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Avoid Myspace domains!!

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The Pain

Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 24, 2005
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What I never understand about these situations is how many act surprised when the TM holders finally act. Then others call them bullies. Even more misguided are those that say they are only going for sites with the exact term in it, like "myspace", not typos. These are the same people that were saying that myspace.com would never go after people.

My postion on the boards is not whether owning them is right or wrong, but only that the real pro's that own typos don't whine and cry when they lose a name, they look at it as the cost of doing buisness. The other thing that drives me crazy is the people giving self serving BS and misguided advice on the chances of TM holders coming after you. Ever notice they are mostly people that sell TM'd names?

The Pain
Domain Days 2024


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Who called them bullies? I don't think anyone complained or was suprised by something that happened a month ago and is totally unrelated to "typos" from this site....(which is what you keep referring to when you quote myself as having said there little risk in owning them.)

I personally think they are fully justified in this case...Us PRO's around here (since you are very new) do know that there is a risk in owning typo's and TM names....clearly the person that owns THIS site that this thread is about was begging for a lawsuit...this domain also has an overture score in the mid thousands...there are just alot of newbies now lately stirring up controversy over these types of names and making this all seem somehow related to recent sales of big typos...maybe people just got scared or more likely saw a money making opportunity..you know that is why most of us are here..in case you did'nt know that...I guess the other small portion is just around to poke their nose in these issues and feel involved somehow...

The Pain said:
My postion on the boards is not whether owning them is right or wrong, but only that the real pro's that own typos don't whine and cry when they lose a name, they look at it as the cost of doing buisness.

"Your position" ?....so glad you cleared that up for us! We were all wondering that..lol

And since you are such an active member here and all..and buy and sell soooo many domains...tell us, what is your experience with ANY myspace domains or typos? or any typo or tm domains for that matter? Since you seem so deeply interested and "involved" in this controversy that you have helped create in previous threads about this....fill us in on the details, please..

The Pain said:
The other thing that drives me crazy is the people giving self serving BS and misguided advice on the chances of TM holders coming after you.

What are your qualifications to give input on this matter?

FYI - it is general knowledge here amongst us domainers that in most cases where there are alot of typos for any site, the TM holder rarely if ever comes after the many typo domains unless it's in the case of severe monetary loss or mis-usage of the domain....if you were actually active in this business you would probably know that already...if anyone is giving "bad advice" or self serving BS as you put it..it is you trying to devalue great typo domains that get alot of traffic and are hot sellers for obvious reasons...you are not only hurting the market here on DNF but making it harder for the people that are selling them to do business by tainting peoples perception of what's really going on...you and others (GT Web) have basically accused many established and respected sellers here on DNF of only selling these types of domains and "dumping" them due to current legal problems or issues when in fact this is NOT the case and merely your paranoid input and in legal terms called libel and defamation...since you asked...

Anything else grasshopper?



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 13, 2003
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Mocus just as an FYI there are several people on this board who use multiple aliases for various reasons. IE They might use one for buying names, one for selling, one for posting in regular discussions or mabey they just want to toy with a "Pro".. I'm not saying that is the case with The Pain but what I am saying is you never know who you might be talking to. He/She could be the very lawyer sending out the C&D's for all that you know. Could you think of a better place for a trademark attorney to drum up business or gather corroborating evidence for that matter?

If you going to judge people's experience on their join date you might want to have a look at your own. Hell I've sold one portfolio and built another out of boredom since you've joined and I'm far from a pro. So instead of using commments such as "The pros" just go ahead and use "I'm a pro" we all know what you're trying to say. Also there are a number of real "Pro's" who don't even visit any of the domain forums quite simply because they made their millions in the internet/domains before you even started high school.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2005
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I can only speak from MY personal experience

I sold a few myspace "typos" a couple of weeks ago....but I had never received a C&D on them. I only sold because I bought my wife a new car, and wanted some more cash. Otherwise, I would not have sold. I knew I needed to sell some names...and the myspace typos were getting decent traffic, but were not converting well for me. Looking at my portfolio, it was clear what needed to go....NOT the names that were making 50% CTR and $2,000 RPM. The myspace names were the obvious choice to go...with lower ctr and lower rpm.

I noticed in the 2 weeks to follow that several myspace typos went up for sale. I think that for the most part, people are experiencing the same low ctr/rpm on these names at PPC sites. I can't see anyone on this board...at least any respected sellers trying to dump names that they received a C&D on. Could I be wrong on this...yeah...maybe, but I doubt it. I think that once a few of these names were listed for sale, that others just kinda jumped on the band wagon. Maybe a few did becuase they were afraid of getting a C&D letter. I do know for a fact that one meber of this board got a C&D letter, but he did not sell the name...he just transferred it over to myspace.



