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political The world changed. Did you?

Did your line move in the last 10 years?

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Epik.com CEO
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Aug 15, 2010
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I came across this graphic today:

I think that just about sums up my attitude to the world.

For as long as I can remember, I was a tolerant centrist who had open dialog with people regardless of party affiliation, gender preference, race or religion.

However, in recent years certain vocal voices became louder and less tolerant of those of us who stayed in the center.

I don't know about you, but I think there is plenty of common ground to be found. I don't know what to call it since the left-right paradigm has been weaponized beyond repair.

For openers, I believe most people don't like the idea of being lied to, and that there is common ground in knowing the incontrovertible truth.

As a domain investor who has been accused by the media as being "far right", I think this graphic explains why I disagree with that label.
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Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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I would like to believe that I stayed the same; the group I am in just got larger.

The right has moved the goal post farther to the left, and they had to, otherwise, the Party would have failed. However, I think this is just them more welcoming of a libertarian view and getting out of issues that were once polar rather than showing support for either side. This was the way that they collected more centrists/Democrat moderates.

Just my observation.


DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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all i see,
is that the lines got extended.

when you go from a Bush to an Obama,
and then to a Trump....
then, yeah, one can expect the world to change.

if one was on the left, during Obama years, and now they are on the right, after Trump
then, what moved that crowd?

if one was on the right, during Obama years and now they are on the left, after Trump
then, what moved that crowd?

was it truth, as they saw it
was it a lie, as they perceived it?

therefore, perception, must have changed the world
as some eyes and ears got opened, while other eyes and ears got closed.

however, if you're part of the "silent majority" and don't vote,
then does it really matter, what side you're on?



DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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I feel like the more extreme the left gets the more detrimental it is to its cause.

that applies to the "right" as well.

when both sides get closer to the center, only then, will the States of America, be United.



Epik.com CEO
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Aug 15, 2010
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that applies to the "right" as well.

when both sides get closer to the center, only then, will the States of America, be United.


Absolutely. The polarity is being magnified on both extremes, and people are being asked to pick a side as usual. It is the same old story: divide and rule.

I believe the wise ones are spotting the polarity, finding common ground in the center and then co-creating abundance.


Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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that applies to the "right" as well.

when both sides get closer to the center, only then, will the States of America, be United.

While this applies to the right as well, it's more apparent on the left that you are not welcome if you do not accept their ideology. This pushes moderate Democrats and centrists to the right as the left has gone so far that they are no longer on a spectrum that is seemingly measurable.

The right was never welcoming of the extreme ideology of the right. You can scream and holler that they are among the right, and vote right, but nobody on the right has accepted their presence or welcomed their votes.

I look around and feel as if we're under anarcho-tyrannise rule by the Democrat Party, and it wasn't the previous President that was the Tyrant. There's something seriously wrong if a protective force can let "peaceful protests" carry on while ten blocks down cite someone for jaywalking.

D Haynes

Level 1
Jul 31, 2021
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While this applies to the right as well, it's more apparent on the left that you are not welcome if you do not accept their ideology. This pushes moderate Democrats and centrists to the right as the left has gone so far that they are no longer on a spectrum that is seemingly measurable.
My thoughts exactly.

It seems like all I see and hear on the TV and in the media is the extreme left and everyone is made to panda to it. Its become farcical. Its just a few that are stuck in their echo chambers that are ruining it for the rest. Unfortunately it's only those few that own the major social media platforms are getting the air time.

I remember my father saying political correctness had gone mad 15 years ago. This is a world he wouldn't even recognise.


Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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I remember my father saying political correctness had gone mad 15 years ago. This is a world he wouldn't even recognise.
I believe that it started with the war on poverty with Lyndon B. Johnson. The war on poverty was disguised as being empathetical, but rewarded single mothers and began the welfare state.

That was the beginning of the destruction of the nuclear family, which is now widely popular among the left. This is even true with evidence that a child is better off growing up with a mother and father in the household, which they reject.
In the 1960s, for example, nearly 95 percent of babies were born to couples who were married. Today, 40 percent are born to women who are either single or living with a non-married partner.
A little different than political correctness, but that surely started us on the path that we are on now as everything from the left was delivered in a package out of empathy.

D Haynes

Level 1
Jul 31, 2021
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That was the beginning of the destruction of the nuclear family, which is now widely popular among the left. This is even true with evidence that a child is better off growing up with a mother and father in the household, which they reject.
A huge part of the problem (imo) is that the left seem to reject a lot of things/theories that are heavily backed with evidences but if you challenge their beliefs you're shouted down and labelled a racist/sexist/homophobe and cancelled. They aren't willing to have a civilised discussion. It's getting to the point where the extreme right are more approachable then the left. The left are so far left they're right lol.


DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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I believe that it started with the war on poverty with Lyndon B. Johnson. The war on poverty was disguised as being empathetical, but rewarded single mothers and began the welfare state.

That was the beginning of the destruction of the nuclear family,

i have to be careful not to go too deep into politics.
as it may effect our relationship here.

however, there have been many wars on social issues.

war on poverty, for minorities, was to eliminate men from households who were getting welfare.
those men, majority black, who were already being discriminated against in employment, education and housing with "red lining practices".
see >

you have to remember, that the Civil Rights Act was only passed in 1964, so prior to that, blacks still were not free.
even though they had been freed from slavery, they were not free to live wherever they wanted or get jobs in fields where they were not wanted or go to schools where they were not wanted.

