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Anyone heard about "namealerts.com"?

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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Anyone heard or knows about "namealerts.com"?

I think they are enom reseller.

I just purchased domain name "appletrees.org" registered at

I paid the seller by paypal.
Created the acct at namealerts.com
Seller pushed the domain to my acct.

I checked domain was in my acct.

About hour or two later, I went back to namealerts.com
to change NS info and such.

Guess what?
I have zero name :mad2:

Now, whois info shows the name belong to:

Sponsoring Registrar:eNom, Inc. (R39-LROR)
Registrant ID:344B87308A7E47DB
Registrant Name:Simon Vincent
Registrant Organization:NameAlerts, LLC

Now, I receive this reply from the owner (?):
This is purely a database issue and will be resolved within the next 24 hours.

Respectfully threatening chargebacks when you are sending your first email to a company requesting support is completely unnecessary. In view of your threats your account will be locked once the error has been corrected, therefore you will need to transfer the domain elsewhere before it expires. You will not be permitted to renew it here, nor will you be permitted to register any further domains through us.

Not even single apology about their error and start lecturing me
about me mentioning chargeback.

He should be glad I emailed him first.
And he is threatening - "your account will be locked".

I wonder how I can transfer the domain if he lock the account?????

"You will not be permitted to renew it here, nor will you be permitted to register any further domains through us."

Now, How should I read this?
Should I be scared?
Domain Days 2024


Level 9
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Mar 19, 2003
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If it is an enom reseller, you should be able to "push" it to another enom account.
A domain can only be "pushed" once every 7 days at enom.

I notice that the last update to the domain is 5-10. I don't know if the update
was because of dns change, renewal or ownership change.

If you don't have access to the acct that has the domain, you can not get
the authorization code to "transfer" the domain elsewhere.

Contact the person again and request the authorization code. And, also request
that he unlock the domain.

Normally, (since the domain is epp managed thru .org) the update should be
almost instantly.

Something doesn't sound correct here.


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May 11, 2006
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Have signed up here in order to put the other side of this as the initial post is, shall we say, missing some pertinent information.

The OP purchased the domain from somebody else and it was pushed to his NameAlerts account. No problem there. He then placed an order to renew the domain which was processed successfully, however due to an error at our end the domain was not pushed back to his account successfully after the renewal. We operate under the eNom subaccount system, and for renewals to take place domains are pushed to our ETP account, renewed, and then pushed back. There was nothing malicious in the failure to push back, it was just an error. We have tens of thousands of domains under management and occasionally errors occur as they do in any business. When they do we rectify them as soon as possible.

The first that we knew of this problem was receipt of this email:

I created new account with your company today.
And I bought domain name "appletrees.org" and was
pushed to my acct "*****".

I also renewed the domain since expiration date was near.
I am forwarding the receipt of this renewal.

However, I do not have domain name within my acct.
I see whois record shows "appletrees.org" now belong to
"Simon Vincent", NameAlerts, LLC

What has happened?
Please let me know what happened ASAP!

I am about to request charge back to my credit card company
for the renewal and charge back to paypal for purchasing domain.

Please give back my domain name " appletrees.org" right away.
Before I start the charge back process.
And I demand to know what has happened

To say that the email is unnecessarily hostile would be an understatement. A first request for support and it contains two threats to issue a chargeback against us and another against the person from whom he bought the domain?

In both a subsequent post here and a further email, the OP has stated that we are lucky that he emailed first rather than just issuing a chargeback. The chargeback system is designed to protect cardholders from merchants who refuse to resolve a problem, it is not a first course of action to take against a merchant who has not even been made aware that there is anything to resolve.

In view of the OP's apparent bias towards threatening chargebacks rather than simply requesting support, his account was blocked from registering or renewing any further domains with us. That is not an unreasonable step to take against someone who has demonstrated a willingness to harm your business without any grounds for doing so. At no time has access to the domain in question been denied nor would it be. The error has been resolved and he can access his account at any time to manage his domain. We simply have no further desire to do business with him based on his hostile behavior.

