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Offers BIG website reduction SALE. 100s OF GREAT SITES, many niches. low prices! 99centDOTws

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
A new job forces a quick reduction of my websites. Many great names - several good niches! All sites are established and well-aged (some are a few years old!) monetized and have some traffic, but I do not have time right now to dig up the details - so for present purposes you are welcome to assume none, and the low prices reflect that.

Please do a WHOIS lookup to determine the domain registrar and expiry date (most domains are at GoDaddy, or a WWD reseller, but be sure to check). The domain will be pushed for free to your account at the current registrar. I do not provide web hosting and do not have time to migrate the site for you, so will provide you with cPanel/FTP access so you can move the website to your own webhosting yourself asap (7 days max).

This is a multiforum sale, so please post SOLD to claim at the posted BIN and send PayPal payment without delay. Strictly first-come, first-served and I reserve the right to sell to the next guy if there's undue delay in paying. As a rule, I only accept verified PayPal payments from available funds (no credit card-funded payments).

PLEASE NOTE: I do not want the website stats to show hits from this forum, or backlinks from this thread to show in the search engines, so have obfuscated the URLs (change the "DOT" to a "."). Therefore, please do not post the URLs in the thread! Thanks. You can soon find a clickable list here instead

  1. 99centDOTws PR1 eBay EPn affiliate store. Good name for a 99 cent shop! Paid script included. $55
  2. aboutvistaDOTcom Good name. $35
  3. absinthecollectionDOTcom PR1 Absinthe eBay EPn affiliate store. Paid script included. $55
  4. absintheretailerDOTcom PR1 Absinthe Amazon affiliate store with added content and additional revenue sources. Top name! Comes with free version of AOM script. $95
  5. absintheshopDOTinfo Custom aged PR1 Absinthe site. Good name. $85
  6. activwiiDOTcom PR1 Wii eBay EPN affiliate store. Almost 2 year old domain. Free OS script included. $55
  7. adumbledoreDOTinfo Aged custom PR1 Albus Dumbledore/Harry Potter custom site. $20
  8. cellpackagesDOTcom Almost 3-year old PR1 cellphone WordPress autoblog. Great name! $65
  9. cheapmoviepassesDOTcom Niche eBay EPN affiliate site. BANS license not included. $25
  10. cms-skinsDOTcom 2 Year-old one-page affiliate frameset (view the source code). $15
  11. craftforfoodDOTcom Established arts/crafts auto blog with some (about 19 articles) original content. Almost 2 years old. $55
  12. fishingguidebooksDOTcom Fishing ebook/guide "review" site and automated WordPress blog. 4+ (almost 5) Years old. $85
  13. fittermindsDOTcom Automated personal opinions (not mine!) WordPress blog. $35
  14. formula1dealsDOTcom F1/Formula 1 racing eBay EPN affiliate store. Fantastic domain! Paid script included. $95
  15. formulaoneoutletDOTcom F1/Formula 1 racing Amazon affiliate store and site with top name. Loads of additional content (see under "F1 Information" in the sidebar) and extra revenue streams. Comes with free version of AOM script. $125
  16. forthemillionaireDOTcom "Get rich/stay rich" WordPress auto blog with premium customized theme/custom logo. Almost 2 years old. $55
  17. freeopendatingDOTcom Very nice custom dating affiliate site with keyword domain. "Random First Date Tip" feature. I'll also throw in 25 PLR articles I haven't had time to add yet. $65
  18. freetrafficguideDOTcom Customized one-page turnkey site selling ebook with MRR. Value's in the name. $125 (FREE BONUS: thefreetrafficguideDOTcom)
  19. freshbaseballDOTcom Nice automated MLB baseball blog with categories for all the major teams. short and memorable name. $65 (FREE BONUS: freshbaseballDOTinfo)
  20. freshinvoicesDOTcom Aged invoice affiliate WordPress blog with additional automated content. Brandable name. $55
  21. fundmystuffDOTcom 3+ Years-old PR1 WordPress automated "ask for donations"-type blog. $75
  22. gofishingwebDOTcom Custom fishing site. Great design! Bilingual (English/Romanian). Includes original content. $85
  23. golfcoursebluebookDOTcom Hands-free golf course directory with good name. Nice features (e.g. Google maps, news) $65
  24. governmentgrantfactsDOTcom Top name for Government grant facts. Nice aged PR1 article site. $95
  25. governmenturlsDOTcom Great PR1 search engine portal for Government websites. Good name. Includes paid script. $75
