Originally posted by bidawinner Realnames I will NEVER beleieve you get 130 odd NATURAL type-ins a day from a 6 word domains until I see it.. pure bull..you need to start SHOWING these domains..all of you who claim this type of nonsense..you might be getting the traffic butt's because it was an OLD site ..it has to be a VERY popular saying to get that many typeins a day..Prove it and I take it back..otherwise quit posting things you guys cant back up....
Not too nice or friendly of you Bid saying my post is Bull

You should not be so quick and rude to accuse a long-time member here of making a fraudulent statement

I can assure you I do not lie and post bull in these forums as you wrongly claim.
The reason I normally do not post my names here is because of the possibility of the name being incorrectly attacked or too critical remarks made (perhaps due to someone being misinformed or lack of knowledge), as happens a lot here. I also sometimes think there may be more negative possibilties than positives from posting specific names here.
I also have other long names, some even longer than this one, which also get surprisingly good numbers of true type-ins. If I also posted those names they may get questioned or attacked too.
Many are not listed on the SE's, were never old sites and have no 3rd part links so they must be type-ins. By good numbers I do not mean 5,000/day which extremely high traffic number some of us such as Safesys say is needed to get PPC revenue.
I am talking about far lower traffic, but still valuable as it is very well targeted traffic. Actually, the longer the name the better targeted its traffic is, which I am sure we all must agree with as it should be a given.
I recall you also questioned the validity of another name I purchased from Whois-Search's list of unreg'd names that was getting approx' 26 type-ins day. I sent that $10 name in confidence to Snoopy and I think he more or less confirmed it was likely getting type ins.
This latest name you claim is BULL does in fact gets on avg at least 130 type-ins day, sometimes even more. I believe they are all NATURAL type-ins. As far as I know it's not listed on major SE's. I have done no SEO work on it. In fact the Google Page Rank is greyed out and has a zero page ranking, though not 100% sure about other SE's. Who uses the others anyway, don't we all mostly use Google?
I can again email the name and stats to Snoopy and ask him for his opinion. If he does not want to do this that is fine to, no problem, up to him.
In regards to your assertion this is NONSENSE and it must be getting some traffic from an old site, your statement is really the bull crap one. I have owned the name since late 1999 and know with 100% certainty it was not reg'd earlier so it could not have been an old site.
How do I know? Names longer than 22 characters were not allowed by the registrars until Nov/Dec 1999. That's when I grabbed lots of other long domains which could not be reg'd before that date.
Please apologize and don't be so fast to wrongy accuse other members here of making false statements in their posts.