simple, urlurl, I agree with.
Sometimes, dumb names, at least that's what you wife it admits it to be (lol), turns out to be so memorable, and become famous.
That means you should think of it this way. If you're dumb, some people might be as dumb, or even dumber lol. So, being dumb is not so dumb. See what I'm saying? I use to think my domains were all great. Then, the more I learn about domaining, the dumber I feel I use to be as a domaining. Then, when I sell a domain at a higher price than what experts say it's worth, I thought it wasn't that dumb. But now I learn the word "dumb luck". Dumb luck does exist in domain.
But with all said, when I buy a domain, I avoid cool named, ones that don't make sense. One time I bought for a few bucks from ebay I thought, man! this is a great memorable name. I told my cpa about it. I bought it for my cpa, thinking he'll like it. I was going to give it to him, as a gift, and he'll appreciate me for it. When I told him about it, he said it's a crappy name. He says no cpa in the right mind will use that name as their business. He laughed at it. Not sure what happened to the name. I might have dropped already.
Now, as I look back, I still think your name is better than my dnf member, if you're the previous owner of this name, please don't laugh at me lol. I think tax climax is way funnier than booby milk. But booby milk has a better chance of standing as a business. Don't you agree. Would you go to tax climax to do your tax, or would you go booby milk to buy your milk? I think we should hear from the ladies as well as from men.
If you happen to choose this name as a business, I'll pray for you.