I am not disputing that the current income is crap, probably the majority of the traffic is coming from search engine placement, the .cc is page three on Baidu, lack of ctr/ppc may well be from irrelevant content- I am learning.
I have a large .co.in portfolio which two years ago was recording very low traffic and almost non existent ppc that has now increased dramatically and generates a very acceptable monthly income let alone name sales.
What I have seen is a very increased awareness of IDN domain names which is reflecting in increased traffic that will in turn get advertisers utilsing the product etc etc. I know I am invested in a growth area of the internet which will be explosive.
The one thing that pisses me off greatly is the us and them mentatility prevalent on both sides of the great IDN divide.
I consider them, IDN's, to be just another string to my domaining bow- they are all domain names whatever angle individuals may want to view them from.
Anyway merry xmas and happy new year to all and peace and goodwill amongst domainers.