Originally posted by gregr
Don't go anywhere yet Dave. The exit polls are looking like a Silver memberships will be free. http://www.dnforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22237
Also, I don't think it would be a stretch to say that 2,000 + name transactions have occurred as a result of this site. So that qualifies as thousands. 
No sweat, I'm not leaving until I'm kicked out for non-payment!
As I said, it's cool that the forum is evolving in new directions. Since I am a domain name enthusiast and NOT a pro, the new directions may or may not coincide with my interests. That's not good or bad, but just my $.02 worth. At the end of the day, the guy who pays the bills (you!) has the ultimate authority for where things go and of course getting the bills paid.
The roots of this thread were to b**** about the charges. I don't want to do that, but was just expressing my own personal views. This forum has well over a thousand members, so therefore it has over a thousand personal viewpoints!
As I said, I've enjoyed and appreciated my visits here, no matter what the future holds.
Cheers and best wishes,