1 sale of a domain a year? where did this number come from just out of the air? and relative when being compared to who, sedo? I think what makes you the MOST MONEY is considered your core business...not that you have to have a "core"...we all have different sources of money and they are taxed differently from what I know..if you buy a name for 25k and sell for 50k you made 25k, spent 25k simple math folks..
Thanks for all the input. Quite a lively topic!! I am incorporated and
the total income from the business is ppc. Not selling domains. I learned early on not to even mention the word sales when talking taxes. It puts the domains in an automatic asset mode. I have read quite a few forums on this subject and it seems that there are no concrete laws, even in the U.S. What I would like to find is anyone who has been audited and stood the test of the Canadian taxman. I think the idea of putting the domains in the Advertising category is brilliant. An advertising expense...to direct traffic to landing pages. The question is....Is a 35k domain an expense? Most accountants I think would be uncomfortable with that. Is a 10k domains an expense? Do I go the "expense" route, which is the best for me,...and wait to get audited? Then, pay the piper in penalties and fees? God, the accounting nightmare is giving me a headache. ...I am counting the sales of the occasional domain as income.
So,...anyone been audited yet?
Sadly, its not a matter of "simple math" as expressed by an American with no Canadian GAAP, taxation or accounting experience on a message board.
"What I meant was that I will have a domain...say...Jones.ca....and I get a c and d from Jones Investment...saying I am infringing...bla bla...My tm lawyer sends them a response telling them about MY legal rights. In 99 per cent of cases, I get a letter offering to purchase the domain. As far as taxes go, it is all income, but I set up a special column with these as legal agreements....thus selling to avoid further legalC&Ds can be filed as income? I never knew this. Not that I have any C&Ds...but I could see that being a lucrative business. Setup a bunch of corporations and start looking for people to send C&Ds to. Hmmmm...interesting.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators