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3-Letter Swedish ccTLD Sells for 6 Figures to Top DN Journal's New Weekly Sales Chart

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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Its hard for anyone to not be jealous of those who got to start out with millions in capital.

well yes sure. but then you are just jealous of people with money. What I think Duke means (and I agree with him 100%), is that filling your head with negative thinking like that only does harm to yourself, nothing else.

What people including myself need to do is to focus that negative energy into hard damn work. I know that can be tough, but i believe that is what it takes to make it in this or any other business.

I started following the domain market when I was 15 and without a dollar to my name, trading my few lousy domains for credits at the registrars (lol!).

Anyways, today I am 23 and finally have the chance to use what I learned during those years combined with whatever funds I have to spend on domains. Without those years spent at this forum and the fora available back then, I would never have the opportunity today.

What i am trying to say (even though it's a cliché) is that the things that really pay off in life are hard work, treating other people kindly and patience.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Its hard for anyone to not be jealous of those who got to start out with millions in capital.

There are plenty who started out in this very forum with next to nothing (including me) and climbed the ladder one rung at a time. Forum veterans remember me flipping domains for $50 apiece here in 2002-2003 when the only capital I had was a credit card (without much credit left on it). It is so easy to sit back like the Broe-Foes of the world and whine endlessly about it being someone else's fault that they can't make it. Much harder to actually get to work and learn how to make a living if this is the field you want to be in. If you don't have the skills to develop a domain, the resources to learn are all online. It's a much better use of one's time than spending your day in a forum pissing, *****ing and moaning because you think the world isn't fair, News flash - it's not - but take a look around you at the people who started with less than you have and on the same playing field, yet managed to do just fine.

In a fast growing space like this with literally endless opportunities, if the best strategy you can come up with is to blame everyone else for you problems, that is just incredibly sad to me. Sure there are people who started in this space with money but the vast majority of the most successful ones started out with very little including Frank Schilling, Garry Chernoff, Sahar Sarid, the Castello Brothers and countless others. No one handed them anything and a lot of them worked literally around the clock to build their businesses.

Schilling told me about driving through McDonalds earlier in this decade trying to find enough change in the center console of his car so he could buy a hamburger. He spent so much time in front of a computer building a portfolio that he looked like Howard Hughes when he finally came out. I can respect that kind of determination. I can't respect some jerk sitting on the sidelines belittleling people and crying "woe is me" around the clock.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 18, 2009
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I'd like to be in those list someday, Ron. :)

This honestly thrills me. :)

Before someone misquote me, I was referring to the title of this thread, not the "bitter" exchanges that's going on here.

I don't care what one John Doe says about DNJournal. I always look forward to the sales report by Ron every Wednesday and once in a while review past statistics available on his site, to get updated, to be educated, and most of all, to get inspired. It's like watching the stock market, the NBA-playoffs, or the Oscars every time. :)

Now back to the real topic, fellas.

icehole said:
regarding the swedish name, there was some hubbub after the sale. Alot of people didn't like the idea of spending a million krona of the tax payers' money for a domain name. fools

no, they weren't fools in my guess. they're just uninformed like millions of others across the globe who don't get the value and rationale behind a domain name.

so you think this is good for the .se extension? like, will it follow the current status .de and other european extensions are currently enjoying?

i'd like to be optimistic and i'd like to know past .se sales, if there is any...Ron?? :)
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Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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It is so easy to sit back like the Broe-Foes of the world and whine endlessly about it being someone else's fault that they can't make it.

