- Joined
- Mar 23, 2006
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- 2,054
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- 13
The 136 domains below are now for sale for the first time, at the lowest prices they'll ever be - only $99 each! There are plenty of high search and high CPC domains in this bunch waiting for you to capitalize on their potential!
Domain - Global Avg Search - Avg CPC
AutomaticWashingMachine.com: 1300 / $2.69
BadCholesterolFoods.com: 880 / $5.37
BedAndBreakfastNJ.com: 1600 / $1.11
BirthdayIdeasForHer.com: 2400 / $1.30
BirthdayInvitationsOnline.com: 1300 / $1.98
BoardGamesForAdults.com: 2400 / $0.43
BooksForTeenageGirls.com: 2400 / $0.93
SOLD: 1300 / $0.78
CassetteToMP3Converter.com: 1600 / $0.73
CDPlayersForCars.com: 1600 / $0.64
CheapVerticalBlinds.com: 1300 / $2.69
ChristeningGownsForBoys.com: 1600 / $0.78
CompassionateAlternatives.com: 0 / $0.00
CotBeddingSets.com: 1600 / $1.14
CuteOnePieceBathingSuits.com: 2400 / $1.25
DepressionHelpOnline.com: 880 / $14.13
DigitalWatchesForMen.com: 2400 / $1.55
DoINeedToLoseWeight.com: 720 / $3.89
FleaPillsForDogs.com: 1600 / $2.57
FluorescentLightFittings.com: 2400 / $1.38
FoodsLowInCholesterol.com: 1300 / $4.46
GummyVitaminsForAdults.com: 1000 / $1.88
HealthAndWellnessGroup.com: 12 / $0.10
HowCanYouLoseWeightFast.com: 1000 / $3.13
HowToBecomeAFinancialPlanner.com: 720 / $9.43
HowToSendAFaxOnline.com: 880 / $8.09
SOLD: 1000 / $4.02
InternetMarketingApps.com: 12 / $10.35
ITProjectManagementCertification.com: 320 / $24.36
Leadership-Quotes.com: 60500 / $3.44
LunchBoxesForAdults.com: 2400 / $0.82
MysteryBooksForKids.com: 1000 / $0.48
NeonPumps.com: 1000 / $0.62
OttomanCoffeeTable.com: 3600 / $0.94
PayPerClickAdvertisingServices.com: 170 / $28.03
STDSymptomsInMen.com: 5400 / $1.17
StrategicMoneyManagement.com: 0 / $0.10
TransformationStrategist.com: 0 / $0.00
TVSeriesDownload.com: 3600 / $1.04
WAHMBlog.com: 73 / $0.10
WeightGainBlog.com: 590 / $0.10
YouCouldBeHappy.com: 5400 / $0.10
3DAnimationSoftware.net: 12100 / $2.05
AdultEducationCourses.net: 5400 / $9.94
AloeVeraCream.net: 1600 / $0.91
AlternativeStudentLoans.net: 1000 / $10.12
ApplyForStudentLoans.net: 1600 / $9.34
ATVWheels.net: 2900 / $0.89
BabyDressUpGames.net: 14800 / $0.40
ButtWorkouts.net: 6600 / $0.32
CarSafetyRatings.net: 5400 / $1.00
CheapBridalGowns.net: 2400 / $0.96
CoffeeBlog.net: 1600 / $0.95
College-Scholarships.net: 27100 / $2.29
CrossNecklaces.net: 5400 / $0.96
CruisesFromNYC.net: 2400 / $2.82
DNSLoadBalancing.net: 1000 / $28.6
DriftGames.net: 14800 / $0.46
DryCarpetCleaning.net: 1600 / $6.54
EarringsForWomen.net: 6600 / $1.22
Exotika.net: 2400 / $0.10
FamilyPlanningClinic.net: 9900 / $2.78
FireExtinguisherSigns.net: 1900 / $7.06
FreeEmailAccounts.net: 33100 / $0.85
FurniturePackages.net: 2400 / $1.42
GetCashToday.net: 590 / $9.89
GraduateDegreePrograms.net: 720 / $30.38
GraphicDesignTraining.net: 720 / $23.04
