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Your Opinion is Important - please post without bias

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No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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I bought a domain with the developed site (1 month old) here at DNF in the sites for sale thread and after 1 month I made the site very popular with decent revenue. And for reasons unknown to me, the previous owner sent me a first email telling me to take some of the content down explaining some copyright infringment. I am offended being called a pirate, a thief and a few other choice words too, but won't be pushed around, especially over a 75$ site (which is what i paid) I bought the site without talking down the price based on its clean design, the "ok" domain name, and the navigation bar done in java (a line of code not difficult to find through search). My final post in the sales thread even comments on my satisfaction over the purchase, the fact i made some quick changes and had some more to do as time see's fit.
DNF locked the thread for me by request when i got the first letter and now it cant be edited to protect me from any more annoyances from this strange little man. This Post will lengthy, im posting the thread url first, then ill post the first email, and my reply, the second email and so on in order of date. I'm hoping someone with experience in this peculiar phenomenon can shed some light for me.

What I would like to know first off:

1) am I wrong ?
2) am I overeacting based on your findings ?

Any other information will give me a better perspective and help me decide where to go with this. For people wondering why i need some advise over this seemingly small issue is a simple answer. When I'm pushed around by people who dont have the balls to answer the phone or do such action face to face, then I do get a little emotional and have difficulty making decisions which can cost me. And as well, I never want to do anything I feel is uncalled for. So I ask that these simple questions be answered honestly and without bias. Even though he stopped bothering me yesterday, he disrupted my peace of mind and I am not so ready to let it go.

First instance) Sales Thread:

All the proxy sites in the listing are the exact same other than the banner image.

Second instance) Email 1 month after purchase:
Hello! It has been brought to our attention that you are using an illegal clone of the script and imaging used by our company, PalSys Network, LLC, on the site mentioned above, and others. You have 24 hours to remove all instances of our code, images, and modified copyrighted materials from your site(s) to avoid legal action.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation!

Chris Redman

PalSys Network

Third instance) My reply:
Hi Chris.
I bought from you, in it was this content. I'm using it on at least 100 sites possibly more if i recall right. I made some small changes so it wouldn't reflect on proxydown but pretty much the same. Gimme a call if you like. If there is a piece of the site that shows palsys let me know, I'll go look but I believe I made sure all the name references were changed.

Kevin Farrell / Ottawa.Ontario

Fourth instance) His reply:
There is nothing pertaining to PalSys…you simply stole our images and script, modified it slightly, and included in your site. That is illegal. In fact, you are showing our copyrighted company logo, our separators images, our background images, our script. Even the image names are the same. All of this material is well copyrighted by PalSys Network.

The site you purchased did not give you the right to steal our copyrighted scripts and images to use on your own site, slightly modified or not. Again, please remove ALL of this content from your sites. If you are running 100+ sites, it is only logical that you can afford to have a developer create a network header of your own.

Chris Redman

PalSys Network

Fifth instance) Reply from me:
Hi again Chris.

I just looked it over a second ago. I didnt read the code, i did look over the site from a surfers point of view though and didnt see anything pertaining to palsys.. can you point me to it ? and if its in code let me know..

Sixth instance) again, his reply:

I don’t think I’m being clear here. The only details you need are to remove our network bar from your sites. The purchase you made did not include the network bar, it is included on every site we own and produce. We’ve sold over 400 sites to date, and this is the first time someone thought they had rights to our network bar. We’ll make a point to make it a little more clear in the future to avoid confusion.

To be very clear: you have no rights to our network bar, any of the images included in it, it’s code, and especially our company logo. The purchase you made was for and it’s logo, nothing else. The network bar was included from an entirely different server, and you have NO rights to it at all.

As far as you saying you made the logo from scratch, that is clearly a lie; our logo is still in the image.

I don’t want to sound too tough here, but you cannot remove the network bar when you ‘got the time.’ You have been given legal notification that there is copyright infringement taking place, there is obviously no disputing that, so you have 24 hours from the time of our original email to take ALL of our code and images from your sites.