You know little about me and less about my finances. You know nothing about my success, ability to succeed, etc. Your hopeful speculation is misguided, inaccurate, and a thinly-disguised attempt to deflect from the issues I continue to highlight. Your "news" journal is a poor excuse for a "news" anything. You continue to turn a blind eye to those in this business who are screwing your readers. Yes, you wrote about the Snapnames fraud after Snapnames dropped the confession in everybody's lap. To have given them a pass, at that point, would have been too obvious. But still you continue to publish their auction results, as though they still hold credibility. That's okay, Ron, your entitled to publish whatever you like. As long as the rest of us know where you're really coming from, it's okay. I merely like to remind a healthy chunk of your readers (the suckers who are the unwitting dupes due to the likes of Snapnames and Dicker) that you really seem to not give a crap about those who help make your "news" journal popular in the industry, but rather seem to help the ethically-challenged players in the industry maintain a positive and honest image. Right now you're sleeping with dogs, and as a result you're waking up with your share of fleas.
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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Jessica320: the .se is doing ok, but is nothing compared to other european TLDs.

.se is almost only used in Sweden, and with it's 9 million inhabitants it isn't a very lucrative market for people who aren't familiar with the language or culture


Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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I don't recall seeing Duke this mad, ever. Really, what is the point of attempting to discredit DNJournal via "I know you are but what am I" posts?

Yes, he is mad, isn't he. I don't care. If he chooses to resort to personal attacks because he doesn't like what I have to say, then so be it. My posts state the TRUTH, and I value the TRUTH.

I am also mad. I am mad that I bid at rigged auctions. Those auctions were rigged by individuals and companies that are still held in high esteem at DNjournal.

Acro, if I'm as inconsequential as Ron would have you believe, I wouldn't be able to "discredit" DNjournal by stating facts. IMHO, DNjournal has discredited itself, and continues to do so weekly. Yes, I know, it's very convenient and helpful to get the latest, available domain sales data. Unfortunately, the healthy measure of auction fraud we recently learned about taints much of that data, past and present. Perhaps that contributes to Ron's current anger, the fact that much of his published sales data may be tainted. We know for sure that Snapnames data has been tainted for at least four years. That means DNjournal has been publishing sales data from rigged auctions, unbeknownst to Ron (at least I am ASSUMING Ron had no knowledge the data he published were results from rigged auctions). That would piss me off too if I were him.
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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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the things that really pay off in life are hard work, treating other people kindly and patience.

That's a Bingo, icehole. You came here the same year I did and I remember you well as we traded cheap domains back and forth trying to improve the small holdings we had. I still have some of the domains I got from you so I don't think I chose very well. :)

I try to take a positive approach in everything I do in life and DN Journal reflects that philosophy. From day one it has been a magazine I decided to do because it would let me write about the people and things I find interesting and inspiring. The number of unique visitors to the site is in 6 figures monthly so it seems there are a few odd people here and there who find something useful in it.

Other publications have their own viewpoints and when there are so many news sites out there to choose from now it would take a real masochist to spend their time reading a worthless site that they just absolutely hate - especially a free site with no one holding a gun at their head making them read it. Maybe all of that time spent pouring over a magazine one can't stand in the first place would be better used on somethng like, oh I don't know, maybe working on one's own business? Seems to me that would generate a better cash flow in the long run than being preoccupied with someone else's worthless site - but that's just me.

Whether a forum troll hates me, my site or both won't make one iota of difference in my life or in my business. But the time wasted hating will make a big difference in his life and his business (as it apparently already has) and that is the point I am trying to get across to others who are trying to get somewhere. Icehole's formula "hard work, treating other people kindly and patience" is a pretty darn good one. Broe-Foe's "be the biggest jerk you can possibly be" philosophy is just the opposite - one that will leave you spinning your wheels and getting nowhere throughout your life, regardless of what business you are in.

Yes, he is mad, isn't he.

Actually I'm not. As I said before I am sad to see someone so hateful and bitter. I wish you no ill will whatsoever and hope that one day you will get into a business that will bring some joy to your life. It doesn't appear this one is ever going to do the trick though. I'm out. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2002
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where is that "6-figure swedish" domain name in your "new" weekly domain sales page?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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There are plenty who started out in this very forum with next to nothing (including me) and climbed the ladder one rung at a time. Forum veterans remember me flipping domains for $50 apiece here in 2002-2003 when the only capital I had was a credit card (without much credit left on it). It is so easy to sit back like the Broe-Foes of the world and whine endlessly about it being someone else's fault that they can't make it. Much harder to actually get to work and learn how to make a living if this is the field you want to be in. If you don't have the skills to develop a domain, the resources to learn are all online. It's a much better use of one's time than spending your day in a forum pissing, *****ing and moaning because you think the world isn't fair, News flash - it's not - but take a look around you at the people who started with less than you have and on the same playing field, yet managed to do just fine.

