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CREDITCARDS.COM Domain Name Purchased for $2.75 Million

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Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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Was the highly publicized [men.com] sale an arm's length transaction? It was sold by a Boca Raton resident to a Boca LLC. Consideration was reported to be in the form of monthly payments. I don't believe the LLC members have been publically disclosed.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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GeorgeK said:
I'd rather be right, than popular.

That's good, because I don't think you have to worry too much about being popular. :)

With respect to comments made above about good portfolios and good people, there is a world of difference between the two - and I would rate being a good person at least 100 times higher. In my book, George Kirikos scores a zero in the only category that matters. I have things to do, so rather that waste any more time on his little hate campaign, I will simply lay all of my cards out on the table by reprinting a private message I sent to someone this morning. Unlike, George (who prefers to operate behind people's backs and whom I would not trust any further than I could throw him), I will say these things publicly as well as privately:

"While situations like that are ugly, I am relieved to finally find out what George's issue with me was. I know nothing about this guy other than he has always posted here a lot and has acquired some good domains. So, I thought it was odd when he started posting snide little comments whenever DNJournal was mentioned, never having the courage to come out and say what was on his mind (and worse, adding little happy faces to pretend his comments were meant in fun when obviously they were not).

So when he popped up in this thread again I decided to engage him and try to get him out of the closet. I was truly amazed to find out his whole issue was that he hated Rick Schwartz and couldn't even stand seeing his domain names mentioned! Maybe he has good reason to hate him, I have no idea and no interest either way - that's between them. Ever since I entered this business I have watched with dismay as these pro and anti Schwartz people constantly bicker with each other. I determined I would never get in the middle of that nonsense, but that doesn't mean a figure like Schwartz isn't going to be covered by a domain magazine.

So while my language was harsh, I do consider George to be a weasel and a coward. To keep trying to undermine something I have spent two years and endless hours building simply because he has an issue with someone I have no connection with (never been on his board and never will be) really steamed me. If he had had the courage to come out and say what was on his mind months ago I might have had at least an ounce of respect for him. Now I have none. Though he is not stupid, I also think he is an idiot for so clearly laying out in a public thread what his motivations were and needlessly making an enemy of me.

With the people I interact with daily in this business, what does he think I am going to say about him should his name come up? Of course, to this point his name never has come up and since I haven't seen him produce anything worthwhile on the net, it probably never will, but none the less, the references he would get from me and others are not going to do him any good.

He has pulled this same crap with Elequa who is as sweet a guy as there is in this business. I'm pretty sure his campaign of undermining Ele (who is also very aware of it) is based on his anger about Thunayan giving legitimacy to new TLD's with his big purchases. George's only claim to fame is having a couple of good .coms and with his entire identity tied up in that, I'm sure he is scared to death that the value of those names will somehow be diminished by new TLD success (though I don't think they'll have any impact whatsoever on .com values).

In any case, it is a sad situation. As far as I know, he is the only person in this business I have a bad relationship with, but there are people like that in every walk of life. Too bad he is wasting his time being eaten up by jealousy and bitterness rather than doing something productive."

George can have the last say and the rest of you can read everything that has been posted so far and make up your own minds. George has simply ignored every point I have brought up showing his allegations to be nonsense, but from a slippery fellow like this, no real surprise there. At least I finally have him out in the open and his own words have exposed what his real agenda is. Fortunately, this guy's opinion doesn't count for much, so it will have no bearing on where I am going in this business or what I will be doing. Shouldn't have wasted this much time on this issue as it is.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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That's totally false, and should be removed.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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GeorgeK said:
That's totally false, and should be removed.

The REAL truth hurts huh? And when it comes out, NOW we're going to cry for censorship? Very much in character for you if I do say so myself.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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And if you truly believe the above, Duke, here's a challenge. Put you, me, and Domain King in a private chatroom, with the proviso I'm allowed to reveal Domain King private board contents. :) You wouldn't be able to handle the truth, if you knew it (even if it was under a proviso that it couldn't be reprinted).

As for Elequa, he knows why we have a problem, and it's entirely his fault, from a private conversation we had a few months, that will be resolved in the next few week.

