The way I was told it works is if you want to reg under your cost price (you can't use registry rocket/pdq etc) you can do until you reach 0 in commission and reseller account buffer. Once you reach 0 they might start charging your card, once you put a stop to them charging your card or don't pay by cheque you can say goodbye to ever working with enom again
I would hope that if you reach 0 and enom doesn't see payment beforehand no transactions will be processed if you are a reseller.
Again all i'm saying is you set up a site that does not use enom for any processing. You create a site which takes orders and simply registers from your main account without worrying about the limitations, that is it keeps charging your main account all the time and putting domains under it that customers order from you. Your job would then be to simply top up your account every now and then. Ideally you would have used the set up fee to pad the account sufficiently so you don't need to recharge every 5 minutes and pray that no one is silly enough to take you up on the "register 1500 names" in one go
although if they pay you up front I see only greed holding someone back and actually topping up their account accordingly. It is not a very good idea but then again neither is war.
The way I think these guys are doing it is they want someone to pay them shitloads, they then negotiate with a registrar for majorly reduced pricing and then create a reseller account for whoever just registered and then push the money in there along with a "reduced" price which may still be above their wholesale. Who knows maybe they want some large accounts to become ICANN accredited themselves?
Been with enom for 2 weeks now and i'm doing a business analysis, better stop now
Hope you understood what I was trying to say with the enom selling under your price thing, if you don't use enom for the price processing you can do as you like, for example I took a loss of $7.25 by giving my friend a free domain name, enom isn't going to do a thing about it since it's none of their business and i have moolah in my account, if I didn't have money they'd be charging the card or not processing the registration.