In a fast growing space like this with literally endless opportunities, if the best strategy you can come up with is to blame everyone else for you problems, that is just incredibly sad to me. Sure there are people who started in this space with money but the vast majority of the most successful ones started out with very little including Frank Schilling, Garry Chernoff, Sahar Sarid, the Castello Brothers and countless others. No one handed them anything and a lot of them worked literally around the clock to build their businesses.

Schilling told me about driving through McDonalds earlier in this decade trying to find enough change in the center console of his car so he could buy a hamburger. He spent so much time in front of a computer building a portfolio that he looked like Howard Hughes when he finally came out. I can respect that kind of determination. I can't respect some jerk sitting on the sidelines belittleling people and crying "woe is me" around the clock.
Its doubtful that stories like Schilling's will be repeated though. The genie is out of the bottle and its a totally different game now. He would never be able to buy beer.com now for what he did back then. There are plenty of people who work hard. I put in 12 or so hours every day. Will I see success like Schilling? Doubtful but I am just trying to make a living. It would be nice to get rich off this but I don't expect it. I would love to see a story on Dnjournal about someone who has made it big without huge startup capital in the past couple of years. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate and respect what you do for the industry. I enjoy reading dnjournal but you can't really compare the success of those 10-7 years ago with todays market.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 11, 2004
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It's hard to believe I got this started off. Oh, I'll blame it on my keyboard. BTW, I'm listening to the old Cat Steven's hit, Oh Baby Baby it's a Hard World. I wonder if that ain't a little Freudian slip or something.


Corporate Design, Naming & Branding
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 9, 2005
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regarding the swedish name, there was some hubbub after the sale. Alot of people didn't like the idea of spending a million krona of the tax payers' money for a domain name.

i can understand that

although it is nice to have this domain for the agency
it is not necessary
they could use any other domain or subdomain
and it would be fine

gov. agencies and authorities are in a completely different situation than businesses...


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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yes I know that. But you need to know that 99% of all respected institutions and/or government agencies use .se .

This purchase came with the re-organization of that particular department, so approx $100k added to the probable high cost of reorganising, seems like money well spent to get the proper name in the .se namespace


Corporate Design, Naming & Branding
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 9, 2005
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yes I know that. But you need to know that 99% of all respected institutions and/or government agencies use .se .

This purchase came with the re-organization of that particular department, so approx $100k added to the probable high cost of reorganising, seems like money well spent to get the proper name in the .se namespace

yes, it surely must be an .se
but not necessarily this domain
it could have even been a subdomain
(or subdomans for various agencies, or .gov.se/.reg.se as a second level domain, or something like samhallsskydd.se, samh.se...)

because people usually need the authorities/agencies
so they have to find them
unlike businesses that use domains as a marketing tool

anyway, you are right, it was probably only a fraction of the total cost
(various consulting fees, etc.)
and governments often waste money...
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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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My posts state the TRUTH, and I value the TRUTH.

Sorry, I have to call BS on that one, especially since I've discovered that you are an absolute master of complete BS, as I have just thoroughly documented in another thread: http://www.dnforum.com/f521/hey-why-not-follow-up-bs-er-thread-395350.html

To everyone else, After my last post, I was going to ignore this classic anonymous troll (real name: David Corish of Mission Viejo, California) because like all BS artists and forum flamers who never have anything positive to contirbute, he persists in soiling every thread he can, hoping that someone will pay attention to him. But enough is enough - if he is going to hold himself out as someone qualified to judge other people, then people have a right to know exactly who he is and what his "qualifications" for constantly putting other people down are (it turns out that they are very thin indeed, as always seems to be the case with obnoxious aholes like this).
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