HealthyEatingBlog.net: 1300 / $1.57
HealthySmoothies.net: 5400 / $1.42
HowToGetRidOfRats.net: 4400 / $3.93
LadiesCarInsurance.net: 1300 / $24.02
LatinaDating.net: 1300 / $2.89
LitigationSupportServices.net: 590 / $10.54
MBADegreeOnline.net: 720 / $43.90
MortgageInterestRate.net: 3600 / $3.89
MustardSeeds.net: 6600 / $0.72
NewsForToday.net: 4400 / $1.21
NutritionProgram.net: 9900 / $3.83
PartTimeJobsFromHome.net: 6600 / $1.81
PlusSizedLingerie.net: 1300 / $0.81
ProfessionalWeddingPhotographers.net: 880 / $2.70
ProjectManagementTechniques.net: 1600 / $8.07
QuiltSets.net: 1900 / $1.03
RefillInkCartridges.net: 5400 / $4.32
ShirtDesigner.net: 2900 / $1.04
ShowsInLasVegas.net: 14800 / $1.43
Sudoku-Online.net: 246000 / $0.71
SwimmingEquipment.net: 2400 / $1.20
TelephoneNumberLookup.net: 14800 / $0.45
TelephoneNumberSearch.net: 9900 / $0.64
TimeManagementSkills.net: 9900 / $2.22
TouchScreenMobiles.net: 9900 / $4.54
TransferSwitch.net: 6600 / $2.15
TransmissionShops.net: 1300 / $5.59
VideoBuzz.net: 165000 / $0.72
VideoEditingPrograms.net: 2400 / $2.09
WebDeveloperTools.net: 1900 / $6.75
WindowManufacturers.net: 4400 / $7.12
ADHDInAdults.org: 9900 / $3.99
Ad-Hoc.org: 246000 / $0.10
BabyDueDate.org: 8100 / $0.38
BalanceTransferCards.org: 1300 / $14.67
BankruptcyInTexas.org: 1900 / $18.28
BestCulinarySchools.org: 1300 / $8.50
BestSavingsAccounts.org: 9900 / $5.91
CerebralPalsyLawyer.org: 480 / $60.43
CheapestCarToInsure.org: 3600 / $42.52
CollegeStudentJobs.org: 2900 / $0.65
DentalWebsite.org: 1300 / $13.81
DietChart.org: 12100 / $1.51
EasyForexTrading.org: 480 / $24.48
GenderIdentityDisorder.org: 8100 / $2.28
GlaucomaTreatment.org: 8100 / $1.20
HelpMeFindAJob.org: 2400 / $1.35
HowToBecomeWealthy.org: 1600 / $1.94
HowToMakeFastCash.org: 1300 / $3.82
ImmuneSystemBoosters.org: 4400 / $2.48
SOLD: 320 / $3.21
InternationalMBA.org: 1600 / $21.20
InternetSafetyForKids.org: 8100 / $2.00
JobsInLosAngeles.org: 18100 / $0.65
MBASyllabus.org: 4400 / $18.88
MidwiferyCourses.org: 6600 / $6.88
Naturiste.org: 22200 / $0.77
Naturistes.org: 5400 / $0.10
NegotiationStrategies.org: 4400 / $5.04
OffsiteBackupSolutions.org: 880 / $35.24
PetFriendlyVacationRentals.org: 2900 / $0.71
PianoOnline.org: 74000 / $2.42
PMTraining.org: 880 / $15.71
SocialMediaSites.org: 9900 / $1.39
SocialMediaTrends.org: 1900 / $8.37
TheCheapestCarInsurance.org: 1900 / $48.75
TorontoEvents.org: 12100 / $0.61
WhiterSmile.org: 320 / $4.50
The prices go back up after Thursday, October 2. This is part of a larger $99 sale containing over 850 domains - PM me for the full list.
Payment options include PayPal (if we approve), Google Checkout (if we approve), bank wire, Bank of America counter deposit, mailed check/money order, or escrow via Escrow.com (buyer pays escrow fees). Multi-forum post. Timestamp determines who gets the domain. Post or PM the domains you wish to buy. All sales are final.
