Thanks Duke, maybe I'll hold it.
.Com didnt really need any advertising because there were only so many extensions when it came to be so it was advertised by virtue of that there was relatively nothing else.
I think the newer extensions can only benefit with some advertising. .Us was actually initially advertised in some papers and neulevel does seem to be more in favor of advertsing and contest etc.
.Info never really was advertised except for the negative publicity - mostly read by speculators. I think there is a subtle time element here at play and advertising the extension, which was supposed to be done actually as per contract, could help create awareness and use. I don't think it would have a trivial effect. It could (well really could of) created faster awareness and development.
.info is being developed and it is slowly becoming more known, but I think some advertising would have pushed it along nicely. I don't believe we have all the time in the world and that lost time is lost value. Because change in everything, technology, political landscape etc is always right around the corner and any loss of an advantage that can be used or is supposed to be used can only be bad imo.