The real problem is oil prices, it has made everything go up in price. Bush is sending his side kick dick, to talk to OPEC to get the price of oil lower that should really help ( YA RIGHT ). I think OPEC is using oil as a weapon, to bring down our markets so it's a matter of can they do it.
Or can we stop them before they do it, we are now at $110 per barrel past the magic $100 number. The driving season is coming up and high oil prices, are going to kill that so that would hurt very bad. We went from $28 per barrel when bush took office, to $110 and rising and our political leaders just left it happen. And still are just letting it happen, they need to TAX big oil to death and take control of oil prices.
We need to move and stop buying any import oil, over the next term of whoever takes the white house. We import 30% of our oil but yet the price is up 100%, of what OPEC is getting. But yet it should only go up by 30% of that price, they claim they need it to find new oil when we got coal. That can easy make up that 30% import oil, supply is up and less demand yet it keeps going up.
This winter heating season was mild with only short cold spells, we had cut oil usage as well. Bio fuels have been put into the fuel supply, and coal usage has picked up as well as we use just over 50%, of coal to power power plants and it keeps going up. But yet oil prices keep going up, and big oil keep breaking all kinds of profit records every year. Our dollar keeps going down, and the euro keeps going up more and more.
Natural gas usage keeps going up as well, if you remember this start with kirtana. All before that OPEC they had all the oil needed, to supply it with out any problems now that has changed. Iraq is now only pumping 1/2 of what it was, before we took over and handed over to big oil. I'm wondering where the peoples out crying is, because with out that big our cry by the people it will not stop.