Domain - Global Avg Search - Avg CPC
AutomaticWashingMachine.com: 1300 / $2.69
BadCholesterolFoods.com: 880 / $5.37
BedAndBreakfastNJ.com: 1600 / $1.11
BirthdayIdeasForHer.com: 2400 / $1.30
BirthdayInvitationsOnline.com: 1300 / $1.98
BoardGamesForAdults.com: 2400 / $0.43
BooksForTeenageGirls.com: 2400 / $0.93
SOLD: 1300 / $0.78
CassetteToMP3Converter.com: 1600 / $0.73
CDPlayersForCars.com: 1600 / $0.64
CheapVerticalBlinds.com: 1300 / $2.69
ChristeningGownsForBoys.com: 1600 / $0.78
CompassionateAlternatives.com: 0 / $0.00
CotBeddingSets.com: 1600 / $1.14
CuteOnePieceBathingSuits.com: 2400 / $1.25
DepressionHelpOnline.com: 880 / $14.13
DigitalWatchesForMen.com: 2400 / $1.55
DoINeedToLoseWeight.com: 720 / $3.89
FleaPillsForDogs.com: 1600 / $2.57
FluorescentLightFittings.com: 2400 / $1.38
FoodsLowInCholesterol.com: 1300 / $4.46
GummyVitaminsForAdults.com: 1000 / $1.88
HealthAndWellnessGroup.com: 12 / $0.10
HowCanYouLoseWeightFast.com: 1000 / $3.13
HowToBecomeAFinancialPlanner.com: 720 / $9.43
HowToSendAFaxOnline.com: 880 / $8.09
SOLD: 1000 / $4.02
InternetMarketingApps.com: 12 / $10.35
ITProjectManagementCertification.com: 320 / $24.36
Leadership-Quotes.com: 60500 / $3.44
LunchBoxesForAdults.com: 2400 / $0.82
MysteryBooksForKids.com: 1000 / $0.48
NeonPumps.com: 1000 / $0.62
OttomanCoffeeTable.com: 3600 / $0.94
PayPerClickAdvertisingServices.com: 170 / $28.03
STDSymptomsInMen.com: 5400 / $1.17
StrategicMoneyManagement.com: 0 / $0.10
TransformationStrategist.com: 0 / $0.00
TVSeriesDownload.com: 3600 / $1.04
WAHMBlog.com: 73 / $0.10
WeightGainBlog.com: 590 / $0.10
YouCouldBeHappy.com: 5400 / $0.10
3DAnimationSoftware.net: 12100 / $2.05
AdultEducationCourses.net: 5400 / $9.94
AloeVeraCream.net: 1600 / $0.91
AlternativeStudentLoans.net: 1000 / $10.12
ApplyForStudentLoans.net: 1600 / $9.34
ATVWheels.net: 2900 / $0.89
BabyDressUpGames.net: 14800 / $0.40
ButtWorkouts.net: 6600 / $0.32
CarSafetyRatings.net: 5400 / $1.00
CheapBridalGowns.net: 2400 / $0.96
CoffeeBlog.net: 1600 / $0.95
College-Scholarships.net: 27100 / $2.29
CrossNecklaces.net: 5400 / $0.96
CruisesFromNYC.net: 2400 / $2.82
DNSLoadBalancing.net: 1000 / $28.6
DriftGames.net: 14800 / $0.46
DryCarpetCleaning.net: 1600 / $6.54
EarringsForWomen.net: 6600 / $1.22
Exotika.net: 2400 / $0.10
FamilyPlanningClinic.net: 9900 / $2.78
FireExtinguisherSigns.net: 1900 / $7.06
FreeEmailAccounts.net: 33100 / $0.85
FurniturePackages.net: 2400 / $1.42
GetCashToday.net: 590 / $9.89
GraduateDegreePrograms.net: 720 / $30.38
GraphicDesignTraining.net: 720 / $23.04
HealthyEatingBlog.net: 1300 / $1.57
HealthySmoothies.net: 5400 / $1.42
HowToGetRidOfRats.net: 4400 / $3.93
LadiesCarInsurance.net: 1300 / $24.02
LatinaDating.net: 1300 / $2.89
LitigationSupportServices.net: 590 / $10.54
