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ANY Christian Domainers here

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Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 22, 2004
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I was not being sarcastic. I have a different, yet sincere relationship with Christ. The one, which I built based on how 2 entities build relationships based on their personal interaction over the years, and not due to what their profile stated or how their friends or an authority described them to be.

To me, Jesus is the guiding light. A very rational being. A friend. Do I worship him? No!
Do I adore him? Yes! Is he more wiser, worthy and nobler than I am? Yes!

He came to us to deliver a message. We are all children of God. Yes, you may separate Jesus from sinners like us.

If only this world lived by Christ's teachings...............

Only then, they can claim to be "Christians."

I am no where close to it. Those who proclaim themselves to be "Christians," must not shower themselves with the title that easily. Even those who preach on the pulpit. Rather, they can say, "I'd like to be a Christian some day and try to continue being one."

Being a Christian is a mighty burden. Do not assume to be who you are NOT!

We are all not children of God. That is against all bible teachings and anything against bible teaching is in of itself against God who wrote it.

John 1:12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name.

It is clear in order to be a child of God one must believe on the Son of God, Jesus Christ who died for the sins of man. I don't want anyone to be confused or misled. God loves you and I but many will chose not to love him back. No one is born a child of God until they are Born Again. No one can be a friend of God without coming through Jesus.

I agree, being a Christian is a mighty burden. It is up to a Christian to stand against any teaching that is false or non-biblical. Chris, if you wish to post in a Christian thread would it not be important to follow the bible as the final authority and not your opinion?

Romans 3:3-4

For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged

Let's let God be True, let's let the bible be the final word and not anyone's opinion. After all to claim to be a Christian means you follow the Word.


Football Club owner
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Oct 1, 2003
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My registering of Christian domains is both business and protection, but more of the latter. What i meant is, it is rightly that a Christian domain is put to good use, that really serves its purpose.

An example of a domain that is doing the opposite is jesus.com.

George Verdugo

Seasoned Domainer
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Aug 16, 2007
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is there anymore believers out there????


Level 11
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May 21, 2006
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I was brought up as a Christian and went to our church weekly and church youth group during week until I was about 16 and loved it to be honest.
As an adult though I consider myself more spiritual really.
I think people are at least agnostic, even those who say they're atheist ;)


Philadelphia Lawyer
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Oct 8, 2002
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Whether to ride an Infiniti or an Accord?

No, Jesus drove a Colt (Mark 11:7)

The disciples carpooled in a Honda. (Acts 2:1 "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.")


Level 8
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Mar 2, 2008
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I'm with Pred, and I definitely disagree that we are not all children of God. If we are to believe that a God made us, then implicit in this belief is that he gave us our various capacities for belief. No God could possibly be so illogical as to distinguish between those who believe and those who don't.

It's different, of course, if you believe that God only made some of us, and someone/something else made the others.

While we're on the subject of Christianity, I would be very glad if some of you would take a look at www.gatherriches.com and tell me what you think of it - the writing mainly, but I'm not averse to theological comments either. :)


Philadelphia Lawyer
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Oct 8, 2002
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If we are to believe that a God made us, then implicit in this belief is that he gave us our various capacities for belief.

Well, you hit on the key issue.

On the one hand in this thread, we have a Christian who says "It's your choice to believe or not."

On the other hand in this thread, we have a Christian who says "It's not about works."

I don't think they realize they don't agree with each other.

If I accept that Christ's work is entirely sufficient for salvation, then indeed my salvation is entirely dependent on what I do, in the case of those under the impression that you "choose" what you believe.

But a certain psychological defense is required to be joyful and happy under the impression that pretty much everyone around you is going to spend an eternity in torment. Alternatively, one harbors a lifetime of resentments in the hope that, like in the parable of Lazarus and the rich master, you'll actually get to see them suffering and refuse help.

(not the dead-alive-and then dead again Lazarus, the other Lazarus from the parable)


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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The point is John, no one can be a perfect Christian, regardless of their belief system. We try where we can in the manner of our acceptance of the faith in all its limitations.

Let God alone judge us even in our disagreements. You don't have the capacity of God's reasoning, even though you will make all effort to appear so.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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Let God alone judge us even in our disagreements.

I agree. Which is why line-drawing exercises in who is, or who is not, a "Christian", is an exercise in exclusion that is ultimately counterproductive.

Just wait until a Mormon jumps on the thread with a bunch of Baptists, and says he is a "Christian" and watch all of the brotherly love just flow...


