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- May 20, 2002
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Hi Qax...
Qax: Iraq was disarming. And even if they weren't totally, so what? Do you propose.....everytime someone does something against the wishes of the UN, it gets taken over in a bloody invasion? Actually aren't we right now, defying the UN? So now shouldn't they take us over in a bloody seige, according to you?
zoot: >>even if they weren't totally, so what<<< Well thats a great statement.
There is no so what...it was not an option to not completely disarm...especially with the fact that they were not reveling any of the WMD's that they HAVE.
1441 did not have a "so what " clause in it... it was everything.
Qax: Iraq was complying almost completely with 1441, and even if they were supposed to fully......that doesn't automatically mean they get taken over in a bloody seige. What exactly is your position? If someone you really don't like, isn't 100% defenseless against you, you take them over? Iraq was doing just about everything the UN was asking, and the US was characterizing their efforts as next to nothing.
Zoot: Thats a lie....for 12 years Iraq has done nothing to comply and then 1441 comes about which specifically states that he fully disarm and he ( sodumb ) throws a few things out as everything he has. And ya it does mean automatically they get taken over...it was stated in 1441... THe sc voted 15-0 for it.
It wasn't about him being totally defensless it was about where the vx gas it was about where the long range warheads were...its about where the 11 tons of bioweapons are. Iraq is known for keeping meticulos records...they can't produce a scrap of evidence it was destroyed. Saddam in no meaningful way complied...he did his best to bs us all just like the last 12 years.
qax: And it's almost funny you should accuse all of doing what they're doing because of money or resources. You say that as if they're the ones who are doing the extremeist thing, or they are the one's out of whack with popular opinoin? No France isn't out of line with the world population opinoin......YOU sir are.
zoot: Well aren't they they are siding with a country that has gassed its own people, murder and torture them dail for looking the wrong way..financially supporting terrorist groups. They are acting as if in bed with them making excuses and ....protecting the their money. Well probably find 3 words on all the weapons we find..."Made in France". OO obtw...France did say that if we find wmd they will come into the fray....nice backpeddaling france stand your ground
As o world opinion...I think I read that 57% still approve of the way...that puts me and dragon in the majority and you in the minority.
qax: But back to you accusing these countries of doing what they are for economic gain.....is it more likely that the US is doing that, or.....that LIST of countries you gave? They are the ones in line with popular PHILSOPHICAL will. The United States is the one already contracting out who will get to run the oil wells after we take Iraq over (dick cheneys' old company Halo burtain). The US are the ones trying to bribe people into helping support our efforts even though it's against the will of their population. The US is the one threatening to take away humanitarian AID packages, to try to force other countries not to vote with their philsophical ideals. You are denying the obvious, right in front of your face....The United States is the one doing this for economical reasons.
Zoot: ooo sorry I forgot..this war is because US wants the oil and cheny wants the construction contracts. BTW...us has said all oil money goes into a trust for the Iraqi people. I'm not approving of who gets what contracts...thats not the issue here... thats just a way for you to diverth te point.
OO and your right again, the us is doing this for economical reasons lol! You obviously have no idea what this costs....far more than they would get back even if the US did subscribe to your conspiracy theory.
qax: You don't like the UN izoot, but the other option is having the country with the best military totally run the show - and I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted that, now being that the people who do happen to have the biggest bombs right now, totally support your unpopular beliefs. But what if Saddam was the one with 10,000 nukes, and we were the ones trying to go to a worldwide vote (and had them on our side)?
zoot: Well I'm personally for building a broadbased moderate iraqi government...but if you want to get into How poorly 1 entity could manage things we could talk about the useless nations.... They administer the Jenin refugee camp...Being that in is under the UNRWA... there is to be no terrorist activity allowed...UNRWA did knowlingly allow weapons factorys..terrorist traning camps...as well as all the nicities that go with that. That example has been repeated over and over by the UN..is that your example of a well run governemtn body??? They watch and support the terrorists...I have a trust issue with people like that.
qax: Democracy is more likely to weed out extremist views, than just letting the guy on the block with the biggest guns do whatever they want. It's more likely for 1 country to go off the deep end, than the majority of civilizations and cultures in the world.
zoot: Please don't take this the wrong way...but this is what you sound like blah blah blah blah. Please don't imply tha Sodumb and a number of other non-democratic "nations" are not a threat to your freedom and mine. As Bush said...they have a similar belief..."if your not with us you against us" the difference is these people will blow you up...poision you...shoot you... etc.
Things changed with 9-11..they will never be the same. I don't wish that you or your country experience something like that. But if it happens, I'm sure your veiws will be much less....well they haven't done anything yet...lets wait a bit mor e and see.
