Not to single you out timechange, as I know you're smart and talented, but I am completely amazed at how much time people spend touting and appraising and asking for opinions on...lousy dictionary words.
Dictionary words. That's all you ever hear from people with lousy names.
"It's a dictionary word." Might as well add a thought balloon: "And I can't give 'em away."
At the risk of sounding like an ass-whole, let me repeat that the best and fastest way to make money in the domain market is to actually go and make an offer on a good name, and then flip it.
Drop and scraps and "dictionary" words are a complete waste of time.
Go to Overture, find the top 20 names in every category (start with adult, as the numbers are always high) and go down the list to about 19 or 20, and offer the owner $500, $1000 or whatever. Keep doing that until someone says "Okay."
Then turn around, contact the people who own the most lucrative (adult) names, and either start feeding them traffic, or sell them the domain.
Bam. Instant cash.
Yes, you must have the money to risk in the first place. Design a website for someone, get a paper route (even you adults

, serve annoying fellows like me at your local bistro...WHATEVER.
Get that $500, find a gold domain, and buy it. There are always domain owners, moment-to-monent, who need to sell names. Most won't for cheap. Find the one, and you can make $4-$5k in no time. This ain't no infomercial, it's the way it works.
Of course, you're risking real money. Most people would rather risk huge amounts of their own TIME (rather than money) chasing that one storm cloud (er, lottery) when the bolts collide and finds that $10,000 buyer. This always amazes me!
The drop game is now for idiots. I myself profited from drops, especially in the last 6 months. Now, it's different. So much energy wasted with scripts and lists only to meet the Verisign behemoth's clogged pipe and dozens of super-talented Koreans and domain legends who are eminently more suited to getting that name than you.
You want to be ahead of the game, not in the middling. Get some guts, guys, put out some cash, and reap the benefits.
Disclaimer: This rant not aimed directly at the super-talented "Timechange" but at lazy domain chatters in general. There's money to be made, but it's not where most of you are pouring your energy!