Level 9
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Jul 12, 2005
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You don't have the capacity of God's reasoning, even though you will make all effort to appear so.

While I agree I am not equal to God I can however believe His reasonings or beliefs/instructions/guidance whatever you wish to call it is pretty clearly laid out in His word. When you do the opposite of it and than turn around and say " who are we to judge " as a justification to others, it just doesnt hold water. He left a little book of who He is... :) Assuming you believe in that God of course.


Philadelphia Lawyer
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Oct 8, 2002
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When you do the opposite of it and than turn around and say " who are we to judge "

You said works don't matter. Are you revising that position?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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You said works don't matter. Are you revising that position?

Well to be clearer I said...

If only it was by works.

You fail to accept your " friends " doctrine that it is not by works alone

Not works alone, so be clear there are actions but not actions alone are sufficient. I am of the belief John that should you make a choice and allow that choice to lead your life than your " works " , character, actions etc. will follow suite. Obviously not all the time and that is expected when you take your eyes of that choice you made and choose to follow your own. Just clearing that up. I know alot of great people who are not Christians and by great I mean friendly, ethical, funny, helpful and so on. One doesnt need Christ to be a swell guy, just want you to realize I am not of that belief. The action of being " good " does not erase the issue of being born into sin and needing salvation. Again as I see it.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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I agree. Which is why line-drawing exercises in who is, or who is not, a "Christian", is an exercise in exclusion that is ultimately counterproductive.

Just wait until a Mormon jumps on the thread with a bunch of Baptists, and says he is a "Christian" and watch all of the brotherly love just flow...

JP, I have to side with JB here. It is not much as in what the "word" is and what it says, but in it's interpretation by us. The folly lies in our claim to understand the word as god understands it. We haven't barely walked a mile to understand it.

This is why half of the planet is burning with wars, diseases and injustices.

Forget global warming and climate change, it is religion which will consume and pulverize our existence.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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JP, I have to side with JB here. It is not much as in what the "word" is and what it says, but in it's interpretation by us. The folly lies in our claim to understand the word as god understands it. We haven't barely walked a mile to understand it.

This is why half of the planet is burning with wars, diseases and injustices.

Forget global warming and climate change, it is religion which will consume and pulverize our existence.

I am not suprised you side with JB ;)

As for this statement...
It is not much as in what the "word" is and what it says, but in it's interpretation by us. The folly lies in our claim to understand the word as god understands it. We haven't barely walked a mile to understand it.

Now I am a pretty simple guy, I believe God gave us His word and the ability to understand it or be enlightned, otherwise, why give it to us.

In saying that I can also agree with you alot of terrible things have occured thoughout history based on interpretation. Keep in mind when I say His word I refer to the Bible as I know it, many versions of His word exist as each religion has what they believe to be is His word.

So on one hand I agree with you that interpretation can be dangerous I also have to say i disagree with you that God's word is not understandable or capable of being understood. In fact as a Christian ( as I see it any way ) we believe we are left with His Spirit here on earth and able to be enlightened.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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I am of the belief John that should you make a choice

Well, the author of Ephesians 2:8-10 is of a different opinion. From memory - "By grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. You have to ask yourself what is the referent noun of the pronoun "that" doing in the sentence. Going further - "It is a gift" - and again ask yourself what "it" is doing in that sentence.

Patting oneself on the back for even having made the correct "choice" is precisely the sort of thing that the rest of verse 10 states as a reason for faith itself having been a gift in the first place - and is precisely what nameadvertising is saying.

The thing is, you don't choose what you believe. Take Bigfoot, for example. Some people believe a large primate lives in the Pacific Northwest. Some people do not believe a large primate lives in the Pacific Northwest.

I don't know what you believe about Bigfoot, but if I offered you a million dollars to change your mind about Bigfoot, you couldn't actually choose to believe one way or another about it - even with a huge payoff. I mean, sure, you could *say* you believed, but really you'd just want to fool me in order to get the money.

And that is precisely the reason why you see bawling teenagers coming up for altar calls at camp meetings for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th time. What you can do, quite easily because I used to do it is to present a very persuasive Gospel presentation that will inspire people who've been trying to "make that choice" convince themselves that "this time I really mean it" and then "commit their heart to Christ" over and over and over. They're looking for that payoff, because they know if they can't make themselves believe it, they are going to Hell.

