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C&D sent to Sedo

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Garry Anderson

Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2003
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John> "send reams of letters to all sorts of people in order to build up a file of "enforcement efforts" to demonstrate they have been diligent in policing their mark."

This merely demonstrates "wild paranoia".

This is totally different from the attentive care and heedfulness of use to which policing their mark requires.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2003
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legal said:
Hey Philly lawyer do you know a certain 'law professor' in Philly who is considered an 'expert' on TM law?

He did a couple of TM's for me over a decade ago, at 1000.00 per name.

His results were 1 for 2, he only got one name registered.

You hired a professor of law to register domain names for you, and agreed to pay $1,000 for each name?

I usually register my own names, but if you still need someone to do it for you, check around on this forum; I'll bet you can find someone who will do this for you for less than $1,000 per name.

(There's one born every minute.)


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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So, in the mindset of the trademark gang, harrassing lots of perfectly innocent people is perfectly normal activity, even to be expected?

That would be one way to put it, I suppose. In the ordinary push-and-shove world of business, receiving a letter from someone is not normally considered to be as wildly insulting and outrageous as some people tend to take these things. But, yes, in a normal ramp-up to an anticipated showdown against party A, a TM owner might spend months sending out piles of letters to people making some wholly tangential use of the mark. One reason is that TM attorneys scare their clients with tales of "genericide" - the fate of non-vigorously enforced former trademarks like Aspirin, Cellophane, Escalator, Zipper, Nylon etc. etc.

Hey Philly lawyer do you know a certain 'law professor' in Philly who is considered an 'expert' on TM law?

I do not generally comment on other attorneys or their practice. I would personally think $1,000 to be on the high side, if that was for preparing and filing an unexceptional application. But, it's a free market.

Seems the 'philly lawyer' admits that 'harassment' or 'bluffing' is a 'plan of attack' by TM lawyers.

I am simply saying that the mere fact that some guy's Sedo parking was shut off in consequence of a c&d to Sedo does not, standing alone, convince me that the TM owner is somehow naive or stupid. There are lots of reasons why people do things. That's all.

This merely demonstrates "wild paranoia".

Garry, apart from the law, I am certain there are subjects in which your expertise far exceeds mine.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2002
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jberryhill said:
That would be one way to put it, I suppose. In the ordinary push-and-shove world of business, receiving a letter from someone is not normally considered to be as wildly insulting and outrageous as some people tend to take these things. But, yes, in a normal ramp-up to an anticipated showdown against party A, a TM owner might spend months sending out piles of letters to people making some wholly tangential use of the mark. One reason is that TM attorneys scare their clients with tales of "genericide" - the fate of non-vigorously enforced former trademarks like Aspirin, Cellophane, Escalator, Zipper, Nylon etc. etc.

When it's one big business to another, with both likely having attorneys either on-staff or on retainer, it's just normal push-and-shove business, nothing personal. However, when the recipient is an individual or a mom-and-pop business, it may be taken much more personally and cause anguish and unnecessary expense as the recipient feels compelled either to cave in (despite not really being infringing) or incur (what is to the recipient) great expense finding and engaging a lawyer to respond.

As for the "genericide" business, it's ironic that the sorts of tangential uses that tend to draw C&D letters have little or nothing to do with the causes of a trademark going generic in the way that Cellophane, Zipper, etc. did (and that Kleenex, Xerox, Rollerblade, etc. are in present danger of). Much more influential is the use of the names in everyday conversation to refer to generic concepts related to the trademarked product, like when you casually say you're going to "xerox a document". Enough of this, and a court is likely to declare the trademark generic, but when it's done in a noncommercial context, especially in speech with no permanent record, there's nobody to send a C&D letter to.

