you need to have one asian contact, but your registrar can provide that. many registrars do that for free. - they have CED contacts in korea
no they dont!!!
try googling a voucher code for eurodns - $10 a pop
.ASIA is not a scam, please read the RULES before registering the .ASIA Domains. And as a matter of fact, as of 22nd April 2008, All one word, common words are registered already. In next few months you'll see how much .ASIA domains will fetch in domain auctions.
I got one GEM, its
2008.04.14 -- .Asia Go-Live Opens with over 10,000 New Domains Registered Each Day Chinese and Indians Among Top Registrants of .Asia Domains
Rubber ducky as you know people feel they are scammed as they did not read the "small print" when registering the domain. or are you inferring people made a mistake in regging this extension.
we may jump in front of a train but only if you go first u dimwit
thats right as you say "NOBODY DOES KNOW"
and its not ccTLD as far as i am concerned. I have been offered $x,xxx already for domains.
I have seen not one decent argument for .asia failure ( oops, yes one on v7n by the admin ) - I pissed myself when john ( admin here ) starts a thread on if the pros and cons of .asia and then everyone piles in with negatives. when john says " he was only asking as people were aksing him for money to buy the .asia" ( quote from memory ), the thread is killed as nobody wants to repond then from embassment.
tons of authority newspapers and sites are reporting china and asia generally is outstripping the us ( thank F&^ ) in internet takeup and usage. ( thats fact, not opinion ). of course .com is bigger and better as its historical but other extensions inc .asia will be big soon![]()
Rubber duck, i have read some of your previous posts generally. they are ALL negative, all of them, you seem to take pride either putting a negative spin on everything or giving your GOD complex "opinion". Go done the pub and down a few pints or get yourself laid.
i disagree with everying you say: from the little lines like "NOBODY sees themselves as asian" BS to "the success of a TLD comes down to advertising" BS.
i will lets your get the last word as i have not got the stomach or stamina to keep up with your ranting
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