And please I would love to see you address some of the issues with the un in my above post.

Qax: Iraq was disarming. And even if they weren't totally, so what? Do you propose.....everytime someone does something against the wishes of the UN, it gets taken over in a bloody invasion? Actually aren't we right now, defying the UN? So now shouldn't they take us over in a bloody seige, according to you?
zoot: >>even if they weren't totally, so what<<< Well thats a great statement.
1441 did not have a "so what " clause in it... it was everything.
Qax: Iraq was complying almost completely with 1441, and even if they were supposed to fully......that doesn't automatically mean they get taken over in a bloody seige. What exactly is your position? If someone you really don't like, isn't 100% defenseless against you, you take them over? Iraq was doing just about everything the UN was asking, and the US was characterizing their efforts as next to nothing.
Zoot: Thats a lie....for 12 years Iraq has done nothing to comply and then 1441 comes about which specifically states that he fully disarm and he ( sodumb ) throws a few things out as everything he has. And ya it does mean automatically they get taken over...it was stated in 1441... THe sc voted 15-0 for it.
It wasn't about him being totally defensless it was about where the vx gas it was about where the long range warheads were...its about where the 11 tons of bioweapons are. Iraq is known for keeping meticulos records...they can't produce a scrap of evidence it was destroyed. Saddam in no meaningful way complied...he did his best to bs us all just like the last 12 years.
qax: And it's almost funny you should accuse all of doing what they're doing because of money or resources. You say that as if they're the ones who are doing the extremeist thing, or they are the one's out of whack with popular opinoin? No France isn't out of line with the world population opinoin......YOU sir are.
zoot: Well aren't they they are siding with a country that has gassed its own people, murder and torture them dail for looking the wrong way..financially supporting terrorist groups. They are acting as if in bed with them making excuses and ....protecting the their money. Well probably find 3 words on all the weapons we find..."Made in France". OO obtw...France did say that if we find wmd they will come into the fray....nice backpeddaling france stand your ground
As o world opinion...I think I read that 57% still approve of the way...that puts me and dragon in the majority and you in the minority.
qax: But back to you accusing these countries of doing what they are for economic gain.....is it more likely that the US is doing that, or.....that LIST of countries you gave? They are the ones in line with popular PHILSOPHICAL will. The United States is the one already contracting out who will get to run the oil wells after we take Iraq over (dick cheneys' old company Halo burtain). The US are the ones trying to bribe people into helping support our efforts even though it's against the will of their population. The US is the one threatening to take away humanitarian AID packages, to try to force other countries not to vote with their philsophical ideals. You are denying the obvious, right in front of your face....The United States is the one doing this for economical reasons.
Zoot: ooo sorry I forgot..this war is because US wants the oil and cheny wants the construction contracts. BTW...us has said all oil money goes into a trust for the Iraqi people. I'm not approving of who gets what contracts...thats not the issue here... thats just a way for you to diverth te point.
OO and your right again, the us is doing this for economical reasons lol! You obviously have no idea what this costs....far more than they would get back even if the US did subscribe to your conspiracy theory.
qax: You don't like the UN izoot, but the other option is having the country with the best military totally run the show - and I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted that, now being that the people who do happen to have the biggest bombs right now, totally support your unpopular beliefs. But what if Saddam was the one with 10,000 nukes, and we were the ones trying to go to a worldwide vote (and had them on our side)?
zoot: Well I'm personally for building a broadbased moderate iraqi government...but if you want to get into How poorly 1 entity could manage things we could talk about the useless nations.... They administer the Jenin refugee camp...Being that in is under the UNRWA... there is to be no terrorist activity allowed...UNRWA did knowlingly allow weapons factorys..terrorist traning camps...as well as all the nicities that go with that. That example has been repeated over and over by the UN..is that your example of a well run governemtn body??? They watch and support the terrorists...I have a trust issue with people like that.
qax: Democracy is more likely to weed out extremist views, than just letting the guy on the block with the biggest guns do whatever they want. It's more likely for 1 country to go off the deep end, than the majority of civilizations and cultures in the world.
zoot: Please don't take this the wrong way...but this is what you sound like blah blah blah blah. Please don't imply tha Sodumb and a number of other non-democratic "nations" are not a threat to your freedom and mine. As Bush said...they have a similar belief..."if your not with us you against us" the difference is these people will blow you up...poision you...shoot you... etc.
Things changed with 9-11..they will never be the same. I don't wish that you or your country experience something like that. But if it happens, I'm sure your veiws will be much less....well they haven't done anything yet...lets wait a bit mor e and see.
And please I would love to see you address some of the issues with the un in my above post.