To give a current issue in that area, "Spam" is still a protected trademark in the area of food products, but has gone completely generic when referring to junk e-mail, something that Hormel doesn't like but has no way of fighting. They're fighting some rear-guard actions against commercial use by makers of anti-spam products by opposing their trademark applications that include "spam" in the names, but I suspect Hormel will lose those cases because, in the context of the products involved, the word is generic.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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However, when the recipient is an individual or a mom-and-pop business, it may be taken much more personally and cause anguish

I certainly understand that. In one case I remember that my client was extremely worked up and offended by things the plaintiff's attorney had said during a hearing on a preliminary motion. When we left the courtroom, we all got onto the same elevator, and my client could not resist the temptation to unload his personal feelings at the plaintiff's attorney about what had been said in the hearing. Offensive or not, the plaintiff's attorney was a relatively elderly guy who was there to do the job he'd been hired to do, and he very diplomatically persuaded my client with, "Please. Don't take this personally."

The law requires lawyers to be "zealous" advocates of their clients' interests.

Yes, the "spam" oppositions are worth watching. The real problem for Hormel is that if registrations are permitted in other classes, then they lose a grip on potential dilution claims. Today software, tomorrow other goods, and then the day after that non-meat food products... That's what is going on in their mind - a slow chipping away of their distinctiveness by degrees.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
May 27, 2003
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Ovicide said:
You hired a professor of law to register domain names for you, and agreed to pay $1,000 for each name?

(There's one born every minute.)

Seems you can't read or comprehend what you are able to. Read the info again, this time READ TM over and over until you understand TM is not a domain name reg. The commercial net wasn't even born yet when those TM's were filed.

Some attorney's have limited roles in Universities as 'Professors'. He was and is still considered one of the foremost 'experts' on IP and TM law.

jberryhill said:
I do not generally comment on other attorneys or their practice. I would personally think $1,000 to be on the high side, if that was for preparing and filing an unexceptional application. But, it's a free market.

Actually, I thought it was pretty cheap at the time, my per diem back then was only 25,000.00 US per day.

Let's see 1K for a TM app that included the 500 or so reg fee. Lawyer nets 500 for filling out a template.

And he was on the 'high side' of TM filers with a law degree.

Nothing like Philly lawyers to do picayune legal work. They work for so much less than the real lawyers, the ones that can get a job or partnership in you know NY or DC.

You know I once had a case where I fired the top lawyers in Philly one after another as my strategy (one of delay). Finally the Philly Judge go so tired of it he made a fatal mistake on the case. In open court he said something that got the whole matter dismissed.

Nothing like the Philly legal system, it's so easy to manipulate by parading their cheap lawyers through the system.

"But your honor, I was told this was a competent lawyer, look what they have failed to do for me since I retained them. They didn't do this, they didn't do that, they neglected this...."

I must have said that 6 or 7 times in that case. Nothing like using the incompetence of the 'best' lawyers in Philly as a stall tactic.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Garry Anderson said:
Mine is that it is NOT cybersquatting to simply own/sell a domain that could lawfully be used for different businesses.

Do you agree?

It's not only that it could, but also that it isn't being used in an infringing way. could lawfully used to sell fruit, but if you use it to sell computers you are cybersquatting regardless of whether it could be used to sell fruit or not.

And the "could" also has to be rational. If you had and tried to say that was OK because it could be used as X = Roman numeral ten, Ero as a mispelling of Euro, and another roman numeral ten... That sort of stuff doesn't meet the BS test.

Garry Anderson said:
"It always amuses me to see people with no apparent background coming up with simplistic answers and then getting into arguments with people who are known experts."

Am I being paranoid - or do you include me ;-)

In this instance, you're being paranoid, as you hadn't posted to this thread and I hadn't seen you post here recently.

But then if the shoe fits...

toscawan said:

I find it quite amusing that you seem to stand on your soapbox regarding cybersquatting, when you actually own a domain that is trademarked.


I deal exclusively in generics. I've never had any company accuse me of infringing their trademarks, only people on messageboards with no clue on how the system works accusing me of registering other people's TMs.

If you need it spelled out: You have no clue what you are talking about.


Philadelphia Lawyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 8, 2002
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I must have said that 6 or 7 times in that case. Nothing like using the incompetence of the 'best' lawyers in Philly as a stall tactic.

What an impressive person you must be.

I am just, so... humbled.

