In reply to iancc - the campaign will be rolling out over a period of months. It's a long campaign that will extend into 2010. I don't have exact dates and wouldn't attempt to micromanage to that degree. No, it isn't on prime time television nationally. I'm sorry if you consider anything less than that inadequate. I mentioned all the media we'll be in in the initial post. Yes, I'll be following the metrics with interest (as will staff) but I'm not sure if there's a specific target for success. This is very new. I have no idea if there are additional opportunities to be profiled, but if you contact Shelia Bergeron (
[email protected]) as the site indicates, it would be the apppopriate place to ask.
In reply to - I have no idea why it's opening new windows for everything. That is annoying and poor design. The site isn't being advertised yet (to my knowledge) and I've seen a lot of changes already. It may not be in final form.
The choice of domains isn't my purview. I was asked about the ownership of the unhyphenated version in a private message. My answer then, as now, is that it's owned by one of the sprawling players in the dot-ca namespace and so it's really hard to avoid some people. There's no direct intention to benefit anyone here. In fact, I notice that the is now redirecting to I wonder if the whole thing isn't being rebranded that way. As I said, I started this discussion almost the moment I knew about this, so it's an early stage thing.
On a side note, I totally get your point about effective marketing, but I wouldn't say that CIRA's primary function is the monatization of domain names. Our primary competency is technical - in the running of the registry. So while I do agree with your point, I'm not sure it's quite as bad as CIRA not understanding itself. If CIRA was in the domain monitization business we wouldn't even release valuable names in the TBR - we would resell them ourselves. It's been suggested more than once, btw, though not by me. =)
I have no idea who the bladetape guy is. I agree, he's doing well in this bargain. But it certainly isn't nepotism. I think he's just got that spark of Canadianness that works well. What's more Canadian than hockey, after all? Maybe the next site featured will have something to do with poutine.
Suggestions and observations are welcome on this thread. It's getting read by more folks at CIRA than just me. I can promise you that.