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Can you belive this?

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2004
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How does a comment (uncalled for or not) justify the murder of a 3rd party. The muslims only seem to be proving what the Pope said to be true, how do they expect us to treat them like humans and respect their religion when that act like dogs.

And before anyone says the act of one does not reflect the views of all muslims I must remind you that muslims lump all non muslims as infidels.
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Mr Flippy Returns..
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Yes, I was just about to make a similar post. The Pope says that Muslims are violent, Muslims get angry and kill a Catholic nun proving that they're violent, and then the Pope is forced to apologise. The irony is that Christians put up with endless crap from Muslims, yet they just take it in their stride. When is the "West" going to stop cowtowing to Islam?

Just for the record, I'm an atheist, so I think that both sides are misguided. Ultimately, Muslims, Jews and Christians all have a similar foundation in their beliefs, they're just arguing about trivialities. It's no different to going to war over whether Jesus' socks were red or blue. Seems absurb to someone like me who believes that we simply live and then die, and there's no supreme justice at the end of it all.

Another interesting observation, with all the migrant problems in the EU, the Nazis are starting to rise again:
My gut feeling is that if Muslims keep pushing their beliefs and not integrating with the communities they adopt, eventually the tide will turn on them.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2004
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OK, I'll chime in... :)

Saying Muslims act like dogs doesn't help anything. How many people who are judging Muslims have ever talked to Muslims about this issue?

I'll admit, I don't talked to many Muslims or know much about either side. But, I also refrain from judging what I do not understand. Too much of the crap I read lately is usually two ignorant parties arguing over their beliefs. Myself sometimes included. Both sides are force fed "our" sides generally simply by where we live and we defend it accordingly.

Tolerance is the answer. On all sides. Muslim, Christian, non-religious. Istead of judging and condeming, look for common ground...

I had no idea that depicting images of Muhommad was a sin in their religion. Did you know this 10 years ago? Do most Americans and westerns know this simple fact? Probably not. But from the Muslim reaction, you can see how important it is in their religion.

A lot of the reason they riot is because they live in poor countries and are force fed their views by their government. We are too, to an extent most of us don't admit to brainwashed by the societies we live in. It's not just that they are poor, but they blame their poverty on us, which is in some respects justified. We should understand the reasons they act the way they do and not condem them for it.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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It's sad when freedom of speech becomes a one-way street. Ironically enforced by those who most believe in freedom of speech. A muslim rants against Christians and we protect their right to do so. A Christian rants against Muslims and we say "Shhhh, we must be more understanding". The further irony in it all is that it's really quite condesending towards muslims when you think it through. When you create a lower standard for another group of people you basically say "we understand that you barbarians are not evolved enough to be held to such civilized standards". Same is true of programs like affirmative action.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2004
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Freedom of speech doesn't apply in some Muslim countries; which may be based on some sort of government by theocracy. Places where these riots took place, are certainly more isolated and live in more closed societies then Western countries.

I am saying Christians and other Westerner religions, including non-religious people, should be more understanding, because most of them do not understand the Muslim religion or where their opposition is coming from.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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And before anyone says the act of one does not reflect the views of all muslims I must remind you that muslims lump all non muslims as infidels.

Wow talk about a sweeping generalization. That's just not true.

Throughout history Christians and Muslims have treated each other very poorly. At the same time throughout history there have been exceptional people who have gone out of their way to break the cycle. Learn some history before making such generalizations which do nothing but further drive a wedge between the groups. Start with a great Muslim hero like Saladin and then come back and tell us about your incorrect use of "all".

My Muslim friends treat me with respect, as I do them. Take some time to understand them and their religion and culture. Take a trip to a local mosque and ask questions. They will happily answer your questions I am sure.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Yes, I was just about to make a similar post. The Pope says that Muslims are violent, Muslims get angry and kill a Catholic nun proving that they're violent, and then the Pope is forced to apologise. The irony is that Christians put up with endless crap from Muslims, yet they just take it in their stride. When is the "West" going to stop cowtowing to Islam?