If you do not take down the bar immediately, regardless of the 24 hour notice, that will be seen as a direct declination. The sites in your network are of very poor quality, and they reflect badly on our company. In fact, this entire theft was brought to our attention by a surfer who wanted to know why we were sponsoring your sites.

Please don’t make this any more difficult then it needs to be. We can go as far as having Pirate Police (the copyright infringement company who protects our software, code, and imaging) contact the RCMP, but I’d really prefer not to have to go that route.

I’ve included the PSD file for the ProxyDown logo as per your request. As a side note, it looks as if you are using our modified PHProxy script on multiple other sites as well. This is not illegal, but it is highly unethical. I would ask politely that you refrain from reproducing our work, but I have no legal ability to enforce this.

Thank you,

Chris Redman

PalSys Network

Seventh instance) my reply:
I can make some changes.

Gimme the info i need and will work on it tonight.

What I'll need is some detailed description of your copyrights to the images i bought from you. Example, your talking about images.. im only guessing but there are approximately 6-10 images involved (correct me if im wrong) gimme the image names and define the copyright so i can be sure when i "alter" or "makeover" I wont perhaps get even closer to another image you have made. Also you said I could have the psd files. I never got them and didnt ask. I opened photoshop and made the you see from scratch.. was in a hurry though but will make it a little more detailed when i got the time.


Eight instance) his reply:

This is the fourth email saying the exact same thing, so I’m not going to go into anymore details. I’m not concerned with your programmer and your new bar design, I just want PalSys’ bar taken off of your sites.

To be clear, the scripts and bar images were not included in the sale and they were not included with the files you were sent. The only thing related to the bar that was included with your site is the two lines of code calling the files from the private server that you proceeded to steal them from. This means that you literally took the time to individually save each file that compiles the PalSys Network bar. How that can be theft in any more clear of a tense is beyond me.

This is not my ‘network as I call it.’ We are an established internet services provider registered with the federal government of Canada, the provincial governments of Nova Scotia and British Columbia, and with the city of New Westminster. I am the owner of this company, and we employ 7 others. I am not Joe Blow who steals copyrighted property to add to my hobby, I am a businessman.

Whether or not you take the prospect of legal action seriously is irrelevant to me; we employ Pirate Police to counter against you, a pirate. We also keep on retainer David Weldon, a barrister with offices here in Vancouver. He will be contacted the appropriate department of the RCMP tomorrow to file the complaint. The legal threat is not over a $75 website, it is over the potential thousands that we stand to lose when thieves associate themselves with us for their own gain.

You represent just one more case in a long line of people who steal from others to help further themselves. This is the first time we’ve had property with the company logo stolen and then reused, but people stoop to new low levels every single day.

As far as your own bar’s creation, I’ll say it again: I don’t care. Many companies mark their sites with network bars such as ours (InetInteractive for example), and we’ve never had to contact the thousand or so other companies who do this to find out what we are allowed to do. The idea is quite simple: come up with your own logo, your own images, your own code, and, here’s a thought: pay for it! Also, it should be noted that the ‘leaf within a cube’ logo using a partial maple leaf before the words ‘PALSYS NETWORK’ is copyrighted, and unique.

You are misunderstanding the entire purpose of this email; the bar on your site does not NEED to be replaced, our copyrighted materials need to be removed. My concern isn’t only that you stole from us, it is that our company is now associated with yours in the mind of average surfers. Considering the poor quality of the sites displaying the stolen images, that is both an embarrassment and a money loser.

Good neighbours don’t steal, Kevin. We made web site sale number 5,000 today, and in having a few drinks with the employees here at PalSys, we came to a consensus that you are the first buyer to steal and modify the network bar that showed on all 5,000 of those sites. The other 4,999 are good neighbours.

Chris Redman

PalSys Network

Ninth instance) my final reply through email:

I'm talking to my programmer now, hes just waking up,. and im just going to bed, so ill continue my conversation with him in the morning. I'll be coding a new bar, and of course my designer will do the image work.. not too difficult. I wish i had more time., but im slow with photoshop. or im just not so creative.. one of the two.