Let's see 1K for a TM app that included the 500 or so reg fee.

The current fee is $335. I guess it must have been considerably higher "over a decade ago".

Finally the Philly Judge go so tired of it he made a fatal mistake on the case. In open court he said something that got the whole matter dismissed.

Remarkable. Your voodoo powers over this judge, such that he could not even exercise control over his own power to issue orders, must have been strong.

His results were 1 for 2, he only got one name registered.

You lost an opposition proceeding, Mr. Ennis.

OMG... Dude, I really AM humbled. I'm not kidding...

Anyone with the least interest in this truly remarkable man, Mr. John Ennis a/k/a Sollog Adonai a/k/a/ "legal", really should know that he is in part telling the absolute truth here. At the time our "legal" was facing criminal charges in Philadelphia, he did indeed hire, and then fire, Mr. Charles Peruto, considered by many to be among the best criminal defense attorneys in town.


Making one last request that exasperated DeFino, SOLLOG asked if the sheriffs could wait a half hour while his wife, Nicole, popped out to the store to get a pair of sneakers.

"I have high arches, your honor, and the last time I was in jail, my shoes were killing me."

As he was being led off in handcuffs, God had one last message for me.

"The system doesn't work," God spaketh. "This is why it will be destroyed."

Ah, such wisdom.

SOLLOG, it's been good to know you.



Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
May 27, 2003
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Did you say Sollog?

Let's see, on 9/11/1998 he warned publicly that A MAJOR EMERGENCY would hit DC on 911.

See time stamp at[email protected]

Now how did the great Sollog know that?

So you're referring to the GOD TRIAL in Philly?

Hmm, didn't the rag City Paper report how the best lawyers in Philly would be in the court to watch Sollog trash the system. He blew a hole in the fingerprint system in Philly. He proved the cop lied on the stand. What was it? A 10 year old traffic accident. Pathetic.

Since you brought up the topic of Sollog, did you know he warned of terrorism on March 11th on a train. Two years later the madrid massacre occurred on March 11th.

See this time stamped warning.[email protected]

Let's see early December 2003 he warned of a KILLER QUAKE hitting on Xmas 2003. Did you hear over 50K died on Xmas day in the Great Bam Quake, it struck at 9PM EST.

Here is the time stamped warning.[email protected]

Did you know Nasa found two planets/moons when they looked where Sollog said they were located?

Did you know Sollog has warned many will die at the entrance way at the 2004 Olympics in Greece[email protected]

Now since YOU BOUGHT UP the topic of Sollog, did you read the article you linked to, it infers the cop LIED and that the Judge called Sollog the smartest person to ever appear in his court?

Or was that this article.

Sollog is indeed a big story in Philly.

Did you know mathematicians discuss the Sollog Prime Algorithm and how it can be used to defeat RSA encryption.

Did you know Sollog's PDF (Planetary Distance Formula) was used by Nasa to locate the objects beyond Pluto that just happened to be exactly where Sollog said they would be?

Enough about Sollog (you bought him up).

He is a great man unlike you.

Oh, Philly lawyer, I believe it is standard to do multiple filings in different 'classes' or something like that. So two class filings or 500 in filings was correct. But then again you think you know it all. One more thing, did you know Sollog says Philly is a toxic dump after the GREAT QUAKE hits the east coast. It seems the Limerick Nuke plant just outside of Philly cracks and all the Philly lawyers get what they deserve. A killer dose of radiation.

Did you see how the clown of that paper you quoted on 9/11/1997 laughed at Sollog for saying TERRORISM WOULD HIT THE WTC IN NYC IN SEPTEMBER. Look at this article laughing at Sollog. Funny isn't it four years later everything Sollog warned of came to pass?

Here is Altman mocking Sollog's 902 Prophecy

Here is the 902 Prophecy with a TIME STAMP it clearly calls for major terrorism at the WTC in NYC in September.[email protected]

Now since you don't know how to read between the lines, Sollog called for MAJOR TERRORISM the BIG BANG IN THE BIG BUILDING in NYC in SEPTEMBER, four years later, BINGO.