Just for the record, I'm an atheist, so I think that both sides are misguided. Ultimately, Muslims, Jews and Christians all have a similar foundation in their beliefs, they're just arguing about trivialities. It's no different to going to war over whether Jesus' socks were red or blue. Seems absurb to someone like me who believes that we simply live and then die, and there's no supreme justice at the end of it all.

I pretty much agree with the whole post...I was going to write something similar, but why waste some time typing it out when I can just quote your wonderful message?


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2004
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OK, I'll chime in... :)

Saying Muslims act like dogs doesn't help anything. How many people who are judging Muslims have ever talked to Muslims about this issue?

They killed the nun not me, if the shoe fits.

Both sides are force fed "our" sides generally simply by where we live and we defend it accordingly.

I make it a point to read news from all over the world, Google news is my home page.

Tolerance is the answer. On all sides. Muslim, Christian, non-religious. Istead of judging and condeming, look for common ground...

While I belive this is the best answer it will never happen. Here is a great quote

* If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.

* If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.

I had no idea that depicting images of Muhommad was a sin in their religion. Did you know this 10 years ago? Do most Americans and westerns know this simple fact? Probably not. But from the Muslim reaction, you can see how important it is in their religion.

So is depicting God in the Christian religion, however I found several Arab political cartoons doing just that. Of course its ok for them since God is not Allah. I never saw a huge uproar from the Christians.

They blame their poverty on us, which is in some respects justified. We should understand the reasons they act the way they do and not condem them for it.

Bull Shit, their own people (dictators) and religious believes oppress them.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2004
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Wow talk about a sweeping generalization. That's just not true.

Throughout history Christians and Muslims have treated each other very poorly. At the same time throughout history there have been exceptional people who have gone out of their way to break the cycle. Learn some history before making such generalizations which do nothing but further drive a wedge between the groups. Start with a great Muslim hero like Saladin and then come back and tell us about your incorrect use of "all".

My Muslim friends treat me with respect, as I do them. Take some time to understand them and their religion and culture. Take a trip to a local mosque and ask questions. They will happily answer your questions I am sure.

Allah proclaims: “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem; but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity [i.e. embrace Islam], then open the way for them: for Allah is oft forgiving, most merciful” (Koran 9:5)

Uh, sounds pretty straight forward to me. Maybe the forbidden months hav not past.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Why do people say "muslim" everytime when in fact it should say "muslim extremist" or "muslim criminal" or alike ?

Why does the crime have to be connected to the criminals religion anyway ?

And only whenever it comes to people of muslim religion ?

That's like everytime someone kills someone in the US calling him "a christian murderer" when all it should be is "a murderer" or alike.

How would you feel if in the news it would be "a christian rapist.." as if it was the most normal thing in the world to mention the christian religion everytime a crime happens ?

So why doing it with the muslims then - that's a subtle kind of racism btw as well.

Much like the term "muslim terrorist" - how often to your hear the term "christian terrorist" ?

Admitted, many of the crimes committed by persons of muslim religion were indeed committed in a religious context but not *every* crime committed by a muslim is connected to the religion.

What if in the eastern world people would connect crimes committed by western people to always their religion ?

They could cry "christians act like dogs" all day long just the same.

Because, people start to equal respective religion=crime.

Just like people here and elsewhere say "the muslims" as there was such a thing as "the christians".

For the record, i'm neither muslim nor very christian - but what i can't stand are these non-educated, simplified generalisations people seem to love so much.

Yeah i know it's easier to judge if the world would only be black and white.

But it isn't.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2004
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Bull Shit, their own people (dictators) and religious believes oppress them..

I understand that, and so do you. All I am saying is we have no right to condemn them and a whole religion because of it.

They killed the nun not me, if the shoe fits...

You're condemning an entire religion over the act of one person.