Welfare, was not a reward!

if any of you ever watched the TV show "Good Times", which was about a black family living in the projects of Chicago, when the government started this war on poverty, the father figure ( James Evans) of that household got killed on the show.
it was symbolic of what was going on in the black community. in every household where there was a man/father figure, they had to move out, in order for the mother and children to receive welfare.

watch the movie Claudine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudine_(film)
she had to hide the existence of her relationship with a man, in order to continue getting welfare.

these shows highlighted the movement to destroy the black family unit, which is why that minority group is having the most difficulty now, with gangs and drugs...... because there are no father figures in the home.

the war on drugs, and just say No!
the crack epidemic, where black men were getting 20 years in prison for small quantities of crack cocaine, while those who were bringing the drugs into the country were getting less time in jail.

see the TV show Snowfall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowfall_(TV_series)
it tells about how CIA brought drugs into California, which started the crack wars in urban cities across america.

the Three Strikes law, where if you got 3 convictions, you go to jail forever. this led to mass incarcerations of black men

in black neighborhoods, have you ever seen the Red Cross giving aid, counseling or providing trauma units to console the families? where were they during Katrina?
they just have to deal with it, from generation to generation

so, yeah, i don't want to go too deep, because we all walk in different shoes, which makes us see things differently.
but all of that is what makes a left and a right, in politics today.



Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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That was the beginning of the welfare state. It had repercussions that last to this day. With irrefutable evidence that a child is better off in a two parent household, you kind of have to wonder what the agenda of the left is by promoting the abolishment of the nuclear family, black or white.


Level 7
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Oct 12, 2003
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all i see,
is that the lines got extended.

when you go from a Bush to an Obama,
and then to a Trump....
then, yeah, one can expect the world to change.

if one was on the left, during Obama years, and now they are on the right, after Trump
then, what moved that crowd?

if one was on the right, during Obama years and now they are on the left, after Trump
then, what moved that crowd?
Money. *Faux outrage sells. ( for awhile )

was it truth, as they saw it
was it a lie, as they perceived it?

therefore, perception, must have changed the world
as some eyes and ears got opened, while other eyes and ears got closed.

however, if you're part of the "silent majority" and don't vote,
then does it really matter, what side you're on?



Level 7
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Oct 12, 2003
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i have to be careful not to go too deep into politics.
as it may effect our relationship here.

however, there have been many wars on social issues.

war on poverty, for minorities, was to eliminate men from households who were getting welfare.
those men, majority black, who were already being discriminated against in employment, education and housing with "red lining practices".
see >

you have to remember, that the Civil Rights Act was only passed in 1964, so prior to that, blacks still were not free.
even though they had been freed from slavery, they were not free to live wherever they wanted or get jobs in fields where they were not wanted or go to schools where they were not wanted.

Welfare, was not a reward!
With hindsight I think most people agree welfare was a handicap. Poor black families in the cities became fatherless, poor white families in rural states kept their kids out of school to keep that paycheck.

if any of you ever watched the TV show "Good Times", which was about a black family living in the projects of Chicago, when the government started this war on poverty, the father figure ( James Evans) of that household got killed on the show.
it was symbolic of what was going on in the black community. in every household where there was a man/father figure, they had to move out, in order for the mother and children to receive welfare.
He was killed by a black man.

We've had 50+ years of affirmative action. By the late 70's minorities were being promoted in the military ahead of whites, by the eighties minorities were being promoted into upper management in civilian companies.

Now we have people with national platforms comparing voter id to segregation and claiming police are "hunting black men".
watch the movie Claudine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudine_(film)
she had to hide the existence of her relationship with a man, in order to continue getting welfare.

these shows highlighted the movement to destroy the black family unit, which is why that minority group is having the most difficulty now, with gangs and drugs...... because there are no father figures in the home.

the war on drugs, and just say No!
the crack epidemic, where black men were getting 20 years in prison for small quantities of crack cocaine, while those who were bringing the drugs into the country were getting less time in jail.

see the TV show Snowfall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowfall_(TV_series)
it tells about how CIA brought drugs into California, which started the crack wars in urban cities across america.
It was Senators Joe Biden & Strong Therman who wrote the legislation that created mandatory minimum sentencing for crack cocaine.

There is a video of Joe Biden's openly racist rant on the floor of the Senate on youtube. Democrats have been on the side of oppression by purpose or mistake since the Civil War.

the Three Strikes law, where if you got 3 convictions, you go to jail forever. this led to mass incarcerations of black men

in black neighborhoods, have you ever seen the Red Cross giving aid, counseling or providing trauma units to console the families? where were they during Katrina?
Yes. It was on TV.

George Bush was probably the worst President of the 20th century ( imo ) but civilian aid, including the civilian navy of small boats helped everyone regardless of race.

The federal Gov, local police & Coast Guard stripped civilians of their guns, leaving the criminals to do as they pleased.

they just have to deal with it, from generation to generation

so, yeah, i don't want to go too deep, because we all walk in different shoes, which makes us see things differently.
but all of that is what makes a left and a right, in politics today.

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Level 3
Oct 25, 2021
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No matter what, left right or upside-down, woke asleep or whatever the F', the only thing clear to me is we've lost our way. If there's one thing that will always keep us together, like-minded, it will the be song and dance. I vote for the Cha-Cha, had it been an option.



Level 3
Oct 25, 2021
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We have moved away from "tribal unity" and that's what's screwing everything up. Keep the tribe, recognize the differences in other tribes. Of our own accord, not forced.

There are universal views that unite, and there are segmented views that keep our identity. Appreciate both. No need to amalgamate. Way things are headed, we can call it "total inclusiveness". Inclusiveness is a farce, and has been capitalized to the point of political gain on the shoulders of the weary and non-spoken. Tribal unity needs exclusivity. Recognize this.

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