I trust that this clarifies the matter.

Simon Vincent
Owner - NameAlerts, LLC


Level 9
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Mar 19, 2003
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NameAlerts said:
He then placed an order to renew the domain which was processed successfully, however due to an error at our end the domain was not pushed back to his account successfully after the renewal. We operate under the eNom subaccount system, and for renewals to take place domains are pushed to our ETP account, renewed, and then pushed back. There was nothing malicious in the failure to push back, it was just an error. We have tens of thousands of domains under management and occasionally errors occur as they do in any business. When they do we rectify them as soon as possible.

.....To say that the email is unnecessarily hostile would be an understatement.

..... his account was blocked from registering or renewing any further domains with us. That is not an unreasonable step to take against someone who has demonstrated a willingness to harm your business without any grounds for doing so. At no time has access to the domain in question been denied nor would it be. The error has been resolved and he can access his account at any time to manage his domain. We simply have no further desire to do business with him based on his hostile behavior.

NameAlerts, welcome to DNF. At least, one GOOD thing will come out of this problem.
I hope to see you stopping back from time to time.

1. I have a number of ETP accts. And, I'm pretty sure that I can renew any domain in a sub-acct within the ETP acct without pushing it.

2. This person did not have a long term relationship with NameAlerts so he didn't
know if this was a hi-jacking attempt or not.

3. Yes. The threat was premature but the customer was very concerned and

4. Professional business people are trained to turn a disgruntled customer into
a loyal customer very easily.

5. Since, it has been renewed. The domain can not be transferred for 45 days.
However, it can be pushed to another enom acct.

OK, both of you guys go back to your corners. :boxing:


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May 11, 2006
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actnow said:
NameAlerts, welcome to DNF. At least, one GOOD thing will come out of this problem.
I hope to see you stopping back from time to time.

1. I have a number of ETP accts. And, I'm pretty sure that I can renew any domain in a sub-acct within the ETP acct without pushing it.

2. This person did not have a long term relationship with NameAlerts so he didn't
know if this was a hi-jacking attempt or not.

3. Yes. The threat was premature but the customer was very concerned and

4. Professional business people are trained to turn a disgruntled customer into
a loyal customer very easily.

5. Since, it has been renewed. The domain can not be transferred for 45 days.
However, it can be pushed to another enom acct.

OK, both of you guys go back to your corners. :boxing:

Thanks, I hope to drop by as and when time permits. Regarding your points:

1) Yes you can but only if you do it manually at the eNom website. Our site operates via the API to provide instant registrations and renewals to our customers, and there is no way to renew a domain in a sub-account via the API, whilst charging it to the parent reseller's account, without doing the two way push. This has been confirmed with eNom's developers.

2) True, but an email asking what had happened would have been rather more in order rather than multiple chargeback threats. Less than 3 hours had elapsed since the renewal was processed.

3) The frustration would be more understandable had contact been made and nothing done about it, but to reiterate these threats were made in the very first email that was sent.

4) Here I will disagree with you as there is a difference between a disgruntled customer and one who shoots first with chargeback threats and asks questions later. The latter is not someone that we wish to do business with as a chargeback results not only in the loss of payment for a service which in this case had been provided, it also comes with a fine and a black mark on the merchant's record. It's not worth risking continuing to deal with someone who feels that threatening a merchant with that is a reasonable way to request support.

5) Indeed, and I will be more than happy to personally push this to any eNom account of the OP's choosing once the 7 day push limit has passed.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2003
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NameAlerts - I have to disagree with you here. The guy may have overreacted a little bit (which in my opinion is understandable given some of the shady characters in the domain world), but you overreacted a lot.

When I get a new customer, even if they are a little out of line I deal with it and try to keep them happy. You on the other hand tell them to get lost and never come back...


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May 11, 2006
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I respect your opinion, however I don't see the business sense in exposing yourself to someone who feels that you're "lucky" (his word not mine) if he gives you a chance to resolve something before issuing a chargeback. A chargeback is a last resort not an initial course of action. I honestly don't think that not wishing to have future dealings with someone who acts that way is overreacting, it is a matter of choice.