MBADegreeOnline.net: 720 / $43.90
MortgageInterestRate.net: 3600 / $3.89
MustardSeeds.net: 6600 / $0.72
NewsForToday.net: 4400 / $1.21
NutritionProgram.net: 9900 / $3.83
PartTimeJobsFromHome.net: 6600 / $1.81
PlusSizedLingerie.net: 1300 / $0.81
ProfessionalWeddingPhotographers.net: 880 / $2.70
ProjectManagementTechniques.net: 1600 / $8.07
QuiltSets.net: 1900 / $1.03
RefillInkCartridges.net: 5400 / $4.32
ShirtDesigner.net: 2900 / $1.04
ShowsInLasVegas.net: 14800 / $1.43
Sudoku-Online.net: 246000 / $0.71
SwimmingEquipment.net: 2400 / $1.20
TelephoneNumberLookup.net: 14800 / $0.45
TelephoneNumberSearch.net: 9900 / $0.64
TimeManagementSkills.net: 9900 / $2.22
TouchScreenMobiles.net: 9900 / $4.54
TransferSwitch.net: 6600 / $2.15
TransmissionShops.net: 1300 / $5.59
VideoBuzz.net: 165000 / $0.72
VideoEditingPrograms.net: 2400 / $2.09
WebDeveloperTools.net: 1900 / $6.75
WindowManufacturers.net: 4400 / $7.12
ADHDInAdults.org: 9900 / $3.99
Ad-Hoc.org: 246000 / $0.10
BabyDueDate.org: 8100 / $0.38
BalanceTransferCards.org: 1300 / $14.67
BankruptcyInTexas.org: 1900 / $18.28
BestCulinarySchools.org: 1300 / $8.50
BestSavingsAccounts.org: 9900 / $5.91
CerebralPalsyLawyer.org: 480 / $60.43
CheapestCarToInsure.org: 3600 / $42.52
CollegeStudentJobs.org: 2900 / $0.65
DentalWebsite.org: 1300 / $13.81
DietChart.org: 12100 / $1.51
EasyForexTrading.org: 480 / $24.48
GenderIdentityDisorder.org: 8100 / $2.28
GlaucomaTreatment.org: 8100 / $1.20
HelpMeFindAJob.org: 2400 / $1.35
HowToBecomeWealthy.org: 1600 / $1.94
HowToMakeFastCash.org: 1300 / $3.82
ImmuneSystemBoosters.org: 4400 / $2.48
SOLD: 320 / $3.21
InternationalMBA.org: 1600 / $21.20
InternetSafetyForKids.org: 8100 / $2.00
JobsInLosAngeles.org: 18100 / $0.65
MBASyllabus.org: 4400 / $18.88
MidwiferyCourses.org: 6600 / $6.88
Naturiste.org: 22200 / $0.77
Naturistes.org: 5400 / $0.10
NegotiationStrategies.org: 4400 / $5.04
OffsiteBackupSolutions.org: 880 / $35.24
PetFriendlyVacationRentals.org: 2900 / $0.71
PianoOnline.org: 74000 / $2.42
PMTraining.org: 880 / $15.71
SocialMediaSites.org: 9900 / $1.39
SocialMediaTrends.org: 1900 / $8.37
TheCheapestCarInsurance.org: 1900 / $48.75
TorontoEvents.org: 12100 / $0.61
WhiterSmile.org: 320 / $4.50
The prices go back up after Thursday, October 2. This is part of a larger $99 sale containing over 850 domains - PM me for the full list.
Payment options include PayPal (if we approve), Google Checkout (if we approve), bank wire, Bank of America counter deposit, mailed check/money order, or escrow via Escrow.com (buyer pays escrow fees). Multi-forum post. Timestamp determines who gets the domain. Post or PM the domains you wish to buy. All sales are final.
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