24hrs ? cant be done.. ill be asleep the next 8hrs.. on the road ten hrs after that, playing with my kids and having dinner.. then its 20hrs before i even open any software on my computer. I'll be sifting through emails and messages for at least an hour.. taking care of some hosting clients possibly, then i can begin looking into which sites are concerned,, at that point i have to dig up usernames and passwords to each account and begin my work. As well i have to hope my programmer has made the new bar for me. and of course my designer. Such a tall order cant be done in 24hrs.. not physically possible.

I'll do my best, and talk to you when im at my computer again tomorrow night.

You need to know that I'm being nice about this whole thing. You sold me the site and this was part of the site. I paid you without delay and made sure no reference was made to your "network" as you call it. I'm not sure where your coming from with this whole thing.. I'm already willing to completely change the code and images and im not even concerned about your legal threats.. I'm simply being a good neighbour so lets just work together here. I'm just saying you can relax with your legal threats over a 75$ website. I'll still make my own bar as that was my intention anyhow. I really dont want to look like someone else's site.

I spent alot of time tonight doing my research, i found several site using this bar without your information in it. I'll continue my research tomorrow night and fill you in with some of my findings.

I'd still like you to tell me what i should avoid in my bars creation. So if you could please let me know soon, i can make sure i keep it as original as possible. To give you an idea of my request to my guy it runs along the line of a metallic look, with a Canadian red.. such as the color codes in almost all Canadian sites. i like the leaf, but will reserve that for my Canadian sites. ill have another look for my .coms and other assortment of tld. Hopefully my guy can come up with some thing original with a leaf with and colors red and white. Hes done some nice work for me in the past.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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I'm not sure what you are asking here? Is the old owner asking you to take down some of his work, due to copyrights?


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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hes now selling another identical site in the same threads without saying the navbar isnt far as im concerned i bought this site for three reasons.. one for the domain two for the site, and three for the navbar.. in total 75$ makes it fair. to be honest, without the navbar i wouldnt have paid 75$ with no traffic and being a new site. I looked at the site for sale, looked at the description, and bought it..simple.. I'm happy DNF locked the first sales thread to keep the descriptions integrity


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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well, when a seller sales the site, it usually is the whole site, content and all. So if he is telling you to take down a certain part of that site, he is wrong, not you.

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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IMO, if the content wasn't included, the seller should have stated that in his sales thread. Or at least took the content out before the sale thread.


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Thanks for the comments thus far. Your opinions are helping me think this through. Meanwhile A lesson can be learned either way. Any questions for possible missing info are welcomed and will be answered with fact given I have it.

I should add that the banner image in that navbar that he complained about used to say palsysnetworks i believe. I opened photoshop and made a transparent image from new, i typed and chose the font and color similar to his if not exactly the same color and font. I happen to like grey and black alot. I then cropped the canadian maple leaf and tossed it in, more out of canadian pride and i liked it as well i had no time and didnt even consider copyright to a maple leaf. When he complained i immediately, without a fight offered to change it. And after his ongoing complaints i made the background blue from another site i own with transparent spacers and a transparent banner image with the text in it getting ready to start that as the mothership of my proxy network. I will soon hyperlink the banner to and have my navbars pulldown menus properly placed. at the moment its not even close to completion. some of the sites in the menu arent ready but soon will be.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 2, 2002
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Jacksplat said:
To be clear, the scripts and bar images were not included in the sale and they were not included with the files you were sent. The only thing related to the bar that was included with your site is the two lines of code calling the files from the private server that you proceeded to steal them from. This means that you literally took the time to individually save each file that compiles the PalSys Network bar. How that can be theft in any more clear of a tense is beyond me.

If the above is correct, I would side with the complainant.

Since the code is on their server and was not included in files transferred in the original sale, you really don't have the right to use code imho.

