If you look at the truly successful people who made big money with websites, they did it with just one - eBay, Facebook, Paypal, Zappos, Amazon, AmericanFlags, and scores of others. Most entrepreneurs you read about in magazines are working ONE business, online or offline. Those that become rich can then invest in many businesses and become more of a VC or advisor to many businesses, but usually they just start out with one.
I think domainers (including myself) up to now have focused more on collecting domains that can be the virtual real estate of a good business, but just try to monetize with PPC, ads, and maybe leads or affiliate programs.
I am getting ready to roll up my sleeves and start 1, 2, 3 websites that actually will sell a product that I'll ship. If nothing else I'll gain from the experience, and learn if a good descriptive domain can help with it.
As a domainer, if you have a really great domain with a lot of quality traffic looking for a product or products, you could also team up with a business that sells those products and work out some deal where you provide the domain and they do the grunt work. But I think it would have to be a quality domain that really gets the traffic to make them want to do it.
---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------
I think if there was one company that could do it all, they would just buy good domains and do the businesses themselves.
Anyone who can successfully come up with a business plan and build a profitable website for that business will just do it for themselves, why do the whole thing for someone else?
A good or great domain can really help a business, but there are countless examples of great website businesses with average or made up names - the key is the people putting in the work.
Anybody with a decent budget can buy a good domain, but it's much harder to find a person or team that can build a successful online or offline business.
---------- Post added at 10:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 AM ----------
If they sell mortgages and I have mortgages.com surely it will benefit them to get my leads.
It will, but there are many mortgage companies that exist out there without having the benefit of mortgages.com. Same as for companies that do loans, cellphones, books and so on, having the .com of their main product would be a boost, but not critical.
Domains are important but only up to a point.