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Registrars, is registerfly ok?

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Level 5
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Jun 5, 2003
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I just upgraded to platinum, and am a newb in the domain name biz. I use registerfly to register most of my names, is it ok? I mean, what do most people use any why when selling name?
Domain Summit 2024


Level 9
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Jul 12, 2002
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Easy to use many many options in your account, you canpush to another registerfly memeber or you can push a name to an external party.

Registrations are at the low , medium range.

They have their own "sell your domains" list.
You can add domains you want to sell on this list for free, the price of the domains drops a little bit each day as it nears expiration. I have sold 4 names through that service.

You can export your domina lists, view each transaction and every attepmt to access your acount.
Has a fast reg option and bulk registration option

Many many options

Been with them almost 2 year and no complaints other than their servers were really slow at one time..but that has been remedied also(for the most part)

A couple members had problems with them awhile back... I'm sure you will hear from them also


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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registerfly is enom reseller, so Why not use enom!


Level 9
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Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by stuff
registerfly is enom reseller, so Why not use enom!
Because enom dosent have as many tools as registerfly does..

I also use enom, godaddy and a few others. Regiisterfly just seems to keep adding the right tools ..that I use anyway's


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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Originally posted by bidawinner

Because enom dosent have as many tools as registerfly does..

I also use enom, godaddy and a few others. Regiisterfly just seems to keep adding the right tools ..that I use anyway's

Ok maybe, but some off this tools are not good. Lets to example, this registerfly "PUSH" - You have to know other accounts password! Why is that necessary? I have to create one empty account then push it to this account and then the buyer can push it to real account?

I only use enom or dotster, + names with I get with other drop catchers. I have used only 3 times godaddy and registerfly for maybe 10 domains.


Level 5
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Jun 5, 2003
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So, I like to use paypal to reg domains. So, my final question is: Is registerfly good to use for selling domains? Anyone had experience with selling domains with a registerfly account?


Level 9
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Jul 12, 2002
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I sell domains every week , Using registerfly .I've had 1 problem and that was with the buyer that didnt quite understand he had to open his email :laugh:

Their evening live chat support can be "trying"..

from this evening..

You are number 2 in the queue out of 2 callers. Your wait time will be approximately 2 minute(s) and 32 seconds. Thank you for using RegisterFly.com Live Chat Service.
You are number 1 in the queue out of 2 callers. Your wait time will be approximately 1 minute(s) and 34 seconds.
You are now chatting with 'FLYsupport :'
FLYsupport :: Welcome to Registerfly.com's chat service, there is a live person responding to your service inquiries. Please wait a moment while we route you to the next available service person, depending on the volume this can take several minutes.
FLYsupport :: Hello, Welcome to Registerfly LIVE CHAT, This is Client Support Representative #24, How may I Help you?
dauction: Last night I thought I hit the jackpot ..registering ME.CO.UK and ON.CO.UK.. more..
dauction: long story short.. I was billed but didnt actually receive the names.. seems they are reserved

dauction: The ordering systems was allowing 2 letter names to be registerer that actually werent available.. I sent in a support ticket a few minutes ago

FLYsupport :: Yes. you cannot registet two character domains

dauction: Looking for a refund back into my account..dauction.. and I moved $45 from paypal into regfly account last night thinking I wasgetting some good names. Could you also push $25 BACK into my paypal account..

dauction: Yeah, thats it .. I assumed I could because the system showed 2 letters as available

dauction: Actuallly received "success" registration notices !!! lol

FLYsupport :: Please generate a ticket regarding this issue.

dauction: The total was $26.00 (some odd cents)

FLYsupport :: So, we can forward it to our admin

dauction: Yeah, I filled out a ticket a few minutes ago.. you should have now..

dauction: I wentt looking around even register.com was showing these 2 letters as available..so it wasnt just enoms/registerfly system

dauction: Do you need any more info right now ?

FLYsupport :: This rules if for globlally

dauction: Not sure what you mean .."this rules for globablly"

FLYsupport :: You cannot register two character domain anywhere

dauction: Listen , in MY account ..it shows I registered ME.CO.UK and ON.CO.UK.. the system was ALLOWED these registrations..
dauction: Actually , you can register 2 letters in many ccTLDs..
dauction: Do you understand what I am asking?
dauction: and Do you need anymore information?