Oh, he called for the DEATH OF THE POPE OF SATAN in October 1997, guess what Anton Lavey aka THE POPE OF SATAN died on the date Sollog gave.

He said Clinton would be struck on 11/15, months later he was impeached over his lies about sex that occurred on the Sollog date or 11/15.

I don't know why you bought up Sollog here. Did you know he has several partners. I AM ONE OF THEM.

I suggest you don't mention Sollog again or you might get sued for making false statements.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Wait wait wait, SOLLOG has been banned here several times, both as "M0ney" and some other stupid names. The guy is certifiable, likes to make false legal threats, yet breaks the law himself whenever it suits him. He makes bomb threats to jounralists, went onto messageboards at one of my websites and left several harassing messages (juvenile ones, like "dan is a fag"). He got kicked off here the most recent time as part of a chargeback on his membership dues, if I remember correctly.

Since "legal" in his latest post has basically just admitted that he's the same guy (mainly because the only people who have ever believed he was a psychic were sockpuppets of his), he should go bye bye almost immediately.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
May 27, 2003
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In case you haven't heard, Sollog is a recluse that lives in South America. There's three people that run a company Sollog is an owner in. I suggest you drop the Sollog this or that crap. I'm not here to discuss him. Just check the links above, they prove he is 'psychic'. Now since this is a forum to buy and sell domains, you need to drop the Sollog bs.

Just look at my posts I'm one of the few people THAT BUY domains.

If you've had trouble with Sollog fans discuss it on their forums.

Please keep to domains and legal matters with Domains here.

Berryhill hasn't bought anything here, his time sure isn't too valuable since he fills up this place with how many thousands of posts?

When was the last time he bought a domain here?

I've bought quite a few this month.

Who bought up Sollog?

Berryhill did.

You need to read the links above and see how major events were clearly given by Sollog and then keep it to yourself. Sollog doesn't need an people from here looking up his info. His site was around 2K at Alexa after 911 as well as 4 other sites he owns.

His site is normally top 100K or so at Alexa.

His forum is usually top 50K at Alexa.

Anyway, I didn't bring him up, philly lawyer did, he falsely accussed me of being Sollog. I can prove I'm not.

I'm here like the rest of you to 'buy' and 'sell' domains.

I speak up on issues I know something about.

If you look at this thread, philly lawyer started harassing me with his bs about why lawyers do this or that.

TM lawyers like all lawyers are morons, that's my opinion. You have be screwed up to be a lawyer, that's my opinion.

Now, keep the thread to the facts. You want to accuse me of being Sollog you're wrong.

You want to say Sollog posted here, you're wrong. He's been outside the country for years and his web site is maintained by a group of people that work for the publishing company that publishes his books. They happen to maintain over 300 content sites, they have a music company, a film company and a domain company that has over 1000 premium domains in their portfolio.

Guess what, I'm one of key people in that group. I could care less about Sollog. I don't run his site and I go to the bank all the time for having a piece of the publishing company to does his books.

Do I want to talk about him?


I replied to philly lawyer's bs about him.

Now you're jumping up and down about him.


He has nothing to do with the topic of this forum, the only reason his name came up is due to some hack lawyer wanting to show how stupid he is by making false public claims about who is or isn't sollog.

Sollog is psychic, it's proven. He has a huge fan base. He's the most investigated person in the history of the FBI. You want to see subpoena's I got to SECRET 911 GRAND JURIES about Sollog that were issued after 911 to people that control the companies that put on the net? I have them.

Sollog hit 911, and the philly lawyer referred to articles that prove he did.

He used the articles to mock Sollog and accuse me of being a convicted person.

I'm neither, I'm not Sollog and the only cases I had in Philly were 'civil'.

So just drop it will you. I don't feel like defending Sollog and I don't want to discuss him here. But, if someone puts lies about him here I'll respond.


Again, just look at my posts I BUY DOMAINS. Most of you don't.

And I never mentioned Sollog once here until philly lawyer started his bs about me being him.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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For someone who doesn;t want to talk about SOLLOG, you sure rant and rave about how great you think he is...

