If I recall correctly, you really don't like or want appraisals that are counter to you perceived thoughts of value.
Yet you have tons of appraisal threads.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I'll start you off by saying this name is minimally 6 figure place holders and could easily approach 7 figure place holders depending on who is doing the math.
Gerry not sure what your talking about, but i want everybodies thoughts and appraisals weather its -reg fee or $xxx,xxx i just like seeing everyones thoughts are because it bascally comes down to if i can find a buyer in the end anyway.
As far as perceived thoughts of value, everyone of us have perceived thoughts of value or we wouldn't own them.
I do Thank You for your time and appraisal, I see too many times domainers ask for thoughts and appraisal with no replies, any kind of response is awesome, Thanks SB