 85
Partial October Stats
Total hits: 96975
Total page views: 12185
Total visitors: 3423
Starting day: 01/Oct/2002
Ending day: 23/Oct/2002
Total days covered: 23
Average hits per day: 4216
Average page views per day: 529
Average visitors per day: 230
September Stats
Total page views: 5536
Total visitors: 1072
Starting day: 10/Sep/2002
Ending day: 30/Sep/2002
Total days covered: 21
Average hits per day: 1869
Average page views per day: 263
Average visitors per day: 85