Unfortunately success attracts the worst as well as the best, especially when money is involved. Just think of the 'gold rushes' in the past, yes thousands were attracted by the prospect of riches and were willing to work damn hard in an attempt to get their chance of a 'strike' but at the same time came every kind of low-life with the sole intention of making easy pickings by fleecing the hard working prospectors.
In todays world we are the prospectors in the biggest gold rush ever witnessed, and we have to work hard until at least we make 'the strike'. At the same time more and more shysters appear. Our strength though is two-fold against such people. Firstly, by our general nature we as domainers are 'orny critters' and damned independant, but we recognise when wrong has been done and we generally stand together as one when a shyster appears. This is a strength that I do not think many would find the ability to stand against. But we have a second strength here at DNF and that is the moderators, admin, and of course Adam. If you like the Mods and admin are the sheriffs and deputies, whilst of course Adam would be regarded as 'the Marshall'.
Now the Marshall is of course not always in town when trouble brews, but the Sheriffs and deputies are, and they are backed up to the hilt by the good townsfolk who are always vigilant and ready to step forward when required.
Many members here will think my choice of discription is a bit far fetched, but this post is not so much intended for them as for those who want to come and try to swindle people on this forum. I therefore decided on this unusual approach to explain to these swindlers and shysters that this is one forum where we are vigilant against them.
DNF is the premier domaining forum, and we, from Adam down to the newest honourable member will guard it jealously.