You're quote mining the Koran... You can do the same with the Bible finding offensive quotes to justify an argument.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2004
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Why do people say "muslim" everytime when in fact it should say "muslim extremist" or "muslim criminal" or alike ?

Why does the crime have to be connected to the criminals religion anyway ?

And only whenever it comes to people of muslim religion ?

That's like saying everytime someone kills someone in the US "a christian murder" when in fact if at all it should be "a christian extremist" or alike.

Admitted, many of the crimes committed by persons of muslim religion were indeed committed in a religious context but not *every* crime committed by a muslim is connected to the religion.

What if in the eastern world people would connect crimes committed by western people to always their religion ?

They could cry "christians act like dogs" all day long just the same.

Because, people start to equal respective religion=crime.

Just like people here and elsewhere say "the muslims" as there was such a thing as "the christians".

For the record, i'm neither muslim nor very christian - but what i can't stand are these non-educated, simplified generalisations people seem to love so much.

Yeah i know it's easier to judge if the world would only be black and white.

But it isn't.

This post was started based on an act by someone claiming to be a muslim, doing what he did in the name of Allah. Not a guy just killing someone.

A car jacker who murders his victim does not do so because he is a Ford guy and the vehicle is a GM and God says not to drive Gm's. He does it for greed and therefore religion is not involved.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2004
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You're quote mining the Koran... You can do the same with the Bible finding offensive quotes to justify an argument.

Very true, however most Christians don't follow the bible verbatim or even at all, Muslims tend to follow the Koran much more to the letter.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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My Statement:

It's sad when freedom of speech becomes a one-way street. Ironically enforced by those who most believe in freedom of speech. A muslim rants against Christians and we protect their right to do so. A Christian rants against Muslims and we say "Shhhh, we must be more understanding".


I am saying Christians and other Westerner religions, including non-religious people, should be more understanding, because most of them do not understand the Muslim religion or where their opposition is coming from.

Hilarious!!! Couldn't have proved my point any better if I thought about it all night.


Mr Flippy Returns..
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Without religion there'd be no population control.
Do some research!! Most religions promote breeding like a rabbit in the interest of growing their religion. Certainly Muslim and several Christian branches (Catholicism in particular) are strongly opposed to birth control and abortion. Until recently Catholics were forbidden to use condoms and "the pill", which is why Catholic familes are famously large.

"The Church has always maintained the historic Christian teaching that deliberate acts of contraception are always gravely sinful, which means that it is mortally sinful if done with full knowledge and deliberate consent (CCC 1857). This teaching cannot be changed and has been taught by the Church infallibly."

Catholicism and Islam both forbid masturbation too. Why? Because none of the little spermies produce more "believers".

If you want some light-hearted research, listen to Monty Python's song "Every Sperm is Sacred". Funny, but sadly true..


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 12, 2006
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Just a thought.........'Do not say negative things about Mohammed' seems to be a Muslim rule. However, why do non-Muslims have to respect this Muslim rule? Why is it such a strict rule and why does the Pope have to respect this non-Catholic rule ? Please advise.

In my opinion we are all doomed anyway ;)


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2006
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I can only assume all of this hatred with the religions and Western detest for Muslims will eventually lead to some "holy" or "race" war, although in my heart of hearts I would hope not.

Being Christian I can do nothing but hope this does not happen and continue doing what I do anyways. I work with muslims all the time at my job and everything is fine.

I would assume the people we hear about in the news are probably the more fanatical of the group, and should be looked at like that, if at all.



DNF Exclusive
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 26, 2006
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Once again we are back to the same religious bickering as usual..first the cartoon caricatures..now the pope...what next.??...the same talk that began with our forefathers...of who's religion is better than the other....Although I consider myself a liberal christian, I think in order to coexist in this fast-globalizing era the media should be aware of its role and not contort and spread wrong messages. This might qualify under preaching but all public figures including but not limited to pope should weigh what they say without inciting masses!
just my 2 cents
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