It is a terrible name. It is worth less than zero. It gets essentially zero traffic and I absolutely cannot imagine anyone on the face of the planet contacting you and offering to buy the name. Why should it be worth anything? Why do you keep throwing these names out there for people to appraise? You have over 3,000 posts since joining in 2008, and you seem like a good guy, so how can you not be heading down the right road when it comes to names?
This isn't even a good speculative name. There really isn't any chain of events that can realistically happen in the world for this name to ever be worth your time. Just because theoretically someone could want to put up a site about biodiesel fuel prices does not mean that they would ever pay you $100 for this name. First, there would have to be people who would want to put up a site, then they would have to find you, then you would have to negotiate a price......none of it is ever going to happen, and even if it did it isn't the type of name you could ever make a good score on to justify the time and money spent on it.
I have to be harsh. This is bad stuff.