Except, wait, the fact that you accused John of screwing up your case proves you are him... you said you were the person involved in that. That person was SOLLOG.That's you.

I've personally dealt with you on several forums using sockpuppets. You're definitely the same guy. Those 300 websites aren't run by a company with several peopleworking on them, they are run by one guy, you, who occasionally uses your girlfriend/wife's identity.

Here's a newspaper report where you pretended to be someone else to try to gain publicity for yourself:

Here's a report talking about some other people you harassed:

I've checked your posts here under this latest alias, you are trying to sell all the same domains that were being sold by at least two prior sockpuppets of yours that got banned.

Say goodnight Gracie.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
May 27, 2003
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You're doing too many drugs, I never said anyone screwed up my case.

There's five people that OWN the AIS portfolio of domains, I'm one of them. Now shut up about Sollog. Oh, AIS also employs domain agents via their Domain Brokerage so many people can sell domains owned by AIS here or anywhere on the net.

So your 'proof' is nothing at all. I'm a person that is entitled to sell domains I have an interest in.

Now shut up about Sollog. I could care less about him. He's proven to many he's a real psychic/mystic/prophet or whatever you want to believe in.

Seems like you have the hard on for Sollog. Funny how much you hate him. Read the links above and then say how did he predict 911, the madrid bombing and the bam quake. Then shut up about him.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Hi legal ;-), thanks for the invite. For those making such remarks about this or that or Sollog or whatever. I'm one of the owners of the domain names owned by AIS like legal is. I'm a woman and my name is on most of the corporate filings in the several states for companies AIS uses to conduct business within the USA. As to the reporter you keep referring to, maybe Dr. Berryhill wants to sue the City Paper for AIS. The reporter claimed someone he spoke to was Sollog. That person is an author and a reporter, he is not Sollog. In fact he works for AIS and did an article on the false claims of Altman from the city paper. In the article he does an interview with Sollog, so if you insist the reporter is right, then just listen to the article and hear Sollog being interviewed by the person Altman says is Sollog. So what do you think Dr. Berryhill. A paper in your town says DE Alexander is Sollog. DE Alexander is an employee of AIS and an author. You can listen to the interview he did with Sollog. Now since people are quoting that lie in this forum, does AIS have a case against the City Paper? Oh, since you made false statements about legal being Sollog, do you want to rescind your claims that legal is Sollog. I know both Sollog and legal. Legal is not Sollog. It's hilarious how so many people think a man rules AIS. I can link to numerous AIS entities that show a woman controls AIS. Now stop the false statements. AIS is run by a woman (yours truly), there are a handful of investors in AIS and all of them can sell the AIS domain names here or anywhere else. So Dr. Berryhill, do you apologize for saying legal is Sollog? Do you think AIS should sue you for making that false statement? Do you think AIS should sue the city paper for saying DE Alexander is Sollog. Here's the article where Mr. Alexander interviews Sollog. It's is definitive proof Sollog is not Alexander as the city paper claimed.

Sollog interview with Alexander that city paper claims is Sollog

Real Audio of Alexander and Sollog interview proving the city paper lied

AIS is not here to harass anyone or promote Sollog. So let this thread die. There are many lies about Sollog on the net. Many find him interesting since he publicly puts out detailed information about future events. Some occur when he says, some occur a few years after he says. Some never occur at all (at least not yet). So Dr. Berryhill, you have been caught in a bad situation, you can easily admit you made a mistake. Or do you need to be sued like the city paper should be sued for lying about who is or isn't sollog.

C YA Legal. I don't think I need to be here to sell the names you have listed. As you said the other day not many "buy" names here. So keep buying up what you like and if someone wants to purchase anything let me know.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Yup, the "owner" being the girlfriend/wife that SOLLOG posts using the name of, and who was directly involved in the chargeback scam on this site last time around, right? being the site run by SOLLOG where he puts his postdated predictions and "press releases" including where he threatened to sue DNForum by falsely claiming he got banned here (the second time) for being religious, when it was actually for harassment...

