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  • Thread starter Deleted member 4749
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Deleted member 4749

I was asked by AhmedF to broker beat.com, a virtually worthless in my openion domain for 20k and over. We had an agreement and I started to broker it around 5 days ago.
After talking to serious folks whom i know I managed to get a 20k abd 21k offer for it. Now AhmedF runs away because he is not willing to pay the commission fee we agreed to.
I think this is a scam, I advice anyone to keep away from him.

I'm not pleased, but I have to publish our agreement and our conversation here to make it obvious to anyone that this is a clear scam. It doesn't cotain any confidantion information.

AhmedF wrote on 10-09-2003 12:07 AM:

I am sorry Yakov, but I will have to withdraw from this deal.


Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-08-2003 11:25 PM:
Why doesn't it seem right to you?
Look, you agreed to sell the domain if I find someone who will be willing to buy it for 20,000 right? I didn't ask you to agree or whatsoever, I just asked you if you want this, you say yes, you want this.

I found a buyer who is willing to pay $20 000.
I was looking for someone who is willing to pay $25 or 30k, but I cannot find anyone.
I found another buyer who is willing to pay $21k.

As per our agreement you will pay 15% commission fee if the domain is sold for over 20k.
What isn't right in this?
If you just don't want to pay me for the job I did, I will cancel the negotiation with the buyer. Otherwise I don't see ---- ANYTHING---- wrong with this case or with my action.

Please let me know asap, I'm dealing with serious folks here and
I don't want to cause any inconvinience to any of them.

AhmedF wrote on 10-08-2003 11:10 PM:
Hello Yakov,

This baffles me a bit.

$20,000 x 0.10 = $2000
$21,000 x 0.15 = $3000

That just doesnt seem right to me :/


Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-08-2003 06:10 PM:
I negotiated the sale of this domain for 21k.
Please let me know your escrow.com email address and I'll tell the sellet to initiate the transaction.
Best regards,

AhmedF wrote on 10-08-2003 04:07 AM:
No rush at all.

Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-08-2003 03:33 AM:
I'm still waiting for some responses.
Are you in rush selling the domain ?

AhmedF wrote on 10-02-2003 04:51 PM:
Excellent :)

Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-02-2003 03:09 PM:
I got a 20k offer, now working toward a greater offer.
Will keep you updated.

AhmedF wrote on 10-01-2003 04:11 AM:
Copied awstats here:

Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-01-2003 03:05 AM:
Do you have any traffic numbers?

AhmedF wrote on 10-01-2003 02:27 AM:

Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-01-2003 01:41 AM:
Okay, I can try to sell it for a minimum of 20k, if it is sold for 20k, you will have to pay 10% comission of 20k which would amount to 2k.
If I sel it for over 20k, you'll have to pay 15% of the final price.

I would approximate my chances of selling this domain fro this price is 50/50.

It would require me 5 days to get you the final answer. I will surely receive several answers instantly but I want to wait for all answers, some of which may arrive in 5 days, in order to sellect the best offer.

If this is acceptable, you'll have to change the whois for the domain to me, so that no one contact you directly (my whois is the same as for kk.com).
You will have to agree to give me 5 days and to be abligated to sell the domain if I find a buyer who is ready to pay 20k or over.

Currently I broker several names (bonuses.com and some others)and I had some concerns expressed with regards to whois information change. I want to note that I don't need your domain transferred to me, you keep your domain locked under your account, I need the information change only for the fee structure protection.

AhmedF wrote on 10-01-2003 01:29 AM:

$10-$15k would simply be unfeasable for me - not worth the effort :). Lowest I could go is $20k. I do still believe that the domain is worth $25k+, but I would like to redirect some of that money into my other progressions [im a SEO person, and liquid cash is important].

So, if you can target $20k+, I am all for it :)


Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-01-2003 12:12 AM:

It is a nice name and will probably worth $25 000 to someone.
I have contacts with several folks/companies who are bigger than elequa, but I'm not sure if they will pay that.
I think, however, there is a big chance that I can sell it for 10 000-15,000.

It's in my interest to sell it for as much as possible cause my comission positively related to the sale price, but with a 25k minimum acceptable offer it's not too realistic. It is a fact that I brokered some names for about twise as much as the asking price.

I would try to broker the domain if you lower the acceptable price to $10 000 - $15 000. If I can get $25 000 or more, I will get that.

AhmedF wrote on 09-30-2003 11:52 PM:
Hello Yakov,

Read your post about brokering, and I would be interested.

I am thinking of selling beat.com, but I would like a sale of at least $25,000 [net].

Can that be done, or am I being unrealistic?



Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 15, 2002
Reaction score
Well what I think he is saying when he says "this doesn't look right to me" is that he nets 18k if you sell it for 20k or 17,850 if you sell it for 21k.



Does that make sence to you?

Most broker deals, using your #'s would be 10% on the first 20k and 15% on anything over that. So $2000 + 150 for you. Making you $2150 and him $18,850

Granted he seems to have agreed to your original terms, although I would suspect in a rather naieve/inocent way.

It seems you are a good person to broker a name. I would sugest you layout the terms a little more clearly though as I doubt anyone would agree to those terms. I would also suggest that your ability to broker would warrant a non-refundable deposit based on performance.

Hope you guys can work it out as this was a good deal for all, under my senario anyway.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2003
Reaction score
Tell ahmedF to accept the $20k offer then. This way he gets more then if you sold for $21k.

Deleted member 4749

Originally posted by Sharpy

It seems you are a good person to broker a name. I would sugest you layout the terms a little more clearly though as I doubt anyone would agree to those terms.

Altho you doubt, it is a fact that I have brokered many names and most of them for above the asking price.
No one ever expressed any concerns about the terms, I deal with serious folks who understand this simple fee structure.

This is the first scam I run over. Hope it doesn't happen again.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Coordinator Inc

Altho you doubt, it is a fact that I have brokered many names and most of them for above the asking price.

Yakov, I don't doubt that at all, I said "you would be a good person to broker names."

No one ever expressed any concerns about the terms, I deal with serious folks who understand this simple fee structure.

Now these serious people I would like to meet. You're saying they would agree to this?:


Deleted member 4749

Yes, I had a similar case, everything was fine with the buyer.

Assuming that the domain is fr sale at 20k,
I usually state that if I sell your domain for 20, 000 you will pay 10% commission, if I sell your domain for over that, starting $20,001, you will have to pay 15% in commission.

As the fee structure is very simple and no concerns in any kind were ever experred about the structure, I decided it not to be reasonable to explain the thing that is very understandable.

I also a human being and $3000 is no big money to me and I have no pleasure to blow somones reputation, but in this case, this is a very unpleasant scam.

Deleted member 4749

Originally posted by Spider
Tell ahmedF to accept the $20k offer then. This way he gets more then if you sold for $21k.

I don't deal with scammers no matter how proffitable it is.
The sale is cancelled.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 15, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, well let's agree to disagree on the fairness of those terms.

Good luck, too bad you guys didn't finish the deal.

Deleted member 4749

Sharpy, we are talking about the failure to honor the agreement a person has enetered.
Because of this, your post is non sense.

Failure to fallow the agreement you enter, after the other party has spent it's time and energy to provide you with a service you requested on the terms you agreed to is a clear scam

You can take your philosophy somewhere else, this is a business that is built on simple agreements.
The fee structure is short and simple, so your effort to apply a concept of a long fine printed agreement to this case is invalid and even misleading.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
IF the conversations posted are 100% authentic and NON-EDITED, then I have to agree with Yakov on this one!

Sounds like Ahmed agreed to the fee structure, then later, after thinking about it, decided to try to change the terms AFTER THE FACT. A little sellers remorse, maybe? Real estate agents have sellers do this to them all the time!

I can't think of ONE other legetimate business where contract terms are changed arbitrarily by one party AFTER both paties agree to them!

If I read the transcript clearly, Ahmed agreed to the selling price as well!

Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-02-2003 03:09 PM:
I got a 20k offer, now working toward a greater offer.
Will keep you updated.

AhmedF wrote on 10-02-2003 04:51 PM:
Excellent :)
That sounds like he was delighted at the offer!

Anyway, this is my 2 scents!



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
I think the math is a little fuzzy but ahmedf does owe you $3k.

Deleted member 4749

Originally posted by WebCat
IF the conversations posted are 100% authentic and NON-EDITED, then I have to agree with Yakov on this one!

The conversation context is not edited in any kind.

Deleted member 4749

Okay, I will clerify things for some of you who still cannot understand the case.

AhmedF wrote on 10-01-2003 02:27 AM:

Coordinator Inc wrote on 10-01-2003 01:41 AM:
Okay, I can try to sell it for a minimum of 20k, if it is sold for 20k, you will have to pay 10% comission of 20k which would amount to 2k.
If I sel it for over 20k, you'll have to pay 15% of the final price.

I would approximate my chances of selling this domain fro this price is 50/50.

It would require me 5 days to get you the final answer. I will surely receive several answers instantly but I want to wait for all answers, some of which may arrive in 5 days, in order to sellect the best offer.

If this is acceptable, you'll have to change the whois for the domain to me, so that no one contact you directly (my whois is the same as for kk.com).
You will have to agree to give me 5 days and to be abligated to sell the domain if I find a buyer who is ready to pay 20k or over...