You speak out of ignorance, truly.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2002
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Duke that is totally out of order.

I know Elequa and George very well and talk to them everyday on MSN.

The ones making money in this game usually keep quiet about it and don't read any publications.

People like to write about the "rich guys" and the "big sales". Including me.

I could buy creditcards.com with 3 million dollars.

I can also buy a magazine in Whsmith's called Casino.com

However I can not buy true friends.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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By the way, Duke. You're allowed to have a bias. Even Al-Jazeera has one. Except, you don't recognize you have one. All I did was point it out.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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GeorgeK said:
Put you, me, and Domain King in a private chatroom

As I said, I have NO interest in your squabble with him but I do have an interest in you trying to dump your mess with him in my lap. That is where you stepped over the line. Settle your own battles with the people you choose to fight and stay away from me.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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And if you want to stick to facts, my point was about your dismissal about casino.com. That's how it started.

Take me up on my challenge, if you can handle the truth. :)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Whois-Search said:
Duke that is totally out of order.

I know Elequa and George very well and talk to them everyday on MSN.

The ones making money in this game usually keep quiet about it and don't read any publications.

People like to write about the "rich guys" and the "big sales". Including me.

I could buy creditcards.com with 3 million dollars.

I can also buy a magazine in Whsmith's called Casino.com

However I can not buy true friends.

What is out of order Andrew? If there is a point in there somewhere I missed it.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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You spout ignorance, Duke. That's your problem. Folks who are more informed aren't going to be able to inform you, due to NDAs, and other reasons.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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"I'm pretty sure his campaign of undermining Ele (who is also very aware of it) is based on his anger about Thunayan giving legitimacy to new TLD's with his big purchases."

Totally incorrect. haha Watch for a post for me in the future, once certain domain transfers complete. It won't mention Elequa, but he'll finally know something he doesn't when he sees it.

"George's only claim to fame is having a couple of good .coms and with his entire identity tied up in that, I'm sure he is scared to death that the value of those names will somehow be diminished by new TLD success (though I don't think they'll have any impact whatsoever on .com values)."

That's ridiculous. I really don't care about new TLDs, and don't discourage others from investing in them, if that's their choice.

I'll let you be the Master of namecalling, until the mods finally step in.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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Whois-Search said:
Perhaps you should be writing an article about him instead.

I'm no attention whore. :wink: Wouldn't want the publicity, until I'm in a position where all my acquisitions are complete, in a few years.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Whois-Search said:
Your comments about George.

George is one of the most cleverest and most knowledgeable guys in the game.

Nice buy George http://www.whois.sc/yc.com

Perhaps you should be writing an article about him instead.

OK Andrew, I can accept that. A lot of people are clever and knowledgeable. I have seen no likable qualities in George at all, but I understand that doesn't mean others wouldn't.


Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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Duke: You've not seen me go after domain thiefs, like in YY.com, wifi.com, iraq.com? haha

I thought you also said you'd "let me have the final word"? Go back and edit your posts -- you can't edit history so easily.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Whois-Search said:
Maybe you don't know him as well as I do then - Maybe you don't know what has gone on and what others have said. As always that is just your view.

No I don't. What I have learned of him in recent months I have not liked however. What I vehemently object to is taking his battles with other people and trying to project them on to me. I have never said a cross word to this guy until this thread started. For whatever reason, he decided it would be a good idea to make an enemy of me and start attacking. I'm not sure why he would think I would stand there and take that kind of nonsense, but it was his choice and if he is so fired up to have an enemy I can certainly oblige him.

If he had a beef with Schwartz over our article, all he had to do was put his experiences in a letter to us (just like the other guy did and it is there for anyone to see). Instead, he decided to go off on this weaselly behnd the back campaign of his months ago and I have NO respect for someone who does that.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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GeorgeK said:
Duke: You've not seen me go after domain thiefs, like in YY.com, wifi.com, iraq.com? haha

I thought you also said you'd "let me have the final word"? Go back and edit your posts -- you can't edit history so easily.

My bad. Extracting oneself from an argument is easier said than done. I will try to honor that from this point forward.
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