Put it this way: if you sold a domain to somebody here and there was a problem with the push, and that person immediately turned round and threatened you with chargebacks without first giving you so much as an hour to rectify the problem, would you actively seek to engage in any future transactions with him? Most people would say no way.

I won't comment further on this anyway as I feel that it has run its course. Unnecessary threats were made, the problem that caused those threats to be made was rectified as soon as possible, and both parties won't need to be involved with one another in future. That seems a reasonable outcome.


Level 9
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Mar 11, 2006
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Welcome to DNForum.

I may have been harsh to some extent. That I admit.
I even feel somewhat stupid.

But, from my past experiences since 1994, many registrar
don't give crap about the customers.

I felt if I don't act firm, in this case, chargeback,
registrar won't even bother with it.

I also heard so many horror stories about account being
tempered with and they are being helpless.

So, I did say 2 chargeback, but, with IF!

Read my email again.

I will do a chargeback if you don't give back my domain name.
And as far as seller was/is concerned, I didn't bother mentioning
it to seller. Because that wasn't my real intent.
My real intent was to make registrar act promptly.

Domain name under your name (Simon Vincent) was upsetting.

Further more, your reply email ignited my feeling into fury.

Your email should of started with apology about the error.
Only then, explain what happened.

Again, read your reply.

Where is your apology?

Whether you like it or not, you owe me APOLOGY for the error
which caused me to act foolishly.

This whole ugly matter was caused by you/NameAlerts error.

Yet, you failed to see why I was upset to begin with.
You only saw hostility from me and YOU began lecturing me!
Who are you to lecture me!

You did admit it was database issue (can you say error?), yet, NO APOLOGY!

After your reply...
I still think you should be glad I didn't do chargeback.

You said "You will not be permitted to renew it here, nor will you
be permitted to register any further domains through us."



I can only say one thing to that.
I am shaking with fear.
I am scared shitless, now I can not renew or register new names
at prestigious registrar called "NameAlerts, LLC.".

You still owe me APOLOGY!


I guess I am hoping too much :)


Level 9
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Mar 19, 2003
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DNF is home to many of the major players in the industry. And, they operate
in a professional manner. And, they only want to do business with people
who also operate in a professional code of business conduct.

I try to conduct myself in a very professional manner. And, I would hope
that others would do the same.

For future reference, the best thing you could do is say to NameAlerts

"thank you for taking care of this matter."

I'm glad this matter with the domain is settled.


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May 11, 2006
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Again, I don't feel as though a long thread of "he said she said" benefits anybody in this situation so I'll keep this brief.

I have said a number of times that there was an error on our part in the return push to your account. I apologize sincerely both for the error occuring in the first place and for any inconvenience that the error caused you.

I can understand you being upset and frustrated. I can equally understand that your frustration and concern may have been based on prior bad experiences with other companies which I'm sorry that you've had. I don't feel that the chargeback threats were warranted in your first email to us however, but on that point I hope that we can agree to disagree.

As already stated in this thread, if and when you wish to move the domain to an eNom account elsewhere after the 7 day eNom limit is up please let me know and I will be happy to take care of it.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Apology accepted.

Now, my turn :)
As I said on previous post, I already feel foolish.
Perhaps I shouldn't of mention chargeback and
I also apologize in return.

I will send you email regarding transfering domain out of
your company.

NameAlerts said:
Again, I don't feel as though a long thread of "he said she said" benefits anybody in this situation so I'll keep this brief.

I have said a number of times that there was an error on our part in the return push to your account. I apologize sincerely both for the error occuring in the first place and for any inconvenience that the error caused you.

I can understand you being upset and frustrated. I can equally understand that your frustration and concern may have been based on prior bad experiences with other companies which I'm sorry that you've had. I don't feel that the chargeback threats were warranted in your first email to us however, but on that point I hope that we can agree to disagree.

As already stated in this thread, if and when you wish to move the domain to an eNom account elsewhere after the 7 day eNom limit is up please let me know and I will be happy to take care of it.
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