Above you will clearly see the acceptance of the agreement that describes the fee structure and the abbligation of AhmedF to sell the domain for 20k+

AhmedF wrote on 10-08-2003 11:10 PM:
Hello Yakov,

This baffles me a bit.

$20,000 x 0.10 = $2000
$21,000 x 0.15 = $3000

That just doesnt seem right to me :/


Above you see that AhmedF understands the fee structure without me naming the numbers or even giving him any hint. He was never misleaded and did clearly undertand the fee structure.

I hope this will make it clear that I didn't mean to mislead anyone and no one was ever misleaded with the fee structure, and AhmedF in particular clearly understood the fee structure and all he did is he run away from his abbligation.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
There is two sides to a story. And, all we have heard is Yakov.

Plus, he goes from one forum to another complaining and slandering the seller. And, if the forum member didn't agree with him. He attacked them.

But, the bottom line is - He is mad that he got greedy and couldn't get away with it.

Deleted member 4749

Originally posted by actnow
There is two sides to a story. And, all we have heard is Yakov.

Plus, he goes from one forum to another complaining and slandering the seller. And, if the forum member didn't agree with him. He attacked them.

But, the bottom line is - He is mad that he got greedy and couldn't get away with it.

- Attack ? Who did I attack? I can only attack idiots like you who feel so silent about other guys, who unlike them are in the business not for badmousing and asskissing that they start swearing on successful guys to attract some attention to themselves cause in the real woorld, no one give them to say a word.

- Greedy? Good demonstration of your stupidness, non-understanding of business concepts and silence.
Your stupidity is underlined in your inability to add something valid to the argument and changing the topic. Go get some brain surgery.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 15, 2002
Reaction score
Ok Yakov, then why didn't you do your buyer the service of selling the domain for $20,001 You would have made 20,0001x 15%? You would have saved your buyer $999 and still made $3000 acording to your formula. Don't be a jerk. Your formula is a joke. You say I make no sence, well I'm no rocketsurgeon but I know your commission structure is beyond belief. Did aF agree to your terms? Yes. Does he owe you the 3150.00? if the sale was executed? Yes. Is He is he a scam artist? No. I don't think he is. Honesty on both side of a sale is the key to longevity.

Oh and I see by the above post, you're back to your propper english style.

Deleted member 4749

Originally posted by Sharpy
Ok Yakov, then why didn't you do your buyer the service of selling the domain for $20,001 You would have made 20,0001x 15%? You would have saved your buyer $999 and still made $3000 acording to your formula. Don't be a jerk. Your formula is a joke. You say I make no sence, well I'm no rocketsurgeon but I know your commission structure is beyond belief. Did aF agree to your terms? Yes. Does he owe you the 3150.00? if the sale was executed? Yes. Is He is he a scam artist? No. I don't think he is. Honesty on both side of a sale is the key to longevity.

You are not as sharp as named. :)))

See above the proof of that AdmedF was not misleaded and make a resonable statement.


Jedi Master
Apr 8, 2002
Reaction score
Ahmed has a right to be upset. You took advantage of the situation and fully knew what you were doing.

If you sell the domain for 20k, he gets 18k of it.
If you sell the domain for 21k, he gets 17k of it.

What is wrong with this? You sell it for MORE and he gets LESS.

I would be mad too.

You are a smart person. You fully knew what you were doing.

Was it illegal?

Not according to the letter of your agreement.

Was it unethical? **I** think so.

He is looking out for his best intersts and does not want to be scammed. He asks you to reconsider and you flat out blast him and call him a scammer?

Time to rethink Yak.



Jedi Master
Apr 8, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Coordinator Inc
See above the proof of that AdmedF was not misleaded and make a resonable statement.

You are taking advantage of respect and thoughtfulness that was implied from the beginning.

When you said you would take 15% if the name was sold for anything over $20k, the implication was that it would be for several thousand over $20k and not $21k where you made out "unfairly".


Deleted member 4749

You think I acted unethnical because the buyer didn't fallow the agreement or because I didn't say "if I sell the namefor 20 001 or above, you pay 15% of the total price", instead of what i said "If I sel it for over 20k, you'll have to pay 15% of the final price"?

I knew what I was doing? I didn't know the price I will sell it for or if I will sell it at all. I would rather sell it for 25k and get more money than for 21k, the final price didn't depend on me in any way.

You still think that AhmedF was misleaded, after the point I made on that question?

Rethink ? I have to rethink how to protect myself from unsure unprofessional clients like AhmedF so I don't waste my time and time of my contacts for no reason.
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