my 2 cents
1. as few people mentioned the guy can't claim anything if it is a virtual product.
he knows that , and thats why not returning the domain I think.
2. as i understand bodis pays now 100%, so everyone understands that if you buy
domain name parked at bodis based on revenue this means that you won't get anywhere
else more money from parking. So, when barbi name was moved to another parking
provider the revenues should drop. If optimized properly the name will make more money somewhere else, but still 100% of the revenue payout as I
understand is a very unique proposition.
3. I am not taking sides here, but I can explain you the logic behind "money back" option.
There are many people that can't just acquire domain names all time and hold. For instance I have to make some sales all the time in order to buy some other domains
for future projects, so basically most of my domain names always for sale except few.
As you all know the prices for the names are going up, and vast majority of people will
agree that they will continue to go up. In my particular case I would buy back now
every single domain name I sold a year ago. I truly regret selling most of the names,
and I am telling to people all the time that if they want to sell the name later on to me
I will probably buy from them. I don't see anything wrong in letting somebody know
about that.