Domain Lover
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2005
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GT Web said:
There was another DNF member who explained he got a C&D from MySpace as well, plus there were all those MySpace typo domains that suddenly became for sale, dozens of high traffic name all at the same time.

Weren't most of those names from just one guy ? UglyPeople.com
It wasn't like 20 people selling 20 "Myspace" typos.


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Warnings going out! Myspace now has a number for people to call and report typosquatters put out by their legal department. Looks like they are gathering for a mass assult, Federal style.

From the "Unforgiven" movie with Clint Eastwood, "They take away all he has, and all he's ever gonna have".


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 4, 2003
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Seems as if those that are utilizing myspace domains with actual sites and not PPC (who haven't received a c&d yet) would be best off registering a non-myspace domain and redirecting the traffic there until they get the c&d. At least they could salvage some of their users and continue to run myspace related content (except using myspace logo of course : ) ).


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2004
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What I am amazed at is that someone with any kind of sense would register a questionable domain like a myspace typo and then put things like adult friend finder and or a bunch of pop ups on these domains were you have have kids 14 - 20 years old trying to go. Showing almost adult type pictures on the landing page of a myspace typo is just begging for a C&D letter. Doing things like that is only going to piss people off, kids and thier parents trying to get to myspace. Massive popups can piss people off also and frezze their computers. If your going to register or buy these type domains, best flying is "below the radar". If you loose typo domain because of TM issues...Thats just part of the game. And this coming from some one that bought a ms typo a couple weeks ago. Have not received any C&D letters...I think those are going out only to people with myspace spelled out exactly correct in the domain. like: myspacetypo .com ...LOL

My Space "typos" have ALL gone on the market because of one thing only. They have an awful awful conversion rate.


GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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BobDiGiTaL said:
Weren't most of those names from just one guy ? UglyPeople.com
It wasn't like 20 people selling 20 "Myspace" typos.

UglyPeople.com sold a bunch of them, but there were about 1/2 a dozen other members who started selling their myspace typos at the same time.

Obviously, a few of those domains for sale at the same time is probably a coincidence, but 20 names at the same time?


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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those who buy them, should know what they're buying.

thus the seller is only supplying a need.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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It's really all a big conspiracy..Gt and the others cracked the case..the cats out of the bag! Ohh No! :rolleyes:

biggedon said:
those who buy them, should know what they're buying.

thus the seller is only supplying a need.

I think finally someone has some intelligent input here!


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 3, 2004
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If you find out there is a crackdown on Myspace typos and rush to sell your names to unsuspecting buyers, you are nothing more than a scammer and should be treated as one.

I don't know why so many people come to the defense of crooks...Even though the buyer should know what they are buying, the seller should be upfront with all information regarding the domain they are selling, and not withold key peices of imformation. It is just another form of stealing.

Lets say your car breaks down so your bring it in to the shop. A mechanic takes a look at it and tells you they can temporary fix the problem, but that fix probably won't last more than a couple weeks and you will need a new engine. Knowing that you have only a couple weeks, you put the car up for sale. "Runs great, low miles, never had any problems"...Some unsupecting buyer comes along and spends their savings on a car that won't last more than a couple weeks. If this isn't stealing, then I don't know what is. It's not that the buyer should know what they are getting, it's more that the seller should be honest.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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For the record, I never made any comments saying people selling myspace typos were neither good nor bad.

I simply said many of the typos were being sold and proposed a reason why, I never said anything about the integrity or morality of the sellers.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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GT Web said:
For the record, I never made any comments saying people selling myspace typos were neither good nor bad.

I simply said many of the typos were being sold and proposed a reason why, I never said anything about the integrity or morality of the sellers.

Well..actually you have several times...you said that the reason why they are being sold is because of C&D letters....you and Stocdoctor both...and have basically accused these sellers of doing something that did not occur...I was not one of the people selling a myspace typo but if I was and you publicly tried to devalue them all with this propaganda I for one would be very upset about it...


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 20, 2005
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Do you think myspace sources will start using the term YourSpace?

I hope so just registered 10-15 yourspace names incase this is to happen.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 20, 2005
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LOL true but not being able to use MySpace what will they use?

Also if i owned Zoogle.com id be a very happy man :)


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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SigRent...better to just buy some myspace typos...much safer and more sound bet!
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