It is worth zero. It just isn't a term that is used. It isn't as bad as names like Pokers and Real Estates (some people actually register these types of names), but it doesn't really make sense. The whole point of domain names is really missed by many, so, if you are just starting you need to change directions quickly so as to not try to fit square pegs into round holes.
The subtlety in the language is what makes the game so interesting. There are accepted ways of saying things. Certain ways have more meaning than others. That is part of the fun. A few months ago, Mitt Romney was giving a talk and he mentioned that he had just got off the aircraft. He got all kinds of heat for that. Many articles were written, and they were all negative. The point was that because he used to the word aircraft, which nobody uses in the context that he did, then that meant that he was out of touch.
There are huge differences in seemingly small things. If you don't know, then you need to know, or you will never make it. Imagine an alien looking down on the United States dating scene. Say this alien sees, and sees that the guys profiles first. There is a world of difference between a guy who lists his height as 6 feet 2, compared to a guy who lists his at 5 feet 5. That's the way the world works. Now imagine if someone has an Associates Degree and they are faxing in a resume competing with people with Master's Degrees for a high paying job.
You have to know where the power is in a society, and you have to know how the world runs, if you are going to have success. Words have meaning, and Airline Flying is awkward to the listener. It is not realistic to believe that the world will offer you a competitive advantage because you registered this name.
I would say that 95 percent of the people in domains have the idea that instead of going after names with true value, even life-changing value, they think that they can turn bad names into good just by saying so. They do this with every horrific extension known to man, and they never learn. You see so many versions of it. People butcher the language trying to make something worthless into something that has value.
I someone said that they were an apartments manager you would no that they were a joke. It is apartment manager, not apartments. Likewise if someone said that they were a dwelling manager you would gain a bunch of info about them, mostly not good. Airline Flying just doesn't cut it. You have to guess too much as to what would be at the site. It is about pilots? Is it a travel agent site? It could be anything.
I registered far worse than this when I first started. Far far worse.