Besides just the properties you named such as low barrier to entry, etc, lets formulate a better understanding of what the core of the domain business is, fundamentally, in a nutshell, and maybe we can discover where that same opportunity exists in other areas.
Spot on HomerJ!
Essentially, domains are (currently) the starting blocks for the whole internet. Without one, there is no website, no email, nothing.
They are an easily tradable asset - some with inherent value - all can be made to have value.
They have a minimal carry cost in renewals, no storage costs, little handling cost.
The vast mojority of trades are between a small group of people 'in the know', but ultimately they are (usually) of most value to people outside of this group.
There are a limited number of naturally useful names (this number changes as new topics/technology/tlds are created, or die off) which will prop up values while the domain system is in place.
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