FLYsupport :: Do you mean you have already registered this domains?

dauction: YES !

dauction: :laugh:

dauction: Registered and paid for !

FLYsupport :: May I have your User ID please ?

dauction: In my registerfly account.. domain manager it is SHOWING ME.CO.UK AND ON.CO.UK

dauction: ***********
FLYsupport :: Yes, domains are in the account

dauction: Hey support..here is the easist test.. TRY and register DO.CO.UK and you will see what I am talking about.. AND it will actually let you register it ! (well it will say you did)

FLYsupport :: I cannot register the domains

dauction: Thats odd..it will let me !

dauction: Did you see the names in my account ?

FLYsupport :: Yes

dauction: me.co.uk is available $6.99 / year

dauction: So you seee it in my account and yet if you do a
register search it shows as still available

dauction: Even though I registered it ...

dauction: when in reality..it isnt suppose to be available at all..

dauction: anyways, pass the "Ticket" on to Tim S and support ,I'd appreciate a reply as soon as everyone figures out what is going.

FLYsupport :: We will forward your issue to our admin Mr. Tim and he will assist you to resolve this issue

dauction: Thanks you..have a good night..

FLYsupport :: You are welcome.

dauction: any chance in you know what..I may actually keep these ? :laugh: good night..

I made it thru and I am not one that has a whole lot of patience...:laugh:

At least some support is always available.. and I know it will actually be taken care of.. it may take a few days.. but it will be taken care of...


Level 6
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Sep 18, 2002
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Originally posted by stuff
Ok maybe, but some off this tools are not good. Lets to example, this registerfly "PUSH" - You have to know other accounts password! Why is that necessary? I have to create one empty account then push it to this account and then the buyer can push it to real account?

I was a regular RegisterFly user, and I have switched to eNom after getting a 6.95 reseller account (majorly because of price). This push problem is annoying, but it has been fixed for more than 6 months. Now you can select push a domain to a "third party", and Regfly will email a special link and instructions to the buyer. It's even better than than eNom's push IMO, because its easy to make a typo and push to different user (it happened to me before :shy: ).

My advice is RegFly is OK to use, but it's better to have a $6.95 or $8.95 eNom account.


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Mar 13, 2003
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I use Registerfly as well (love them). I also have an enom account as well. Between the both I prefer Registerfly. Registerfly changed the "push" feature to not require the password when pushing the account to another registerfly account, they also support the push to external party. Overall very cool features.


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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Originally posted by 888

I was a regular RegisterFly user, and I have switched to eNom after getting a 6.95 reseller account (majorly because of price). This push problem is annoying, but it has been fixed for more than 6 months. Now you can select push a domain to a "third party", and Regfly will email a special link and instructions to the buyer. It's even better than than eNom's push IMO, because its easy to make a typo and push to different user (it happened to me before :shy: ).

My advice is RegFly is OK to use, but it's better to have a $6.95 or $8.95 eNom account.

I did not know that.
Then I think it`s ok, but I like my enom $6.95 account better.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2003
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So to transfer a domain name to someone doesnt require knowing the third parties passowrd? like if I was selling a name to someone who had a godaddy account


Level 6
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Sep 18, 2002
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Originally posted by stuff
Then I think it`s ok, but I like my enom $6.95 account better.

Me too :D


Level 6
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Sep 18, 2002
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Originally posted by moxsum
So to transfer a domain name to someone doesnt require knowing the third parties passowrd? like if I was selling a name to someone who had a godaddy account

The user transfer is RegFly -> RegFly only. You can select the option and enter your own email and see what I mean. Believe me it won't hurt :).

Transfers across registrars (e.g. RegFly -> Godaddy) usually require a transfer fee equal to one year renewal, which also add one year to the expiry. The buyer at Godaddy will initiate and pay for the transfer, Godaddy will email the seller who need to respond and acknowledge the transfer.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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eNom all the way.

Also try NameCheap (another eNom reseller). They accept PayPal for single purchase registrations (no $100 account refill minimum) and they have all the same great tools of their parent eNom.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 8, 2002
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Personally I'm a big believer in spreading it around so I use a fair few registries, especially


If you come across a registry, make sure to check them out thoroughly.

Many will be ICANN acredited but make sure to check the list on http://www.icann.org.


