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opinion BYE dnforum, never more censored then here! Disgust!!!

This is an opinion held by the original poster regarding the material discussed in the first post of the thread, be it domain name related or not.


Level 1
Oct 9, 2021
Reaction score
@amplify Stop lie, I'm no here for you public shame me 5 time in 1 day, then you delete because others agree for me and you lie to make me look bad, they see!
You delete my post, lie about me, noonelse know truth because you delete

amplify said:
You couldn't act like this at a convention, and you can't act like this here. You are now on timeout for 24 hours
You say same thing Namepros say, what your purpose if same? Timeout? I adult, you no honor your gold rule when treat me like children

You also lie about 24 hour, timeout for so longer!!
October 11, 6:23 am, he say 24 hours
October 12, 7:34 am 25 HOURS LATER, time of latest post
October 12, 11:25 pm 37 HOURS LATER, time of latest post
still timeout!
He never remove timeout for 2day! Lie again again again

@robmonster look my posts he delete, for you please see true
Show me 1bad thing I say for convention? He delete my posts, I ask why, he never tell me, he never show problem, only lie about my posts
I archive all, will post on domainblog & gab if he delete again, I have no voice here!!

amplify said:
In this specific case, after multiple warnings were issued.
This is lie but you delete me when I correct, I must not post more or be ban

You say you will delete my warning because you wrong:
amplify said:
I will take it back. As you have since pointed out that this is not readily available information, if posted at all, your official warning will be removed.
then you timeout me! You keep say one thing but do different!

amplify said:
we also don't want members to believe they control every aspect of any conversation because of "free speech"
I follow your 2 rules, I say no bad thing, you still ban me

amplify said:
For a brief period of time, the off-topic "Watercooler" forum has been only for those logged in. Rob instructed me that he would like the entire forum public. However, I made a critical error late last night and overlooked this specific thread with that prefix. I've since changed it to "opinion", thus opening this thread to the public again.
Lie again!! Dnforum error say delete NOT FOUND, no say login, true here:
@robmonster look his history, look my archive, again lie

amplify said:
If you have something off-topic that you want to discuss, create a new thread; it's as simple as that.
I post 4 new thread MY TOPICS, you delete all! You lie again, you lie 7 time in 1 day, I feel you worst ever, elsebody think it but fear you to say it!

I archive all for public to see, you delete, your DICTATOR

when Alexa post have lie about good dnforum traffic, post is here, when true post say dnforum traffic worst, amplify delete all Alexa posts, lie & deceit is all Epik/dnforum is, all archive for true

Fried said:
This thread used to be public, now it's private
Why he hide? Why he close??
@amplify oppress delete and use ban fear

I mentioned to him I tried unsuccessfully to create a DNForum account using my epik account credentials.
amplfiy block Fried from make dnforum account, all wecome no?? DomainsGENERAL complain on it for Namepros, dnforum do same!! I wish domainstate forum still here said:
Why does it sound so much as someone having an interest and/or a close relationship with NP? Exactly like DapperJohn who came just before.
Why you think everybody love Namepros?
amplify and you only 2 I see say have ban at Namepros, nooneelse, it weird but I want join your forum, must better then dnforum

I guess it is true that this forum is nothing more than an echo chamber for Epik/Rob Monster talking points. Neutral and opposing views are shot down.
All try here, find dnforum worst in all, amplify delete true posts and ban

amplify said:
You had access to all of this information before making the choice to join DNF.
No info for me about you before join dnforum
You deceit, hiding, lie, cover, delete, hide, lie... I archive all for true

robmonster said:
I believe DNF is already leading by example
No Rob, it worst here, he delete posts then he lie about why! 7 time!
I leave, bad bad dictator here, run by oppression fear and lie


Level 1
Oct 9, 2021
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when Alexa post have lie about good dnforum traffic, post is here, when true post say dnforum traffic worst, amplify delete all Alexa posts, lie & deceit is all Epik/dnforum is, all archive for true
amplify delete:

amplify hide for public:

amplify move my thread to watercooler, this news, dnforum discuss

Epik say stop dictator, amplify no delete 1 thread, still delete 3 my post, he unhide thread he hide, he ignore lies I report, still dictator, need good admin here

Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
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Personally, I don't think Amplify acted totally well on this. Especially as he didn't recognize it was specifically the PLAN to try to create such a mess.

I give you my theory. I cannot be 100% sure, but I'm quite convinced it is accurate. Confirmed with what was said in some private messages I exchanged with "both" of these accounts (and there was a bunch of messages exchanged).

DapperJohn AND Sekkuhaydi are two accounts from the same exact person: Paul from NP. This is the kind of sh*t despicable people with no morale nor honesty whatsoever, do. Everything is "fair game" for them, even getting that low.

Sekkuhaydi, the fake bad English was a nice touch, but you went several times far overboard, like here:
Why you think everybody love Namepros?
amplify and you only 2 I see say have ban at Namepros
You have to try to keep it credible, if you want to play that game ;)

But as said, I didn't always like too much the response, the quick deletes and some answers, in any case. IMHO, it didn't look good compared to all which was said and the kind of "promises" about what DNF would be :/ (and that was just falling into the trap!). I'm sorry 🙏 It's always possible to do better in the future, though.


Level 1
Oct 9, 2021
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Especially as he didn't recognize it was specifically the PLAN to try to create such a mess
How plan for amplify lie 7 time, warn for correct, ban like children timeout??
I come to share but amplify delete my post and ban me, I show you all

I correct mr-x, mr-x thank me, amplify/you lie again again:
Guess I had Epik on my mind. Oh-well, easily corrected. Thanks @sekkuhaydi

DapperJohn AND Sekkuhaydi are two accounts from the same exact person
You say same for everbody no like dnforum, why you/amplify lie and lie?? you same? DapperJohn say your Shane, who Shane?
The site is fixed.
No problem Shane.