  26. grimavengerDOTcom PR1 Batman Amazon store with cool name! Additional content and revenue streams. Comes with free version of AOM script. $85 (FREE BONUS: thegrimavengerDOTcom)
  27. harleycareDOTcom Harley Davidson motorcycle automated eBay EPN store with history on free OS script. Good keyword name. $35
  28. harrypottergearDOTcom Automated Harry Potter eBay EPN store on free OS script. Good keyword name. $45
  29. harrypottertestDOTcom Fantastic name for a Harry Potter test/quiz portal! PR1 aged domain. The site is just a one-page frameset (of the affiliate), no real content (look at the source code), but amazing potential. (You can do a search for Harry Potter test on Google to see some examples. BTW this site is #6 already) $85
  30. hgrangerDOTinfo Aged custom PR1 Hermione Granger/Harry Potter custom site. $20
  31. hillarystyleDOTcom Long-established PR1 Hillary Rodham Clinton WordPress auto blog. Maybe she's the next President? $75
  32. hookahparlorDOTcom Great hookah keyword name! I have an eBay EPN affiliate site running on a free OS script on it, but could be redeveloped as a directory, for example. $135 (FREE BONUS: hookahparlorsDOTcom)
  33. howtomakemoneywithgoogleadsenseDOTcom Turnkey that sells big PLR ebook bundle. $25
  34. inlandfishingguideDOTcom This is just a one-page fishing affiliate framed site (look at the source code). Good name. $35
  35. iphonecustomiseDOTcom Nice automated iPhone WordPress-powered site. Top name (international spelling). Almost 2 years old. $85
  36. iphonefreeDOTus Premium iPhone name. Other top extensions all taken. Aged WordPress auto site. $135
  37. iphoneinterfacesDOTcom 2 Year-old iPhone "wallpaper" WordPress site. On auto-pilot Good name. $85
  38. ipodsceneDOTcom PR1 aged WordPress iPod news blog. Automated. Fantastic name! $125
  39. iriversalesDOTcom PR1 iriver/MP3 Amazon store with additional content/affiliate programs. Comes with free version of AOM script. $45
  40. jedwardsDOTinfo Remember John Edwards? PR1 automated blog. $35
  41. kidsafepcDOTcom Joomla. $55
  42. knowallthingsDOTcom Automated "facts" (video) blog. $65
  43. maximizeadsenseprofitsDOTcom Sells big ebook bundle. $35
  44. mesotheliomaawardsDOTcom Custom site. Since 2007. Keyword name. High paying niche. $55
  45. mjszDOTcom PR1 Michael Jackson Amazon affiliate store/fan site. Has additional content (see "Learn More" in sidebar) and revenue streams. Nice short, memorable name. Comes with free version of AOM script. $85
  46. mszuneDOTinfo Longtime (since 2006) WordPress MS Zune autoblog. $35
  47. musclerumorDOTcom Automated PR1 health/fitness WordPress blog since 2007. Huge site, about 6,300 pages indexed in Google. $55
  48. mynameisearlDOTinfo PR1 "My Name Is Earl" fan and news site. $35
  49. nascaranalystDOTcom Automated NASCAR article/news site. $35
  50. nascarretailerDOTcom NASCAR Amazon affiliate store with additional content (see under "NASCAR Information in the sidebar) and revenue streams. Very strong name. Comes with free version of the excellent AOM script. $85
  51. netbooksrusDOTcom eBay EPN netbook affiliate site with free OS script. Netbook computers are the next big thing! $35
  52. nikko-remote-control-carDOTcom This little RC site has almost always earned something. Adsense - $65.53 since Mar 07 / $7.34 so far this year (on average $0.07/day). Also monetized with Amazon, which I'm not tracking. $25
  53. onlyfactsDOTnet Custom "facts" site. $25
  54. opensourcethisDOTcom 2-Year old automated opensource news blog. About 1748 UV so far this year. $55
  55. passionofthechristDOTws 5 Year-old PR1 ranked religious Amazon affiliate site. Comes with free version of AOM script. $55
  56. piercingntattoosDOTcom Custom tattoo and piercings article and news site. $55
  57. playerlifestyleDOTnet "Pickup artist" tips site. $25
  58. playstationsiteDOTcom Custom Amazon Playstation/gaming affiliate site. Top name! $95
  59. podcastzuneDOTcom MS Zune/podcast affiliate mashup automated site. $15
  60. podflickerDOTcom Never fully developed iPod music, etc. portal. Nice name for a podcast site! $20
  61. poorlymadeDOTcom Long-established (5 year-old) PR1 WordPress consumer alerts/news autoblog. $85
  62. potterportalDOTcom PR1. Presently, just a one-page HP affiliate framed site (look at the source code), but great name for a Harry Potter ... um, ... portal! $45
  63. pottertriviaDOTus Well-aged PR1 Harry Potter trivia/quiz site. $25