Forget global warming and climate change

Ummm... you didn't get the Christian memo on global warning, Chris. It's a secular humanist lie promulgated by scientists (you know, those folks that believe in evolution) and people who worship an earth goddess. Christians aren't supposed to accept global warming as a scientific consensus.

As for the second part of your sentence:

it is religion which will consume and pulverize our existence.

Well, yes Chris, that is the point. We should support war in the middle east, arm the modern country of Israel to the teeth, and antagonize the crap out of everyone there, so there will be a nuclear war which makes Jesus come back.

On the "Christian with a capital C" scale, you're not making the cut if the notion of a flat out cataclysmic armed religious conflict is, in your mind, "a bad thing".

Help me out here Mr. RaptureReady! Can I have a witness!
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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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You are quite well versed, happy to see that :)

I am not patting myself on the back, in fact I have come to realize that it is indeed by grace as I fail quite often. Faith is still a choice imo, the bible tells us that some chose not to believe eventhough they saw miracles. It is clearly a choice that can have two faces. For example someone can know the truth but find it incovenient and chose to ignore it or even protest against it.

The thing is, you don't choose what you believe.

This is a very hard statemen to tackle John. Your example is clear enough but the one factor missing between Bigfoot and a belief in God as I believe is a supernatural element. While I can logically decide to believe or not in Bigfoot, with God I believe it is an inner voice or urging. Now mind you some say " what happens to remote peoples in africa who never hear the gospel " , well the Bible states even nature speaks of His existance and thus to the heart. In fact in the OT there was a civilization who was found to have an inscription to " God " on it who never had outside influence ( have to find the verse ).

I am quite delighted John, you can make a strong case because you know your scriptures... believe it or not ( yes that was a pun )... it is a question that will be with you until your last breath...admittedly or not.;)


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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Your example is clear enough but the one factor missing between Bigfoot and a belief in God as I believe is a supernatural element

Well that's the entire point Chris was making, and indeed the point of Ephesians 2:8-10.

And I wasn't saying that you were patting yourself on the back. I was using the conversational "you" as in one as in "lest any should boast".

You made no choice that you were not given the gift to make.

I am quite delighted John, you can make a strong case because you know your scriptures... believe it or not

You find it hard to believe I trained for ministry and spent time doing mission work? Why? Because you make assumptions about people?

But I no longer have any use for the Christianity that says God likes rich people better than poor people, chooses war over peace, exclusion over inclusion, cherishes greed, pledges allegiance to a flag instead of a Lord, and whose sole mechanism of distinction is to define itself by that which it condemns. Been there, done that, grew up, and grew out.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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JP, JB - I am not remotely as knowledgeable or eloquent as both of you guys. But, I have as I know you do too, a lot of love for humanity. I feel good about that.

Come what may on judgment day. I will be at with peace with myself.

Thanks for sharing your views. I appreciate it a lot.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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because you know your scriptures... believe it or not

Satan knows scriptures, JP. If you knew yours, you'd know that.

Consider yourself "on notice". LOL.

But, I have as I know you do too, a lot of love for humanity

You and Jesus have a lot in common, Chris.
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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 31, 2006
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On the one hand in this thread, we have a Christian who says "It's your choice to believe or not."

On the other hand in this thread, we have a Christian who says "It's not about works."

I don't think they realize they don't agree with each other.

If I accept that Christ's work is entirely sufficient for salvation, then indeed my salvation is entirely dependent on what I do, in the case of those under the impression that you "choose" what you believe.

Not at all. If you have accepted & claimed Jesus' death & resurrection as sufficient to pay for the sins of humans, should they (individually) choose to, then that alone should be enough. Good works should naturally be produced by the person that chooses to seek Him. It's not "what you do" that gets you saved according to the protestant beliefs. However, it should be *evident* in "what you do" that you are indeed a follower. Works follow faith.

Edit: just read back a few more posts. I certainly don't need to preach to you if you went into the seminary.

Just wait until a Mormon jumps on the thread with a bunch of Baptists, and says he is a "Christian" and watch all of the brotherly love just flow...

You've got that right... My entire family is Mormon, and I was raised as one. I jumped ship at an early age, and in my early 20's did my own searching. I am now no particular denomination, and abhor the different splits in what should be a united church under God, and just consider myself as a non denominational protestant. Makes things kinda tough at family gatherings. They tend to be relentless.

Come what may on judgment day. I will be at with peace with myself.

Thanks for sharing your views. I appreciate it a lot.

Good for you. Well spoken.
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