I say you wrong for think everybody love Namepros, you weird
amplify and you same person?? you he puppet?

amplify and you only 2 I see say have ban at Namepros:
The fact that NamePros permanently banned me
my account is restricted
And you're freaking nuts. Go **** yourself.
I'm beginning to understand why you were banned.

I leave and you want lie like amplify, you same then, same dictator mental


Level 1
Oct 9, 2021
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You say same for everbody no like dnforum
@Fried he lie about you? for amplify say bad public:

what is your nickname at NP?
mine is "berserker"
This bad word? English not first language
Your English really isn't easy to read :/ Nor very pleasant.
I sorry for response I give, I learn

there was a bunch of messages exchanged
This true:

What a shitshow :confused:
I don't agree too much with all this. Saying "we're going to be open, not delete, have free speech, etc." is all good and well. But right here, the execution isn't good on these promises.

The whole Alexa thread is now gone? I don't seem to find it anymore...
My previous post "calling out" the deleting is also gone :confused:

This is absolutely the feeling I'm getting with what just happened: Say one thing, do totally another.
Epik with their supposed "amazing support" or some other stuff (I also exactly thought what you pointed out: "Swiss bank of domains", yeah right) is kind of the same pattern: Say things which don't match with reality afterwards :/

I do not "love" particularly Epik. Or I do, for some portions which are really great. But not everything is. Far from it.

Now I'm a bit frustrated about continuing to participate here...

I'm going to create another forum. This will solve everything.
I think you lie again, PLAN be nice then lie and lie, same amplify

Yeah, another nutjob who supposedly "helps" other people. I'm always unsure if such people actually believe it themselves (that would be absolute insanity). You probably missed that I was always clear about never giving my IP to ANYONE. This were the premises at the very start. So, thank you very much for all your "help".
My personal IP is a no go. Always has been.
Seriously, if you just take one thing out of all this: I'm NOT anyone else you've ever met or encountered, except when you dealt with me appearing as "DomainsGENERAL" (which I re-registered 1 year ago in case someone else used that domain before. I know it has been used, I didn't really look by whom or for what, though)
What you hide? You weird, worry about people know you amplify puppet?

Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
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Hey Dude. Whoever you are or aren't. I'm especially convinced DapperJohn is Paul. You, I don't know. Maybe you're just a little lost, here. Please calm down.

As I told you again in private a couple hours ago: Private messages are supposed to stay private. What are you doing? Just showing the kind of person you are? Leaking private infos as "revenge" (for absolutely nothing and no good reason, btw), that's also some kind of pattern, it seems..

Just for the record, I have absolutely nothing to do with Amplify (or anybody else, for that matter).
Now, what "you" are doing here, could also just prove my theory right. That may even be the best explanation. and I won't get more into it. Just do what you want, but without me.


Level 1
Oct 9, 2021
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It say conversation, I look, no say private, I share true when you lie about me
I leave again, stop lie

Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
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[Just for info, all these messages above were with DapperJohn (=Paul), not the guy supposedly posting them. So, I don't know what he would have to do with them... Unless they are the same person, of course. Which would seem more logical. The private message was with 3 participants, because that was the "other 2" (or really 1, in fact) did, not me

And the posts are of course cherry picked and out of context. This has to be noted.]

Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
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Just, out of curiosity: Same question I asked DapperJohn (never answered, of course): What is your nickname on NP?


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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The thread was deleted because it was going off the rails in a direction that wasn't necessary.

The "lie" was corrected and you still wanted to go on 100 pages about how it was still a lie and not acknowledge and test the hypothesis proposed.

To be honest, I don't feel like sharing the experiment that I'm running (see in hypothesis above deleted thread) because it's costing me money out of my own pocket.

Anyway, enjoy your uncensored thread. Keep all your off topic conversations here and there will be no problem.

Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
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You sad, ask same for everbody no like dnforum, ask when signup dnforum amplify, you weird obssess about Namepros, all thread, is this dnforum or Namepros?? I miss domainstate
Is that a joke to keep going with the pattern of never answering a question, Paul? (on the other hand, how could you?)
You're a funny guy (i'm kidding, you're very sad and I pity you). Bye.

Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 2, 2021
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That you, mirror!! Who Shane?? Who you?? You no answer but I need answer?? You sad
Fuc*ing hell. Now you try to make me look as a liar to force me to answer because of other people potentially reading.

You know who "Shane" is: Someone you/Paul "invented" by answering "Ok Shane" to me out of the blue in private. Either you/Paul believe I was someone else (this is supposed to be the rationale why Paul needs a lot of private info on me, to supposedly "check" i'm not someone else having being banned previously on NP. Like this would really be verifiable. And like you/Paul would unrestrict my account after one more of this sick "games", which you/he already played a pretty long time with me before I threw in the towel). I answered, and you even quoted a portion above: I am NOT anyone else.

Or you/he perfectly know I'm not any "Shane", and you/he just tried to derail things this way, because I told you/he was Paul. I believe you/he never really believed that charade and this is the correct explanation (I did ask: "Shane who?, he believed I was". Guess what? No fuc*ing answer. Yeah, that was hard to guess, I know)

Before, there was a whole story he harassed me with about Ddos attacks and other absolute nonsense (this was the supposed "rationale" why he needed a residential IP address from a HOME based internet connection from me and nothing else. Yeah, because I could surf and access NP otherwise as much I wanted without being logged, but me not connecting with a "residential IP address from a HOME based internet connection" would be "too risky" .... when I am logged in and you can know what the identified connection does. That's why he needed to restrict my account. Allegedly).

Crazy is crazy. What do you want me to say.
Now please don't do this again. And I'm out of here.

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