I think its pretty sleazy for the seller to insert code which calls his network toolbar in sites he is selling. I would be upset about that as well.

Best to remove the network code from your site(s) and source out alternative code for a network toolbar.


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Thanks Zoo, thats actually my plan from the beginning. ive made the image set and have already done searches.. the code itself is free and quite common.. he says its unique but i have seen it elswhere. I'll model one to be the same, but will be written without issue. the code in it is barely complex.

the code is as follows.

document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="5" id="table1"> <tr> <td background="bg.gif"');
document.write(' bgcolor="#CD2F00" align="left" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tabl');
document.write('e2"><tr><td width="149" align="left" valign="top"><a target="_blank" href="../index.php"> ');
document.write('<img border="0" src="logo.gif"></a></td><td align="right" valign="middle" style="padding-right: 15px">');
document.write('<SELECT class="FormLt1" valign="middle" onChange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" size="1" style="ba');
document.write('ckground-color: #5A8AA5; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 3mm; font-family: ari');
document.write('al, helvetica; color: #FFFFFF; border-style: solid; border-width: 1" size="1" name="cat1">');

//first drop-down
document.write('<OPTION value="index.html">Proxy Topsites</OPTION>');
//sites (just copy a row and paste it to create a new entry)
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');

document.write('</SELECT><img border="0" src="sep.gif"><SELECT class="FormLt1" valign="middle" onChange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" size=');
document.write('"1" style="background-color: #5A8AA5; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 3mm; fon');
document.write('t-family: arial, helvetica; color: #FFFFFF; border-style: solid; border-width: 1" size="1" name="cat2">');

//second drop down
document.write('<OPTION value="index.html">Web Proxies</OPTION>');
//sites (just copy a row and paste it to create a new entry)
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');

document.write('</SELECT><img border="0" src="sep.gif"><SELECT class="FormLt1" valign="middle" onChange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" size=');
document.write('"1" style="background-color: #5A8AA5; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 3mm; fon');
document.write('t-family: arial, helvetica; color: #FFFFFF; border-style: solid; border-width: 1" size="1" name="cat2">');

//second drop down
document.write('<OPTION value="index.html">Web Development</OPTION>');
//sites (just copy a row and paste it to create a new entry)
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');

document.write('</SELECT><img border="0" src="sep.gif"><SELECT class="FormLt1" valign="middle" onChange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" size=');
document.write('"1" style="background-color: #5A8AA5; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 3mm; fon');
document.write('t-family: arial, helvetica; color: #FFFFFF; border-style: solid; border-width: 1" size="1" name="cat3">');

//third drop-down
document.write('<OPTION value="index.html">Image Hosting</OPTION>');
//sites (just copy a row and paste it to create a new entry)
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');

document.write('</SELECT><img border="0" src="sep.gif"><SELECT class="FormLt1" valign="middle" onChange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" size=');
document.write('"1" style="background-color: #5A8AA5; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 3mm; fon');
document.write('t-family: arial, helvetica; color: #FFFFFF; border-style: solid; border-width: 1" size="1" name="cat4">');

//fourth drop-down
document.write('<OPTION value="index.html">Gaming</OPTION>');
//sites (just copy a row and paste it to create a new entry)
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');
document.write('<OPTION value=""></OPTION>');



Thats it, now im not sure these lines of code are of copyright nature. and if so he wasnt the first to use them so he would be in violation too. he doesnt do his research very well either. he even broke google TOS earlier today in a sales thread. I've read alot of copyright rules a few years ago, not for site stuff bur other areas. im no copyright lawyer but i believe everyday code is not for keeps.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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I'm not an expert on technical stuff but I've been involved in the sale and purchase of retail stores before. Buying a website is very similar to buying a store. I would think that any limitations on the use of anything in that store (Logos, computer system, design, etc) would need to be spelled out before the transaction is complete. Otherwise the buyer should expect to have use of those things they purchased. If the analogy holds up, it may in fact be the sellers responsibility to pay for necessary changes that are required but were not disclosed in the transaction. I'm not giving a legal opinion, just offering an analogy.


