Originally posted by BigFart
The biggest favor an appraiser can do for somebody with no domain sense is to shoot him down.
No, it isn't. An appraiser may post his and only his opinion in
a decent way.
CarReview.com Excellent (over $5,000)
Car-Review.com Fair (under $1,000)
CarsReview.com $50
I Agree.
Don't agree.
Its not that I defend the name because its mine, I need to give my view.
As I said I intentionally made first word in plural just because of
possible subdomains like:
Personally I see much more value in this than in your first example.
You may have totally other opinion, based on whatever, but normaly I expect some reasoning, not empty thoughts.
However I appreciate anyone's input, if made in a non-offensive
You can't mess with tense in a domain name. It has to sound and be perfect for some corporation to want to make it their own.
Someone likes "sound" names, someone makes names involving a lot of work and research, so that when finished a name could be "ugly", but still best or at least good choice for a determined vision.
I think the sarcasm works. Somebody registers a name thinking it is worth 10K, what better way to appraise it especially when half of the people here argue with the appraiser.
Sarcasm can be used sometimes, but only if a person is capable of being sarcastic.
You know what the appraisals are like here and if you can't take the heat.......
If it was devoted to me, I am afraid I can't get it.
I had never argued anyone's (under)estimation, if put in a respectful way.