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Are there any shrinks in here to tell namedropper to get a life? I can assure you my name is on several AIS companies and I'm sure Dr. Berryhill can look up the corporate filings and see a woman at the the head of AIS. You want to believe what someone says about a phone call over a taped interview between two people that some knuclehead says are the same person? I think you are in denial. Alexander is not Sollog and Sollog is not Legal and I'm sure neither of them. Yes, 24 7 News is one of 300 or so content sites that AIS produces. Anyone can listen to the tape and hear two people with two distinct voices. Yet I'm sure you'll think it is a conspiracy, the two people are really one and Sollog is everyone. I looked at your site namedropper, you have some very nice domains there. Shouldn't you be putting more energy into selling them instead of worrying about who is Sollog? So Dr. Berryhill do you want to sue the citypaper for lying about DE Alexander and Sollog? Oh, do you want to be sued for your statements that legal is Sollog? Legal is not Sollog Dr. Berryhill. I think everyone should drop the Sollog stuff. AIS wants to sell some nice domains here. Why don't you list your domains here namedropper? Do you want too much for them and know the wholesalers here won't pay over 100,000.00 for mythology? You know I know most of the CEO's of the top publishing companies for occult work. I'm sure one of them might want to part with say 25,000 or 50,000 for it. I personally think 100,000 might be a little too much. It is a very nice domain name and if you want to have me personally let a few potential buyers for it know it is available, I can do it. But I do get a 10% fee. One last time, knock off the Sollog garbage. He doesn't need more traffic. ;-)


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Thanks for your concern. isn't for sale at wholesale prices (which is why I don't really bother trying to sell that one here). If you know someone who would pay $50,000 then they are also way short on what I'd sell that name for. If it doesn't sell, not a big deal, as it earns me more and more money as a functioning website. And, frankly, I'm not about to let someone who believes in psychic powers (especially scam artists whose "predictions" are made after the fact) try to convert it to a new age hoodoo vodoo site at any price.

But anyway, yeah, enough on SOLLOG, you either will or won't get banned by DNForum based upon previous scams and behavior here, but it's out of my hands now.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Whatever. You quote info from a "reporter" who on 9/11/1997 did an article about the NYC Sollog warning for terrorism. Yet you deny the obvious hit. You know AIS has a $100,000.00 reward to anyone that proves the Sollog 9/11/1998 warning with the Google time stamp is not real. You say post predictions. Well the archive at Google proves he did what he said he could, put exact information about future events into the public record before events occurred. But enough about Sollog. AIS has domains to sell and buy here.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2002
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If this sollog person can make psychic predictions, he should have no trouble winning the $1 Million Randi challenge. Its a contest set up to disprove people's claims about supernatural abilities - anyone who can demonstrate such an ability get $1 million. So far the prize is unclaimed.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Please no more Sollog and if you look around the net there are articles about how Randi refused to allow Sollog in his challenge. There's a notarized application by Sollog on the net and Randi still refuses to allow him in. Now repeat after me, I will not discuss Sollog here. If you want proof he is psychic, just read the time stamped links archived by Google. They're real and sweety I have 100K that guarantees the posts are real and not faked. So just follow the links in this thread if you are really that into proving psychics are real or not. Then ask, how did he know on 9/11/1998 that a MAJOR EMERGENCY would hit DC on 911. The FBI asked all the executives in AIS about it. Then read his Xmas 2003 killer quake warning and lookup the details of the Bam Quake, it struck at 9PM EST on Christmas day. How did he know that? Oh, his 1997 Xmas Prophecies put BAM in capital letters in it to show he even knew the city 6 years before it hit. Sure most psychics are bs, but Sollog did put out there 30 or so prophecies over the years and they've all had major hits. That's why his site was top 2K at Alexa after 911, and so where 4 other AIS sites with Sollog info on them. Have you ever heard of one company having 5 sites in the top 2K at Alexa? AIS did just that after 911. Sollog is real and he sure doesn't belong in this forum. Go to his site and click on his forum if you want to discuss him. Tootles.
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