  64. presidentkerryDOTws Almost 5 year-old PR1 political WordPress blog. D M O Z listed. $55
  65. ps3auctionsDOTcom PS3/Playstation eBay EPN affiliate store. Great keyword name. Paid script included. $45
  66. rantandraveforumDOTcom 4 Year-old issues inactive forum with nice name. $25
  67. realiphoneDOTcom Well-aged iPhone WordPress auto blog. Good name. $55
  68. rweasleyDOTinfo Aged PR1 Ron Weasley/Harry Potter custom site. $20
  69. searchingforetDOTcom Nice custom PR2 UFO/alien site and forum. $125
  70. secondhandipodsDOTcom Top iPod name! Aged eBay affiliate BANS store. You need your own license. $45
  71. shishamixesDOTcom Great shisha/hookah keyword domain. eBay EPN affiliate site. Free OS script. $85
  72. simpsonslookalikesDOTcom Unfinished Simpsons lookalikes "pic vote" site. $45
  73. sitemarketingDOTus Joomla marketing site. No other top level domains (TLDs) are available. Ideal for a SEO shop. $35
  74. soccerstuffDOTinfo Custom soccer affiliate store. Other TLDs all taken. $85
  75. socialcontestsDOTcom (Social) contest/competition auto WordPress blog. Keyword domain. $95
  76. stationwagonDOTinfo Amazon affiliate station wagon/estate car products store. All other TLDs taken. Free version of AOM script included. $125
  77. stockmarketknowledgeDOTcom Crappy turnkey stockmarket site - great (even, premium) name! $250
  78. streetlegalracersDOTcom Auto/streetracing eBay EPN affiliate store. Great keyword name. Paid script included. $85
  79. takeusfishingDOTcom + takeusfishingDOTnet Presently a silly fishing "pixel site", but could be much more. Value's really in the name. $135
  80. tattoobitsDOTcom Tattoo Amazon affiliate products store. Free version of AOM script included. $55
  81. tattoobluebookDOTcom Tattoo directory. $65
  82. tattooteeshirtsDOTcom Tattoo Amazon affiliate shirt/products store. Free version of AOM script included. $55
  83. technology-gadgetsDOTcom + bonus: technology-gadgetsDOTinfo PR1 WordPress tech/gadget blog. $35
  84. teenonlineentrepreneurDOTcom WordPress "teen" entrepreneur/business blog. $25
  85. theloanshedDOTcom Loan article and news site/directory. $25
  86. thewwedivasDOTcom WWE diva media site. $35
  87. touchdownmakersDOTcom Custom WordPress-powered NFL (American) football site/store. $55
  88. touchlinefootballDOTcom Soccer/football eBay EPN affiliate store. Paid script included. $45
  89. ultrafirefoxDOTcom PR1 Firefox site. $55
  90. understandingvistaDOTcom PR2 WordPress. $95
  91. unlockyourappleiphoneDOTcom PR1 Nice name! $45
  92. vistacdDOTcom and vistacdsDOTcom Both domains/sites for just $35!
  93. vistadealerDOTcom $15
  94. vistafaqDOTcom $35
  95. vistasellerDOTcom $20
  96. vistaspecialDOTcom $15
  97. wackyebayDOTcom Weird eBay auctions. Automated PR1 WordPress site. $65
  98. walkingthunderDOTinfo Old PR2 Native American/animal spirits and readings/Shamanism-type site with cool script. $125
  99. watchlivetvDOTinfo Well-aged "watch TV on PC" site with custom script, that has been disabled/crippled by me to avoid spam. I also added CAPTCHA in the forms. Used to sell an ebook, but I changed it to simply be an affiliate site. Also, many (most) TV channels do not work anymore. Needs work. Strictly sold as-is. $15
  100. wetlinefishingDOTcom Little more than a one-page fishing affiliate framed site (look at the source code). $15
  101. whoisgatorDOTcom WHOIS site with so-so paid script (modified/customized), but premium name (look what happened to!). $225 ovbo
  102. wiiretailDOTcom PR1 Wii eBay affiliate site. Free OS script. $55
  103. wiiretailerDOTcom PR1 Wii eBay affiliate site. Free OS script. $55
  104. wiiretailstoreDOTcom PR1 Wii eBay affiliate site. Free OS script. $35
  105. wiishopfrontDOTcom PR1 Wii eBay affiliate site. Free OS script. $35
  106. wiistorefrontDOTcom PR1 Wii Amazon affiliate site. Paid script included. $35
  107. wiiweeklyDOTcom PR1 Wii news/article site $65
  108. windowsaddonsDOTcom $45
  109. windowsvistabugsDOTcom $25
  110. windowsvistafaqDOTcom $25
  111. windowsvistatipsDOTcom $45
  112. windowsvistatrainingDOTcom $25
  113. winvistafaqDOTcom $20
  114. wp-stylesDOTcom This is little more than a one-page WordPress theme affiliate framed site (look at the source code), but has made several sales in the past. $25
  115. yahioiDOTcom Brandable PR1 custom business site. $55
  116. youreshittinmeDOTcom Weird news WordPress auto-blog with premium theme. $85
  117. zuneretailstoreDOTcom Well-aged Zune eBay EPN affiliate site. You need your own BANS licence. $25