The One
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 8, 2005
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you call this copyrighted coding? This is a bunch of plain select forms whit javascript used to write it onto the screen. Get an alternative code and tell the previous owner to get a life.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, well I could say alot here but I can some it up in a few sentences.

He said the sites were poorly designed when they were his own designs. (just funny)

His sales thread says the site comes with everything on the site visable. That is the thing that would hold up in court. That is pretty much the whole argument that will win the case.

What's Included: Included in this sale is the domain and all content, including the cheats database.
:rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip:

Well it may be under the cheats site, but to me it would still apply for everything.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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The seller should have made this "copyright" issue clear in his post. Seller has been warned.

Keyboard Cowboy

Positioning / Publishing
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 14, 2004
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Shaggy said:
well, when a seller sales the site, it usually is the whole site, content and all. So if he is telling you to take down a certain part of that site, he is wrong, not you.
I agree. Ignore that clown, or should I say "businessman" :bounce:


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
1) The navbars are not identical, but very different. You also dont use his imaging.

2) The script was created by whiteFyre, not by him. He owns no copyright over it, so you can clone the site as many times as you want.


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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His main concern was possibly the navbar altogether, but he emphasized on the images being the background image, the spacer and the logo. At first being in a hurry I only changed the banner just to get his network name off my sites, I really would prefer to charge for that sort of exposure anyhow at the top of my pages and all. So I quickly changed the name to (Yesterday changed it to<brand new site>) and left the leaf in it cropped (cuz i liked it for now) But when he complained you can see in my response emails that i tried to accomidate by getting his feedback.. finally after no feedback outside of "Take it down altogether" I simply made it from scratch. I even avoided the color scheme of grey (which i do like) and changed it to blue. I have several sites with the navbar now and still have to take the time to change them all to blue and will tonight.

Thanks to everyone for their opinions, it does help me keep a clear head. Things do get blurry for me when I feel attacked, insulted etc. Although I dont react in my interaction with a temper, I do have a bad one and kept it to myself through this whole thing.

More opinions are welcome..


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
I have news, problem has been resolved.

"1. Jacksplat has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space."

Please clear your PM box.


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
i just deleted a few :) ive been close to the edge with a full message box for months.. time to clean er up.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 18, 2003
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I would ignore him as he is similar to a knat buzzing around your head, you could try to swat it but it's easier to walk away.

Just go have a beer and relax.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 31, 2005
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Jacksplat said:
Although I dont react in my interaction with a temper, I do have a bad one and kept it to myself through this whole thing.

Well done. Losing your cool in these situations really doesnt get anywhere. The accusatory comments the complainant had were sharper than need be and you did well to remain calm.

You are understandably flustered by this, but its probably wiser just to let him be... do whatever changes that you think should be done and then move on. Too much time has already been spent on this $75 investment IMHO.


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Point well taken GoPaddy. I've been attacked, accused, and beaten on more than one occasion. My way of dealing with these things have been successfull over the last 15 to 20 years (opposed to my younger years) The first action I take is research, even before responding. Finding out as much possible about such peoples personal and business is very effective and powerfull. I don't often have to pull out the guns though per/se. But if needed I'm usually ready. I spent two good days checking him out, and have two good weapons at reach. And for the record when i say weapon it's a figure of speach. My weapons are always finding the weak spots. I will give myself at least a week to decide if I wanna push back, even though he stopped pushing. I personally have a hard time putting personal attacks aside, i can take being screwed for 75$, but this isnt the case here.

Through talking to some helpfull members here, I've found out he has stated he placed a report with the RCMP, I'll walk into their HQ today when I'm done work and ask directly. That will be a deciding factor. As well he stated to someone that he placed a complaint to DNF and SP, If thats true, let me know Adam.

Anyhow, the soap opera will continue and If things dont get too hairy I'll keep posting details.

Update on RCMP.

I called, quite a job getting through but it doesnt appear to be real. I doubted it anyhow but was curious.
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