i bet its 16th in Europe and USA but 17th already started here in Asia and no sign of email yet ?
Yes, it is radiculous not to receive any info about our applications.
dotasia.org is really disorganised.
Are you mistaking with March 17, 2009 for the auction, not 2008, 2009 ?
what do you mean aren't the action getting held on 17 or 18th some auctions are still going on and some scheduled from 18 to 24 ?
Why linkshare is tradename ? It is combination of link + share. I am not aware of any linkshare companies or trademarks.
"adomaindeal" , are you sure you got shoes.asia ? Because you have to check with following site to see whether a domain name is restricted for governmental reserve only.
You, guys could check whether they are multiple applicants for your domain here at following link.
can any one tell me exact time when can i register .asia
ok, so lets say that we have a domain that is going to an auction. if we are outbid or refuse to participate in the auction, do we still have to pay for the initial fee when we paid for the domain? :?:
ok, so lets say that we have a domain that is going to an auction. if we are outbid or refuse to participate in the auction, do we still have to pay for the initial fee when we paid for the domain? :?:
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