Level 7
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Jul 22, 2002
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my first experience with registerfly left a very nasty taste in my mouth

i wanted to register 50cent.cn and it was available and not regged.

i go to registerfly (purely because i was using paypal and namecheap did not yet handle the .cn ccTld) i log in, i search for the name, i add it to my cart, i go to the checkout, i go through the paypal payment procedure. i check my account.... nothing. oh well i thought these things can take time when using non credit card payments... it was late so i hit the hay. i wake up in the morning and still nothing, the name is available... i decide i will sort it out once i was at the office... when i get to the office... it's gone. someone else has registered the name themselves... being more than a little annoyed i open a support ticket to find out why they did not register this name for me... then in the meantime i figure the balance left in my account by not registering this name will go wasted so i register another name (tupac.cn)... i then get probably one of the most conceited and condescending emails from a so called 'help'-desk i have ever heard of in my life where in short i was told i was an idiot and i had not tried to register the name 50cent.cn i had registered tupac.cn and that i couldnt register 50cent.cn because it was already taken... following an almost unheard of amount of restraint on my part i dragged the email to the trash can and wrote registerfly off vowing never to waste any more of my money with them...

now i would reccomend enom to anyone. that or namecheap (an enom reseller). but registerfly... yuck!!! :p


Level 9
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Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by Ciqala
my first experience with registerfly left a very nasty taste in my mouth

i wanted to register 50cent.cn and it was available and not regged.

i go to registerfly (purely because i was using paypal and namecheap did not yet handle the .cn ccTld) i log in, i search for the name, i add it to my cart, i go to the checkout, i go through the paypal payment procedure. i check my account.... nothing. oh well i thought these things can take time when using non credit card payments... it was late so i hit the hay. i wake up in the morning and still nothing, the name is available... i decide i will sort it out once i was at the office... when i get to the office... it's gone. someone else has registered the name themselves... being more than a little annoyed i open a support ticket to find out why they did not register this name for me... then in the meantime i figure the balance left in my account by not registering this name will go wasted so i register another name (tupac.cn)... i then get probably one of the most conceited and condescending emails from a so called 'help'-desk i have ever heard of in my life where in short i was told i was an idiot and i had not tried to register the name 50cent.cn i had registered tupac.cn and that i couldnt register 50cent.cn because it was already taken... following an almost unheard of amount of restraint on my part i dragged the email to the trash can and wrote registerfly off vowing never to waste any more of my money with them...

now i would reccomend enom to anyone. that or namecheap (an enom reseller). but registerfly... yuck!!! :p

Thank god they saved you $26 ! 50cent.cn ? come on cig :laugh:

I wouldnt give on on them just yet.. enom was also having trouble with .cn s regs when they first came out, I dont know how because I understand it is the same connection but I was able to reg .cns the first few hours at regflty BEFORE enom was ready..

It's hard to try any place agin after you have one bad experince..


New Member
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Mar 13, 2003
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Agreed, I had issues registering .cn names on the first few days they came out(co.uk as well). After a few days the issues seem to of been worked out. Overall still a great registrar


Level 6
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Aug 21, 2002
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Registerfly sucks bigtime! ...and this is not an expression I use very often.

I had a very similar experience to bid...

Though, in my case, they overcharged my card by $1000's and refused to refund it! :(

I tried many times to contact them to resolve the issue, but "Undead Person" wouldn't deal with the problem, and I got no response via email either, except to say I could use the money to register other names with them!!!

The only way I managed to retrieve the money was via a chargeback.



Level 7
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Jul 22, 2002
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50 cent is going to be one of the biggest rappers of this decade...

check the overture stats for his name... 2million plus

i wanted to make a site about him for my upcoming network so type-ins werent important. i was after his exact name so the domain fit the content...

plus the biggest thing that pissed me off was the email (i kinda wished i hadnt deleted it...) honestly i was in a bit of a rage after reading it... thats what put me off them... any place can slip up like you say... its how they handle that slip up that is important.

Originally posted by bidawinner

Thank god they saved you $26 ! 50cent.cn ? come on cig :laugh:

I wouldnt give on on them just yet.. enom was also having trouble with .cn s regs when they first came out, I dont know how because I understand it is the same connection but I was able to reg .cns the first few hours at regflty BEFORE enom was ready..

It's hard to try any place agin after you have one bad experince..
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