Please note, as a rule, I only accept payment via a verified PayPal account from available funds (i.e. no credit card or check-funded/eCheck payments). Exceptions may be considered for long-standing respected members.

Other Terms: Perform your due diligence. Perform a WHOIS search/use your favorite domain tool for registrar, age, PR, etc. Sold As-Is, Where-Is, No Warranties. E&OE. I reserve the right not to sell. Full Terms here.



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
UPDATE: These site have been SOLD:
  1. psddownloadsDOTcom
  2. reelmovietimesDOTcom
  3. riverfishingonlineDOTcom
  4. saltwaterfishingonlineDOTcom
  5. wiisalesoutletDOTcom
  6. thewwedivasDOTcom
  7. unlockyourappleiphoneDOTcom
  8. piercingntattoosDOTcom
  9. tattooteeshirtsDOTcom
  10. vistadealerDOTcom
  11. golfcoursebluebookDOTcom
  12. realiphoneDOTcom
  13. youreshittinmeDOTcom
  14. knowallthingsDOTcom
  15. netbooksrusDOTcom

And these are pending sale:
  1. craftforfoodDOTcom
  2. fittermindsDOTcom
  3. gofishingwebDOTcom
  4. harleycareDOTcom
  5. iphoneinterfacesDOTcom
  6. mesotheliomaawardsDOTcom
  7. mszuneDOTinfo
  8. musclerumorDOTcom
  9. nascaranalystDOTcom
  10. passionofthechristDOTws
  11. playerlifestyleDOTnet
  12. poorlymadeDOTcom
  13. teenonlineentrepreneurDOTcom

Many good sites still left at bargain prices! :)


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
ps3auctionsDOTcom - SOLD

Edit: Domain and site received! Thanks!
Last edited:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
so what's left?
Everything that's not been sold ... :)

I have updated the clickable list and removed all sold sites.

Haven't received payment for them yet, so taking backup offers on the pending sales.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I can pay for
harleycareDOTcom $35

in the next 10 minutes if you're interested.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
I can pay for
harleycareDOTcom $35

in the next 10 minutes if you're interested.
SOLD, paid, pushed and details sent. Thanks!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
UPDATE: These sites have also been SOLD:
  1. ps3auctionsDOTcom
  2. harleycareDOTcom
  3. zuneretailstoreDOTcom
  4. secondhandipodsDOTcom


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
I want to wind this up as I'm going on vacation, so I'm reducing all BINs by 15% ! :)


The clickable list of websites still available is here.




Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2002
Reaction score

sold - please PM with PayPal and other details.
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