The banks also took stock holders for a big ride, they made deals with incs behind close doors. CEO's and CFO's, would get big fat bonuses to stop the loan payments. So they could file BK, the banks got a BIG % of the new incs. That was then free of all debt, open under a new name and started selling stock all over again.
But this time the stock went much higher, because the biz that they told the BK judge was worthless. Was worth much more then before being debt free, the banks made a killing and the incs did as well. Only the old stock holders, got the shaft and had worthless stock.
How do I know this, well I saved up for 3 years to buy some flag telecom stock for my kid. Everything was great, till when they was a short ways from being done, building the fiber lines around the world. They had a few good contracts, and had the funds on hand to make it to profit. But then the bank and the head of flag telecom, made adeal that they would stop paying on the loan. And the bank would file on them, so they could file for BK.
They told the judge all the billions of fiber optic lines, they had going around the world under the sea bed. Was only worth junk price if that even, the CEO was to get a big fat bonus. Us stock holders got a lawer, well the CEO did not get his big bonus. But all we wanted, was a small % of the new telecom's stock. Now they said if we thought it was worth so much, that we could just buy some of the new stock when it comes out.
Well the judge just went with the bank, and the telecom and our stock was worthless. And they changed the name, and was then debt free and they put out new stock. Seeing how it value rised big time because of the BK, and they inked some very big contracts. Because the bank owed a big % of the new telecom, the stock was released at a high price. They all made a super big killing on it, old stock holders lost everything on it. They would not even give us a small % of the new stock, that is all we really wanted because we knew it's real worth.
And the worst part of it is, there was a clear record of all this. And the judge still left them rip us off, and this was done many times over by the banks. Out right ripping stock holders off, only when the banks cut into the gov't pension funds did they say anything. That is because the gov't, them selfs had to make up 50% of the funds the banks ripped them off. They still left them, pull it on others stock holders though. But a few judges, did give the the stock holders some thing. But only after the stock holders, got the news and and good lawers to help them.
The best we could do though, was got the CEO's big bonus for going BK taken off him. The lawer we had said, he was very sorry but the judge would not even let him talk to him. The judge made him submit papers, but never really touched base at all. The lawer said, he was never treated in such away by a judge before. And that it was all worked out, behind closed doors way ahead of time by them.
The judge ordered that the banks guy, be placed as the trusty over the whole BK case. And that any problems would have to be taken up by the trusty, and the lawer said the trusty would not give him the time of day even. Nothing that he could do to help us, that was the end of it for stock holders. Be leave it or not, most of us was ok just knowing the CEO lost his pay off. We was sure the bank rip him off of it, and that made us feel much better knowing that. That is what happens, when you play with the devil don't you know.
Some about the BK they filed.....
Take note of this part....
Flag Telecom released the quarterly report on May 15, 2002. It states that the company had 2353M of asset in property and equipment. How does the value of asset go down from 2353M to 385M in 3 months? The company has not indicated the write down of assets of this proportion in any other statements. Thus, either Flag Telecom released a false balance sheet on May 15 or it is writing down too much asset in the reorganization plan. Assets and liabilities should not be written down since it would not reflect a fair market value. Fair market value of assets and liabilities are listed in the previously released SEC document.